Chapter 26

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At night,

As everyone sat down to enjoy dinner, it was clear that there was an abundance of dishes prepared because Abraham was a guest. Shanaya, Danish, and Shoaib were busy gossiping about their day when Anam arrived wearing a large shawl despite the heat. Mrs. Malik expressed concern and asked if Anam was feeling okay.

Anam hesitated for a moment before responding that she was fine. She then went over to sit next to Abraham, and Dishaan sat down next to Anam. As they all chatted and laughed, Dishaan couldn't help but notice Anam's innocent actions. He quickly realized that Anam was trying to hide hickey under her shawl.

The group continued to joke and laugh with each other, and Abraham started feeding his little one with his hands. Seeing this display of affection from her brother made Dishaan feel a twinge of jealousy.

Despite her discomfort, Anam tried her best to participate in the conversation and enjoy the meal. However, Dishaan's envy and irritation continued to grow. It seemed like everyone was having a great time except for him.

while feeding Anam, Dishan said to Mrs. Malik:

"I need to talk to you about something important."

"Yes, Abraham', what's the matter?" asked Mrs. Malik.

"Aunty, as my sister is now your daughter-in-law and a pride of your home, I wanted your permission to take her with me to Turkey," said Abraham

Upon hearing this, Dishaan clenched his fist in anger and drank a gulp of water.

"What are you talking about, Abrham? She is your sister before Our daughter-in-law. Of course, you can take her, but she has exams right now. Take her after the exams," Mrs. Malik replied.

Mumma, what are you saying? After the exams, Anam's birthday is coming up and she will celebrate with us. She won't go to Turkey," Danish said, trying to pacify her.

Upon hearing this, Anam became silent and lowered her head in sadness. Dishaan didn't understand why she was upset. He wanted to comfort her in his embrace, but unfortunately, her brother was sitting beside her.

After a whole minute of silence, Abrham said, looking towards Danish, "I know you love Anam very much, but on her birthday, it's our parents' death anniversary. Anam has been in India for the last 3 years. I want to take her to our parents' grave on her 18th birthday," Dishaan said, trying to explain kindly.

Tears flowed from Anam's eyes, which she couldn't hide from Dishaan's gaze. His heart burn seeing her tears.He took her hand in his and comforted her, looking towards her. But she still kept her head down, crying.

Everyone was shocked and Danish felt guilty, except Mrs. Malik and Dishaan, as they listened to him. Now they understood why she hated celebrating her birthday.

"I'm sorry, Ana, I didn't know about it," Danish said.

"It's okay," she whispered, still crying silently.

They ate in silence and then headed back to their respective rooms, except thrice of them,

Anam stood by the window, her eyes fixed on the moon, her mind consumed by thoughts of her parents. She couldn't shake off Danish's words from her mind, which had upset her deeply. Why did they have to leave her all alone in this world?

As she stood there lost in her thoughts, a sudden movement startled her. A blindfold covered her eyes, and she felt a surge of fear and panic. But then she heard Danish's voice, and she relaxed a bit.

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