Urgent Low

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(I would just like to say that I'm not trying to insult or offend anyone with or who knows someone with T1D, I do know someone with it and she has a rough time with it, but she's strong. I would like to clap for anyone with it because it is a hard life. I don't have a lot of knowledge about T1D because I don't have it. So if any of my information is wrong here, please feel free to correct me😊😊😊)

"Yes, Mr. Kim. Your son, Jungkook, is currently being transported to the hospital because he passed out from his Blood Sugar levels going too low." The principal of the school says.

Jin POV:
Once I got that phone call about Jungkook, I was freaking out. I ran to the back of the restaurant, grab my car keys, and ran to my car. I then drove to Yoongi's and Hoseok's school to grab them because I knew I wasn't leaving that hospital until Jungkook did.

I would usually never speed, oh I don't know 30 miles over the speed limit, or talk on the phone while driving, but today was a very serious exception. I was calling both the schools to let them know that I have an emergency and needed Yoongi and Hoseok at the office ready to leave when I got there. Likely Hoseok was already waiting.

I picked up Hoseok first because Yoongi's school is closer to the hospital. I ran in and signed him out quickly. Hoseok was holding Jungkook stuff. We were back in the car and speeding away within 6 seconds. Hoseok was crying because he was worried about his brother.

"Don't cry, baby. He'll be fine, ok?" I tell him while speeding down the street.

"I can't help it, daddy. I just very worried." He tells me sadly.

I feel so bad. I would never want anyone to go through this, not even my worse enemy. Living with T1D or being a close relative of someone who has T1D is very stressful and scary sometimes.

I arrived at Yoongi's school. I ran in and signed him out very quickly and then grabbed a very confused Yoongi's hand and pulled him out to the car and told him to get in. As once he was in and the door closed, I drove off towards the hospital.

"Dad, what's happening? Why did you pull me out of school? I mean I'm not complaining." He asked me with a confused face that turned into shock after he saw how fast I was going.

"Hyung, Kookie is in the hospital." Hoseok said from the back, making Yoongi jump in his chair.

"Hospital?! Why?!?" He asked Hoseok worriedly.

"His blood sugar went too low and he passed out. The school called an ambulance because when they gave him glucagon and waited the 20 minutes, he was still way too low and unconscious. I picked you up because I knew the I wasn't going to hospital until Jungkook did." I told Yoongi who just nodded and sat back.

We arrived at the hospital and I pulled into a spot, grabbed Jungkook's diabetic bag and we all jumped out. I was running into the doors not paying attention to where I was going because I was telling the boys to hurry up.

Well I ended up running into someone. Everyone was staring at me and the person with a shocked expressions. I just got up and said,

"I'm terrible sorry for running into you. Please forgive me. Come boys." I didn't look at the person, I just brushed myself off and then bowed at them.

I ran down the hallway with the boys trailing me closely. I reached Jungkook's normal doctor's office, Dr. Lan and knocked on the door. Luckily he was there because he said come in.

We walked in and sat down. "What's wrong with Jungkook. Why did he not respond to glucagon?" I asked Dr. Lan

"We ran some tests and nothing was seriously wrong with him. I just think because he is growing more his insulin-to-carb ratio needs to change. I took a look at his Dexcom app and he has been going low a lot lately, so I think it needs to change. Also I think he needs a higher dosage for his glucagon too." Dr. Lan said to me.

I was relieved that nothing was seriously, but was still worried about him, "So is he responding to the glucose now?" I asked

"Yes, he is. We gave him a higher dosage and now he is on a steady increase. When I lasted checked, he was already at 78 mg/dL (4.3 mmol/L) So not in range yet, but better than he was." He said

I let out the breath I was holding, I heard two more sighs behind me. I glad he's great better now, we very worried.

"Is he awake yet? Can we see him?" I asked hopefully, I can sense the boys inching closer behind me.

"He's unfortunately not awake yet. But you can go to his room, the room is on floor 3, number is D12." He told us with a smile.

"Thank you." We all say before we walk out the room and to the elevator.

We got to room and we walked in and were sadden by seeing Jungkook. He was hook up to the heart monitor, oxygen and two IVs. Any parent knows that, the sight of one of your children in a hospital is heartbreaking.

We walked over his bed and sat down. I sat right next it, Yoongi sat on the couch and Hobi laid down on the couch with him. I was very worried, I started to stroke his hair.

We were there for about 10 minutes, when started to stir in his sleep. A couple seconds later and he opened his eyes. He looked at me and smiled, I smiled. I turned to tell the boys that he was awake but they had falling asleep, so I let them sleep.

I pressed the doctor button to let them that jungkook woke up.

I stroked his hair again and said, "How do are you feeling, Kookie? Are you feeling better?"

He nodded and sat up and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, thanking the gods that he is ok.

The doctors come and check him out. He's ok but they want him to stay the night to make sure he doesn't slip again. I'm fine with that, but I and he wants me to stay here with him, to which they allow me to stay the night with which is great.

It was almost closing when Jisoo and Micha comes into the room with a bag and another bag with food.

"Here you are, Jinnie." Jisoo said while give me the bags.

"What's this?" I ask her.

"That's your favorite food and this is some spare clothes for you and Jungkook because I know he needs to stay here overnight and you are going to stay too. I also got your phone and Jungkook's chargers, Jungkook's Cooky and your laptop incase you wanted to do some work." She said as her smile got bigger across her face.

"Thank you, Jisoo. For everything." I hug her and she hugs me back. "Now go home. You had a rough day at the restaurant today without my help. Please visiting hours are over now. So go." I say as I turn her around and pushing her towards the doors.

"Alright, alright. I'm going. Boys, Micha. Let's go." Jisoo signaling for everyone to follow her.

"Boys?" I say to her confused.

"You think I wasn't going to take them with me, Jin? You're funny. Goodnight, Jinnie." She said as she walked out the door.

"Goodnight, Dad. Love you. Goodnight, Kookie. Love you. Feel better, ok?" I hear both Hoseok and Yoongi say before following Jisoo out the door.

As for me and Jungkook, we watched a movie until he fell asleep. After that, I worked a little before going to sleep myself.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Once again I'm not trying to offend anyone, so I get something very wrong, please correct me. Stay safe

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