Her Apology

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"I'm sorry," as tufts of white snow fell.

She had broke. Her hands were fists at her sides as her shoulders scrunched up, her tiny frame trembling from a sob. Snow stuck to her hair as it only made her fire like strands look more vibrant. Looking like a lonely flame about to be distinguished by the cold snow. Her ocean blue eyes became almost navy as they spilled salt water with the velocity of a river. What a picture we must have been. Three weeks ago no one could imagine that Rachel and I could have a civil conversation. Let alone watch her cry in front of me, ME of all people and beg for forgiveness. I was floored, sitting there frozen with my arms crossed against my chest. My ever-green eyes perplexed as I tilt my head to the side. Was she really apologizing for everything she had done to me? Was this another trick? I quickly looked around, searching for any members of her posse who could be positioning themselves for a surprise attack. I found none, my eyes falling back on a sniffling Rachel who was using her sleeves to wipe her eyes.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"What do you mean what I'm apologizing for!?" Don't you remember how badly I treated you?!" She wailed, covering her eyes with her left hand as they were tilted towards the sky. "Everything! I'm apologizing for everything! For threatening you! Calling you awful names! Trying to get in between you and Ky! I'm sorry!!" She broke into a heavier sob. Her voice wailing as she sounded like a small child who wasn't allowed their favorite toy.

"But why now?" My voice was cold as I could feel my whole body tense up. Feeling my eyes dance from green to blue as I watched her carefully.

"What?" Her wailing stopped, looking at me wide eyed as her hands remained frozen in the air. She looked like a wet cat caught out in the rain; scared and alone.

I shoved my hands in my pant pockets, cocking my head to the side. "Why now?" I repeated as I took a step forward. "What changed?" I began walking to her, closing the distance between us as she cowered before me. "Was it the fact that Ky broke it off with you? The fact that I was missing and your behavior weighed on your guilty conscious? Or have you finally realized the full strength of my power?" I snarled, snapping my jaw in her face as she yipped like a pup. My blue werewolf eyes challenging her rich electric green that bowed with obedience. I stood there for a while, searching her eyes as all I could see is fear.
Did she really feel bad for the things she done to me or was she just scared of me? Afraid that I would hurt her so in her mind it seem to be the best bet to apologize. How easily she trembles before me when not to long ago she would challenge me no matter what the cost. It seems that someone had broken her spirit or is she the one compressing it? I growled, watching her knees shake as if they were going to give way. I sighed and turned my back on her, walking away before I stopped and said, "If your apology is made out of fear I don't want it. I'm not gonna hurt you, you are not my enemy." When I was done I continued to walk. Silence feeling the air as her speechless demeanor only confirmed my suspicions. I sighed again, it's a shame I was really hoping to see how she will hold up in a fight.

(Play song)

"It's true that I made it out of fear!" She shouted back. Her voice steadier than what it was before, more confident and, may I dare say, determined. "But I also did it because of something else." I stopped and turned my body 180 degrees in order to see her. A gust of wind blowing past as it blew my hair into my face and her's out of her determined look. "I need your help."

"My help?" I was skeptical. Watching how the fiery red head was returning to herself before me. Noticing how her eyes burned electric green along with the puffing of her chest.

She nodded, "You are the strongest woman I know. You can even hold your own with Ky, a bloody Alpha for god's sake. You are the strongest person I know and I'm begging you to train me."

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