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A/N: I don't remember mentioning the dad's name, so his name is Kurt.

Jake POV

"Revenge? From what?" I ask. Hunter puts his gun down and there was a silence. My arm was getting tired from holding it up so I put it down too.

Hunter sighs. "I've known Kurt since I was 16. I used to work for him before I joined the Golden Wolves and there was a girl at my school who I knew very well. She was my girlfriend. I loved her... a lot." There was a silence. "Her name was Alice. We were dating since 7th grade... at this time it was my senior year and I was planning on to propose to her at the pep rally, then all of a sudden there were gunshots and..and..." I see a tear slip from Hunter's cheek. Wow, he must of really loved her.

"Everyone ran out the gym. I didn't cause I was trying to find Alice. The gym was now empty and all I saw was Kurt holding Alice in one hand and his other hand with a gun pointed to her head. I started panicking. He told me he wanted Alice because he wanted the money and he wanted to sleep with her and blah blah. He told me if I ever did anything to stop him or anything stupid at the moment he was going to kill her. I, loving Alice, tried shooting Kurt , but he shot me first causing me to fall on the floor. I heard a gunshot and saw Kurt on the floor. Alice was no where to be found. Kurt's men probably took her. Now she's probably some rich man's sex salve." Another tear ran down Hunter's cheek. "That's why I want revenge on the guy. I hate him more than I hate you." He put his head down his gaze at the floor.

"Uh...thanks?" I said. I don't know if I should have taken it as in insult or compliment. There was a silence and I started thinking...

"Hunter...I think Alice is alive." I say.

"What?" Hunter said looking up at me.

"I think Alice is alive. You said you didn't see her when Kurt got shot. You guys were the only ones, so Kurt's men wasn't there. There is only one conclusion and it's that Alice shot Kurt and ran away." I said bluntly. I may be Jake, but I'm smart.

There was a silence.

"How can she be alive?" Hunter asks breaking the silence.

"You heard a gunshot and saw that Kurt was on the floor. Alice must've shot him and run away." I explain...again.

"S-she's alive?" Hunter asks.

"If you let me help you find Alice you have to promise to keep Kylie away from all of this. After finding Alice we can kill Kurt." I offer.

Hunter extends his hand. "Deal." He says.

My eyes widen. I didn't thought he'll say yes.

I extend my hand shaking his. "Deal."


"Listen up everyone! You guys know about Hunter-" Everyone interrupts me with a boo. I hear Hunter chuckle behind me.
"Anyways, Hunter's gang, the Reddins are now our ally." There was a silence. I didn't tell Chase or Noah what happened. They are finding out right now.
"There is a human trafficker that takes women and sleep with them and sell their bodies for money. You guys know we fight for what's right and I know that's not right. Hunter, the leader of the Reddins, agrees. Kurt is the name of that nasty guy. Not only did he not sell women and sleep with them without their consent, he abuses his children. The Reddins and the Golden Wolves will team up to take down this Kurt once in for all."

"So y'all in or what?" There was a silence.

Then cheers we're starting to spread so is my smile on my face.

"Thanks bro." I hear Hunter behind me say quietly. I turn around.

"Why don't we forget the past and focus now. We'll find her." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. All of a sudden he hugged me and I hesitated, but I hugged him back.

The hug brought me back to the old times where Hunter and I were super close until he joined the Wolves. I didn't know he was in a gang until I joined. He quit then went to become leader of our rival gang. After that we started hating each other.

The hug breaks.

"Jake, I'm sorry about Kylie and trying to kidnap her and stuff." Hunter apologizes.

I smile. "It's fine. Hey, why don't we let you talk to Chase and Noah and we can meet up with Kylie."

"Umm, I'm not sure. They might hate me. Especially Kylie." Hunter says.

I chuckle. "Don't worry. I'll handle them."

We make our way to the garage where Chase and Noah usually are. I open the door to see them talking, Hunter waking behind me stays behind me.

"Dude. Why didn't you tell us shit?" Noah asks his face getting red.

"I was but I got busy... Hunter meet Chase and Noah. Chase and Noah meet my brother Hunter."

"Yea. We know who he is. I'm not stupid." Chase says bluntly and I roll my eyes.

"Tell is the full story." Noah says. Hunter comes from behind and stands next to me.

"I had a girlfriend..." Hunter starts talking about Alice and Kurt.

"She's obviously not dead." Noah says in a duh tone.

"Well I thought she was." Hunter replies.

Chase and Noah were surprisingly calm about Hunter. They already hated Kurt like everyone else.

"I know this might sound dangerous, but I think Kylie can help." Hunter says.

"What do you mean?" I ask looking at him. I don't want to put Kylie in danger.

"Well Kurt wants her so she can undercover. Pretend she's in love you know. Lead us to his underground tunnel and we attack there y'know." Hunter replies.

"That's a great idea." Noah says.

"Yeah. But we need to ask Kylie." I speak up.

"Yeah. We'll meet up with her tomorrow, Hunter can tell her his story and let's see what she says." Chase plans.

"Yeah. Sounds good." I say.

A\N: Sorry for not updating. I have to start doing it on my iPod cause ma computer starting to act up😤😭. Also, school judges started and I- I hate school. So, now I have to have a schedule. Every Friday or any other day, but mostly Friday.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!❤️ 

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