Chapter 35

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                        Daneen's POV

It's been 2 months since they returned from turkey and my blood boiled as I saw my eldest nephew behaving like a teenager infront of Anam.What spell did she put on him? How could he be so crazy about her? Sure she has a prettiest face and softest heart  every men crave for, but that doesn't mean she deserves all the love and attention of my nephew.I will destroy Anam to the extent that her beloved brother (my ex husband) will regret the day he bound her to my nephew . So here I am, buying the most dangerous drug that can literally turn human into a  monster . Now I only want to bring that monster side of him to ruin his little wife.As an inspector general of Lucknow city. It's really easy for me to arrange this prohibited drug.

Oh wait? Did I forget to mention that I have some really intimate pictures of Anam with Rehan Siddiqui that bloody teenager . Oky she didn't cheat on him nor did she do anything with Rehan. It's me who bribed that bastard to work for me.

Are you confused? Let me clear it up for you. I found out that Rehan is lusting over Anam and who wouldn't? She is pretty, anyways . So I gave him a good amount of money , and took the first step towards Abraham's destruction.

Guess what? That bastard actually accepted my deal , and according to my plan I mixed high powered sleeping pills into her juice . And funny thing is she didn't even know or remember what happened to her , aww my poor baby.

And to your surprise, today i will show that fake photos to my dearest nephew, and I already knows that he will go crazy after seeing his beloved wife sharing her body with  someone else .


Sorry for short chapter, i am still busy

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