Meeting Jisoo

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Jin POV:
I woke up at 3 a.m. on Friday morning to the Dexcom app screaming at me that Jungkook's blood sugar level was extremely low. Like 46 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L) low. I immediately got up quickly, went to the kitchen and grab him a banana milk. Then I went to his room and woke him up.

"Kookie wake up." I said shaking him to wake him up. He whined at me. I hate having to do this, but it keeps him alive and that what I want. "Koo, come on. You need to drink this."

He finally got up and took the drink out of my hands and starts to drink while snuggling with me. I sigh and stroke his hair. After he's finished it, I let him go back to sleep, but now I'm fully awake.

I grab my phone and laptop, and head downstairs to the kitchen to start work early. I make myself some coffee and started to work. I own a very popular restaurant, but as the boss I still have paperwork and emails to answer.

I finished most of my paperwork, when my alarm went off. I went up and woke up my sons. Kookie whined again, and I dosed him on time for his current Bg levels and the food for breakfast, Hobi happily got up, he's always sweet and bubbly, and Yoongi... well Yoongi didn't even notice that I was there. I almost had to get cold water for him, but he got up before that.

I went back downstairs and started cooking food because Jungkook said he could wash up by himself, so I let him. I made French Toast and eggs, the kids love eggs I swear I have to buy a new carton every week.

I hear footsteps coming downstairs. I turn around and see my 3 reasons for living on Earth. I smiled at them.

"Good morning, dad/daddy." I hear all of them say almost at the same time. We laugh at that.

"Bonjour les garçons. Aujourd'hui, nous avons du pain perdu et des œufs. Nous avons aussi des fraises, framboises et chantilly si vous le souhaitez."  (Good morning, boys. Today we are having French Toast and eggs. Also we have strawberries, raspberries and whipped cream in the fridge if you want them.) I say sounding like a professional chef being judged on their food.The boys laugh and say thank you.

"Père, puis-je s'il te plaît avoir de la crème fouettée et des framboises sur la mienne?" (Dad, can I please have whipped cream and raspberries on mine?) I hear little Kook say to me. Good thing I dosed him for them too, because him always wants whipped cream and raspberries.

"Oui, vous pouvez." (Yes you can.) "I told him  Vous voulez de la crème fouettée ou des fruits?" (Do you guys a want whipped cream or fruit?) I then asked Hoseok and Yoongi.

They both nodded at me, "But I'll take fraises." (strawberries) Yoongi says.

"I can just avez de la crème fouettée s'il vous plaît?" (have whipped cream please) Hope says.

I nodded and got the cream and fruits. I cut up the strawberries and raspberries. Them grabbed the whipped cream and squirted it into each of their plates and mine, 1... 2... 3... 4... Then I got the fruit and put them on the right plates. Raspberries for me and Jungkook and strawberries for Yoongi. Then gave out medicine and juice.

We ate our food in silence until Hoseok says, "Dad, your cooking is so good. I love it even if it has no sugar in it, it still tastes amazing." The other two nod in agreement.

"Well Thank you." I say very pleased.

"Yea, so good that I think you should open a restaurant." Kookie says.

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