Chapter 49

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Anam's POV

After having breakfast in complete silence, I head back to my room, and a volcano of questions erupts in my mind: Why is bhai so nice to him? Does he genuinely mean it? Is it the calm before the storm? Before I can reach any conclusion, I am interrupted by the ringing of my phone.

I sit on the edge of the bed and see that it's Sarah's call.

I curse myself because I haven't even sent a single message to any of them. They must be angry. Exhaling deeply, I pick up the call only to hear an ear-splitting sound of shouting.

"She'll never change," I think.

"So, bitch, don't you have time to write a single message?" she shouts angrily.

I know it's coming.

But before I can reply to her question, she starts talking continuously.

"Listen, and listen very carefully. Sanjeeda aapi is getting married to Sharjeel bhai in 3 days, and you are coming. End of discussion," she declares.

"Listen Sarah," I try to speak, but...

"No, I am not listening at all. You are coming, that's it. We are already very angry with you, so don't piss us off and come before the dholki," she says firmly.

"Okay, I will. But can you please let me say something?" I ask.

"No, I can't," she says curtly.

I sigh; she is too stubborn.

"How's our champ, by the way?" she switches the topic.

A blush creeps onto my face at the mention of my baby. And why are they so sure that my baby will be a boy? What if it's a girl, too? I wonder.

"So mean, Sarah. You didn't even ask how I am?" I say.

"I am not interested in your whereabouts, lady, because you are the one who cut off all communication," she says.

"I know I am the one," I say. "I am sorry, Sarah," I plead.

"Okay, I will forgive you only if you come to Sanjeeda aapi's wedding," she says dramatically.

"Okay, I will. Don't worry. I'll reach Lucknow tomorrow," I say happily.

"And what about my champ?" she asks, referring to my unborn baby.

"Your champ is alright. He is doing well, making me fat," I complain, because my pregnancy is changing my body structure.

"So? You're becoming a whale in the early stage of pregnancy? Don't tell me, are you having twins, Anam?" she bursts out excitedly.

"I don't think so," I reply.

"Okay, now stop wasting my time and come quickly, or I will kill you," she says and hangs up.

I chuckle at her behavior. She will never change.

As soon as I ended the call, I felt someone's presence in the room. I knew it was my husband, not because of some filmy intuition or catching his scent, but because bhai never visits my room without informing me through the maids. Except for bhai, no one dares to visit me since everyone knows I am cosa Nostra's  head's sister.

Before I could turn to face him, he wrapped his giant, rough hands around my waist and pulled me towards him.My back collided with his front.He began showering wet kisses on my neck.

He's happy because bhai treats him well. I can understand his happiness. Isn't it weird to impress your wife's family after marriage? Usually, people try to impress them before marriage. But in my case, it's completely different. He leaves wet, sloppy kisses from my neck to my earlobe. I must admit, I'm enjoying it.

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