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Warning: This story contains some dirty scenes and words. Just saying so you won't report cause I warned you!
Also, if there are some grammar mistakes I'm sorry. I publish right away.Sometimes. I sometimes review it.
Enjoy Dibs!

Started: June 20, 2017

Kylie POV

"You ready Kai?" Kyle whispered to me. At this moment, me and my twin brother were in front of the school at night.

"Yea." I whispered back.

Kyle nodded and he threw a rock at the window. Kyle and I managed to fit through the window and we successfully got inside the school.

"Here." Kyle whispered. He threw me a spray paint and I caught it. Right in front of us was a white plain wall and me and Kyle were gonna make this school colorful. We hated this school because it didn't allow art which sucked cause Kyle and I loved art.

I started spraying and so was Kyle. I sprayed a dog and he sprayed a cat. I look at him.
"Seriously. Dogs are so much better dude." I say.
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Cats are so much better."

We continued spraying the wall. I wrote 'Art is everywhere' and Kyle finished it with 'it makes things better.'

We then sprayed the other walls drawing dogs and sadly cats, hearts, skulls, boys, girls. We did every wall in the school except for the classrooms.The best part of this was the principal's office. We covered his office in sticky notes and sprayed. 'You suck! Art is better than you!'

Principal Harris was the worst principal ever! He hated art. No one knows why, but Kyle and I are teaching him a lesson.

Once we were done me and my twin stood there admiring our work.

Then we heard a noise and my head turned to the door so fast I heard a crack.

"Shit." Kyle and I said. We grabbed our spray bottles and decided to jump out the window in the office.

Once we reached the floor we looked up to see a janitor looking down at us. He was super mad.

At this moment, I legit was laughing so was Kyle. We ran home laughing. It was just too funny cause he was so ugly and so he looked even uglier. No offense. I really should stop judging people.

When we got home it was 2 in the morning. Kyle and I slowly walked inside the house. When Kyle opened the door we found our dad. Standing there. With a mad face. Super mad face. I looked at Kyle and he looked at me. We were thinking the same thing.
Oh shit.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU BITCHY TWINS AT?!" My dad yelled. I bet the neighbors heard even though the walls were soundproof.

"Uh..um." Kyle and I stuttered.

Dad started taking out his belt around his waist. I already knew what was going to happen. My brother knew it too.
"Oldest one first. Last time it was youngest first. C'mon Kyle." My dad said with a smirk. I looked at Kyle who was slowly walking towards our father. I turned around. I don't like this. I don't like my dad. I hated my dad. I heard the loud smack 3 times. I turned around. Kyle was on his knees and was struggling to stand up.

"GET UP!" My dad yelled. He kicked Kyle and my brother fell to the floor. I was trying to back away the tears.

"Kylie. Come here you bitch!" My dad exclaimed. I walked to him and got in my knees.

There was a silence and then there was the smack against my back. He did it again and then another.
It was hard standing up cause the pain of my back was taking over.

"GET UP!" My dad yelled. He kicked me in the stomach and I fell to the floor next to Kyle. The tears in my eyes had gone away. I was used to this. Why am I crying?

Kyle got up and he helped me.

"Go to your rooms. If I hear anything from you two there's gonna be an issue." My dad said. He walked away and went to his room. Kyle and I walked to our rooms and said goodnight to each other.

I look at my room. The walls were all different colors. One wall blue to show my sadness side, one wall red to show my anger, one wall black to show my hatred, and the last wall pink to show my happiness. The sad wall had me leaning against it crying. The red wall had me punching it. Which lead to bloody knuckles. The black wall I just threw knifes at pictures of my dad. I didn't really care if he saw them cause he obviously doesn't love me or my brother. The pink wall... just pictures of my mom and me with my brother.

I take a quick shower and put on my pajamas and go to bed.
The next morning was so good. My father was never here in the morning. The morning was my favorite part of the day. It was the same for Kyle.

I got off bed to change into a gray sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, and white converses. I let my hair down and topped my whole outfit out with a gray beanie. I walked out the room and into the kitchen to find my brother eating cereal in the counter.


"What the fuck Kylie!" Kyle exclaimed. I laughed.
I grabbed a protein bar.

"How's yours?" I asked.

"Red. 3 lines." Kyle replies. "Yours?"

"Red. Super red." I say. There was a silence.

"Well, let's go to school." Kyle says. I nod and we leave the house.

When we arrived at school we heard people talking about how pretty the school was. I smiled. So did Kyle.

We walked through the hallways admiring the walls we made better.

"PARKERS!" A loud mad voice yelled.
We turned around to see Principal Harris storming through the hallways walking towards us.

"DID YOU TWO DO THIS?!" He yelled. I laughed.

"No." Kyle says.

"So who did it?" Mr. Harris asked.

"How would we know?" I asked looking very innocent.
"The janitor said it was you." Mr. Harris said.

"Which one? Why would you even trust janitors. They hate kids." Kyle says. I laugh.

Kyle and I laughed.

"Ok. Believe what you want." I say.

"YOU TWO ARE EXPELLED!" Me. Harris yelled and he stormed into his office.
Oh shit!

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