Without Ji

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A minute or so later, I feel the bed dip from behind and then an arm going around my waist. I was then pulled backwards into a strong chest.

"Good night, Hyung." He said as he started to spoon me.

"Good night, Namjoonie." I say before falling asleep.

Jin POV:
I woke up to my alarm ringing at me. I looked at the time and it said 5 AM. Why the hell is my clock set back an hour? On a Monday morning. Wait. Oh right, I have to go in early today because I'll be by myself for the next week.

Jisoo has been seeing someone for a while and he took her and Micha on a vacation to Disney. He has to go to America for a business thing and he asked if Jisoo and Micha could accompany him. It was honestly very cute. I remember her asking me if I think that she should go or not.


"Jin, are you sure that you'll be fine without me, for a whole week with 3 kids?" She asked very concerned about this.

"Jisoo, yes. I'll be just fine. Now I want you to go and have fun with him. But not too much fun because I hurt him if he does that." I say with a smile.

"Thank you, Jin. For everything you do for me. If you weren't gay, I'd marry you." She said as she walked to the door.

I laughed at her "Okay, Ji. Now go before you guys miss something." I say to her.

She smiled at me and then left to go pick up Micha from her parents' house.

End of flashback~~

I smile knowing that she is having a great time right now with a great guy (who I gave a thorough talking to first) and her daughter in Disney. She truly deserves all of this. She's a great gal.

I go to get up, but I'm held down by something or rather someone. I hear someone groan through a sleepy voice "Go back to sleep, Jinnie." My head has never turned as fast, I think I gave myself whiplash. 

I sigh in relief when I see that it was Joon. I completely forgot he stayed the night in my bed. I smiled at him and slowly took his arm off of my waist and replaced it with a pillow.

I got up and said "I need to go to work, but you can stay here if you want. Don't worry about your kids, I'll take them to school."

He sleepily hmms and goes back to sleep. I kissed his cheek, and go and grab clothes for today before heading to my shower.

After getting ready for today, I head to each room and wake up all 5 kids for school. It's about 6 now. Jimin and Taehyung woke up very worried.

"Jin-ssi? Where's our Dad?" Jimin asked with much concern. I see that they both were very worried. I don't blame them, they already lost one parent. 

I walk over to them and hug them both "Relax boys. Your Dad is just fine. He's asleep in my room. He got here pretty late yesterday and was pretty tired, so he decided to stay here for the night. So I'm going to let him sleep and take you guys to school." I tell them.

I feel as both as their bodies relax in my arms. "Ok, Jin-ssi. Thank you." Taehyung said.

"No problem, boys. Do you know the name of your school?" I ask them.

"*** elementary/primary school." Jimin answers.

"Oh, so you guys go to the same school as my boys. You boys just come down for breakfast and then I take you two home and let you guys get ready, ok?" I say.

They nodded and headed to the bathroom. I went downstairs to start making breakfast. After finishing, I grabbed mine and Joon's keys and went out in the garage. I placed Jimin's and Taehyung's seats back into my car then going back inside and serving breakfast.

Time skip~~

I just arrived at the elementary/primary school and I'm getting the 4 kids out the car. I gave everyone their lunches and walked them to the school.

"Goodbye, I love you. Have a great day at school." I say to all of them before kissing each of their heads, including Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin and Taehyung smiled up at me and turned to go to their classroom.

Namjoon POV:
I woke up in a room that wasn't mine. I sat up and looked around, very confused. I start to think of how I could've ended up here. Oh right, I'm at Jin's house.

I got up and walked around, trying to find Jin or the kids, but no one was here. I get worried that something happened to them. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter with my phone and keys on it. I picked it up and read it.

Good Morning, Joonie.
Don't worry when you find no one at the house. I'm at work and the boys are at school, so nothing to worry about.

I think it's about time you head to work. They are probably calling you right now, so turn on your phone and answer them. 

Love you, Joonie.

I smile at the note. He is so thoughtful. I turned up my phone and saw a lot of missed calls from my manager. But what did they expect, we were there until like 10 PM yesterday and I got home at 11, so of course I was going to sleep in late. It's only 8 now, so I'm only 30 minutes late.

I received a call from Manager-hyung. I picked it up. "Good Morning, Hyung." I say.

"Oh My God, Namjoon! You're ok." Hyung said.

"Yea, I'm fine. Why would you think I'm not?" I ask him.

"Because you weren't answer any of our calls." He said.

"Well that's because I was still sleeping. You know I got home at 11 PM yesterday." I say to him.

"But you're not home, Joon. We were worried so I went to your house and you're not here." He said.

I scratch the back of my head "You know how Jin was taking care of my kids, well I ended up staying the night here because I was very tired." I tell him.

"Oh really? And did anything happen?" He asked me. I could hear his smirk.

"Hyung, no. There were 5 kids here, why would you think something like THAT would ever happened." I say while rolling my eyes.

"Right and those scratches on your back were caused by you, correct?" He said.

I gasped at his statement. "Wait. You saw those?" I say embarrassed.

"Yea, everyone who was there while you changed outfits did." He said with a little chuckle.

"Oh God." I say very embarrassed.

"It's fine, Joon. You're young and in love. No one said anything to the higher ups." He assured me.

"Ok, Hyung." I say with a lot of relief.

"We are going to release the photos and album on Friday, so be ready Joon." He said.

"Ok, Hyung. Is that all you need? Because I'm about to go get ready and come in." I ask him.

"Yea, but I want to ask you one more thing." He said sounding sly

"What is it?" I ask cautiously.

"How was he? And did my present help you?" He said with I'm sure the biggest smirk on his face.

I didn't answer and just hung up the phone. Sometimes I can't with him.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜 . Be sure to be kind to others.

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