I'm here for You

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"I've already got you, Jin. No need to hide my need for you anymore." He said following me.

"Shut up!" I say angry pouting.

He laughed and kissed my lips. God, how did I find this one? Do I really deserve him? He's adorable but also hot. I love him.

Jin POV:
I walked into the garage door and went into the kitchen giggling to myself. I hate Joon sometimes, but I love him most of the time. He is really a great guy, I wish I met him instead of Josh.

A pair of arms wrapping around my waist pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned and looked at him. He had the biggest smirk on his face.

"Joonie, aren't you supposed to be getting your sons and leaving?" I ask him turning to face him.

"Yea, but I thought I could stay the night." He said while starting to kiss my neck and wrapping his hands on my waist.

His kisses tickled me, so I giggled and pushed him a bit "Namjoon, no. There are 5 innocent children upstairs, who's minds don't need to be corrupted." I tell him, sternly.

"Fine." He said with a pout "But can I still sleep here tonight? I don't feel like driving anymore."

"Fine, you big baby." I say to him. He smiles at me and hugs me "Did you have dinner?"

"No and I haven't eaten since 4." He said while holding his stomach.

"Well you can have some kimchi fried rice, that's what we had today." I say as I take out the food from today's dinner.

His eyes light up when he sees the food. "Thanks, Hyung." He said excitedly "I really am hungry."

"No problem. Go move your car while I heat this up for you and lock the door when you get back inside." I tell him. He nodded and left the kitchen.

As I was heating up the food, I started to sing. This song I've been obsessed with. It's name is The Truth Untold. I don't know who sings it but it's a very beautiful song and kinda how I feel with Namjoon.

I want him to only see my strong side. I want him to see the part of me that smiles not cries. I hated when I cried in front of him. I don't want him or the kids to know that I fear walking outside everyday because I think that he is going to jump out and take us back to his ways of life. 

I guess I do wear a mask everyday to hide my fear and sadness that I have constantly. To hide the doubts I got about Namjoon loving me or about our restaurant actually being good. A mask to hide my truth.

"Wow…" I heard from behind me, making me jump about 20 feet in the air. 

I quickly turn around and see Joon standing there starstruck. My cheeks heat up. I don't know why I'm so embarrassed to have Namjoon hear me sing, but I am.

"Oh uh s-sorry." I say while looking down at the floor.

I hear footsteps and see feet in front of me. A gentle hand grabbed my chin to make me look up. I was met with the dimpled smile of Joonie. Just blinked at him.

"Why are you apologizing? Your voice is absolutely amazing. Perfect. Beautiful." He said while caressing my cheek gently.

I smiled back at him and hugged him. "Thanks, Joonie." I say from his chest.

"Anytime, Jinnie. Your voice is very good. We should do a song together where you sing and I rap." He said.

I pull away from the hug and start to shake my head repeatedly. "Nooo. I'm not THAT good." I say before chuckling a little.

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