The story of Namjoon and his family

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Namjoom POV:
I was in high school I think about 11th grade when I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. But there was no way she was in my league. I was a bi nerd who had great grades and who wore glasses and was pretty ugly if you asked me. Also had acne and was 5 feet 6 inches (about 167 cm).

She was a hot, popular girl with a bunch of friends and had no faults on her body. She was the perfect mean girl who wasn't mean. She was nice to everyone. She also had great grades. She was very smart. Her name was Lee Jasmine.

She was kinda known as the heartbreaker because she was reject everyone. Hot, strong guys would ask her out to dates and she would say no to them and no one knew why. Some suspected that she was lesbian.

We had the same science class together. Science was my favorite subject. I swear I caught her staring at me a couple times, but I know it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Like why would a pretty girl stare at a ugly nerd.

It was Tuesday the last day of the year, I was just sitting at my desk reading a book, minding my own business. I felt a presence next to me, I look to me left and see Jasmine sitting next to me with a smile on her face. My face went to a shocked expression because she was sitting next to me.

"Hi Namjoon." She said to me while looking down and with a blush on her face.

"H-hi." I stuttered out. I gulped, what was happening? Why was she talking to me? Me! Of all people!

"Um..." she said as she looked up at me. "would you like to go my end-of-the-year party?" Her eyes looked like they were pleading for me to say yes.

"Me? Go to your party?" I asked confused

"Yea" she said looking very shy.

"S-sure." I stuttered.

"Yay! Hand me your phone." She said with excitement. I handed her my phone and she put her number in and text herself. "I'll text you the details, ok?"

I nodded and said ok when the bell rang to signal that the day was over. She handed my phone back to me and said "See you there." with a big smile before walking away.

I can't believe that just happened. I, a nerd and an outcast, was just invited to a party by Jasmine, the not-so acting like mean girl but looks like one girl. I ran home that really happy.

"Mom!" Yelled for her. She came out of the kitchen worried and I ran up to her and hugged her.

"What happened, sweetie?" She asked me concerned

"You remember me telling you about Jasmine?" I asked her and she nodded, "Well she invited me to her party!"

"Oh my god, honey. That's amazing. When is it?" She asked

"I don't know yet she said she would text me the details." I said when we heard my phone ping. "She said it is Friday starting at 6. Also she said the I can leave when ever I wanted I just had to say goodbye. Her address is XXX blank street. 67854."

"Ok, wait? You got her number and got invited to her party all in the same day?" My mom said.

"Yeah, why?" I asked her confused.

"Sounds to me that she likes you, Joon" she said while smirking.

"No way, mom." I say heading up to my room. Does she actually like me?

It was now Friday night, time for the party. My mom drove me because she didn't want my car to sit there with a bunch of possible drunks. I said goodbye to my mom and got out of the car.

I walk up the steps to the house with blasting music and flashing lights. I rang the doorbell and the door opened to see my two worst nightmares, Hyunjin and Dawjun. They were my two bullies for the longest time. I was kinda scared.

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