Our Desire

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* Warning: Mature Content/ viewer discretion advised

     It's so easy to get lost in a black ceiling. Staring up into the void as your mind just begins to wander through the memories and past events. I find myself thinking of today, of how we involved vampires into our ranks as I lay in this soft bed. I took a deep breath...he told me that her name was Amber. A beautiful vampiric women with blonde hair and mixed eyes. I told Sebastian that I would protect her, his mate and I plan to keep that promise. I just hope they pass the interrogation process. I mean vampires can't lie, but recently we discovered that they have been consuming solutions that stop the command signals from getting to the section of the brain that deals with truth and facts. Hopefully none of them have a trace of the solution within their blood stream, but you never know.
     I heard the door click, a sign to sit up as an exhausted Ky came through the door.

"How did they do?" I asked as Ky closed the door. Removing his jacket as our eyes haven't met.

"They all passed," he replied as he walked into the closet. Hanging his jacket as I could hear a smile in his voice. "We can now officially say we are a mixed army of species," he laughed. Flopping down on the bed as he stared at my huge grin. He looked up at me, something dancing within his eyes before he looked at my hand. His hand gently grabbing my pinkie as he stroked the knuckle. Our eyes focusing on our touch as sparks danced through the air like fireflies.

"Which one is it?" He asked, eyes unwavering.

He was asking about Sebastian's mate. "The blonde one with golden eyes that have speckles of red and green. The one that goes by Amber."

"Thought so," he clasped his hand with mine. "Sebastian was waiting outside of the room when she went in. Even ran right into his arms when she came out."

"I promised him that I would protect her." Ky looked up at me at this point. His face blank before a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"We will both protect them. All of them." He kissed my hand, oh god there's the butterflies again. "And speaking of promises," he added with a smirk before he tackled me onto the bed. His body hovering above me as he trapped my wrists in his massive hand. "Didn't I promise you that if you kept up with me in a fight I would finally take you?" He asked rhetorically, smirking ear to ear as my heart pounded in my chest. I could feel myself become breathless as his free hand squeezed my thigh. A small moan jumping from my tongue as his hand began to inch up my skin. Oh god, why did I only wear one of Ky's shirts right now. His fingers were like matches, setting my skin on fire as they glided to my panties. I was losing myself as he rid up the shirt I was wearing, revealing my embarrassing polka dot panties.

"W-wait!" I said snapping out of it. Catching my breath as he looked at me confused.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?" He said more with worry than frustration. Letting go of my hands in case he was hurting me.

I smirked, "you stink," poking his nose as I giggled. I laid there smiling like a fool as I watched Ky's face go from confusion to "seriously?". Which of course, made me laugh more.

"That's it?" His voice was hysterical as he raised one of his eyebrows in disbelief.

I put my hands on my hips, getting serious. "What do you mean that's it?? You smell like wet dog! I can't have you getting the sheets all smelly! How would we sleep!?"

"Umm," his eyes wandered to an empty space, trying to think of a retort. I spoke before he could even come up with one.



"Shower!!!" I said pointing to the bathroom. The two of us having a stand off to see which one would budge first. Of course, I would always win.

Possessive Hearts, His Desired SinWhere stories live. Discover now