Bad Day pt 2

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"Only a little bit." He said.

"Man, today just keeps getting worse by the second." I say.

"Yea. I pray to Namjesus nothing else happens." Namjoon responded.

Let's all pray to Namjesus.

Jin POV:
After we got the bleeding to stop, we were able to see just how bad the laceration was. It didn't look like he needed stitches, just neosporin and an ice pop to help with the swelling.

Jimin said he wanted the ice pop later. So we (me, Namjoon, Jungkook and Jimin) went into the kitchen and snuggled. Jungkook went to go play with his brothers and Jimin ended up taking a power nap on Namjoon. That is until he woke up and said he would like the ice pop now.

I went into the kitchen to Jimin a popsicle. When I got in there, I saw Hoseok drinking my starbucks Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew that I put into an old mocha frappuccino coffee bottle and he had just finished the whole bottle.

"Hoseok! What are you doing?" I ask him while taking the bottle away from him.

"I was thirsty and you always drink those, so I thought I'd drink one too. And they're very tasty, I see why you always drink them." He said to me with a big smile.

"Hoseok, this is coffee. Aka caffeine. 185 mg of it to be exact. You know how caffeine affects you. You're going to be up half the night, Hobi." I say to him.

"No, I won't. I promise you, Dad. I'll be just fine." Hoseok said, confidently.

30 minutes later~

All the kids were downstairs in the basement playing video games, except for Hoseok. He was upstairs in the living room with me and Joonie, watching TV. 

But you can't hear the TV because all you could hear was Hoseok's pens hitting the ground. I know he wouldn't be as fine as he thought he was going to be. Let's go and check on him. He's probably going to be talking fast.

I walked up to him and grabbed the pens. "Ok, honey, that's enough. Let's find something else for you to do." I say calmly to him.

"Dad, I am fine. I don't know what you are worrying about because I'm just fine." He said very quickly, but I understood everything.

"You have a bunch of energy, Hope. Why don't you go run around outside." I suggest.

"Running outside? That sounds like a great idea. I want to go outside." He said quickly again. He got up and walked towards the backyard door.

Namjoon looked at me confused. "Jin, is he ok?" He asked.

"Yea, he drank coffee earlier and caffeine affects him a lot, so he's like a fully charged battery right now." I explained to him.

"Oh. How can you understand him? He's talking so fast." He asked.

I chuckled at his comment "It comes with practice, Joon. He has lots to say when he's hyper like this." I say to him.

We hear the door open and close. Hoseok walked back into the living room. "Dad, I actually don't want to go outside. You know it's hot out there. I just don't think that's going to work. I don't like it when it's very hot. No." He said.

Namjoon looked completely confused by his words and I just shook my head. "That's ok, Hobi. You don't have to go outside, but you do have to find a way to waste that energy you have. What about going to your room and dancing or go play with your brothers?" I say to him.

He nods "That's a good idea. I like to dance. Hip hop, popping, robot, everything. Good idea, Dad." He said, before going upstairs to his room.

I look at Joon. He's still confused. "Joon, you said you wanted to marry me and that we were already a family, but all his family members can understand him when he's like this. So if you want to be my son's father, you better start learning." I say before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Wait, Jinnie." I heard him call out to me, but I just kept walking.

I squatted down and grabbed a pan to start cooking dinner with. As I stand up, I feel arms go around my waist. I already know that it's Joonie, so no need to ask.

"Jinnie, you're going to help me right?" He asked.

"Help you with what?" I ask, confused.

"With understanding Hoseok when he's hyper. And Jungkook's diabetes and the things I can do to help him. And if I need to know anything about Yoongi. You'll help me right?" He said while putting his head on my shoulder.

I smiled at him being so willing to learn about my kids and their health problems. "Can I ask you why you're doing this? Why are you learning?" I ask him while turning to face him.

"Isn't it obvious? Kim Seokjin, I want to marry you. And if we get married, then I would become the father of your kids, as you with mine. And what good am I to them if I can't help with their medical problems."

"How can I be a good father to them, if I can't even understand Hoseok when he talks fast because he's hyper? Or if I don't know how to properly handle Jungkook's diabetes or when he has an allergic reaction? Or if Yoongi needs some form of support through an episode and I don't know how to. No thank you, I'd rather learn." He said confidently.

I feel as the tears slowly start to fall down my face. No one has ever, willing, wanted to learn about our lives. Josh didn't even care enough to learn about them, he just called them weird.

Joon's hands went up my cheek and wiped my tears. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to my lips. After giving him a quick kiss, I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Namjoon. Thank you." I say to him.

His hands slowly went around my waist and squeezed me tightly. "Anytime, Jinnie, anytime." He said before giving my head a kiss.

No matter how bad the day is to me, I know Joonie will do something, big or small, to make the entire day better. 

Joon's going to be a great father to them.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

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