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Jake POV

It was pretty obvious she does take therapy. I know she's lying, but she doesn't know that her therapist is my dad. What questions me the most is, she takes ballet? We should probably keep on eyes on her though. I think she put herself in more danger than she already is by shooting my brother Hunter. It hurts me calling Hunter my brother. I still can't believe he's the leader of the Reddins Gang. How could he?!

I need to get over it, but I can't. I think he likes Kylie. I know how Hunter thinks. He's a major fucker. I believe that he's going to go after her and fuck her. I'm starting to worry about her safety. I'm starting to think about her all the time. I feel like I'm putting her in danger. I have to stay strong, not only for my gang but for her.

Wait, what?


I start calling Noah.

"Hello boss."

"Hey, can we put a watchdog on Kylie?"

"On it boss."




I hang up and go into my dad's office.

"Hello son." My dad greets.

"Hey." I say.

"What's the matter?" My dad asks. I used to be close with him, but now I'm not. Ever since the divorce my mom got full custody on me. I used to tell him everything.

"Nothing." I lie. My dad gives me a look and I sigh.

"How do you know when you like someone?" I ask.

There was a silence.

"When you touch each other, you feel a spark. That spark is hard to let go." My dad says. "Why? Who's the girl?"

"I think you've seen her once." I say.

"What's her name?" My dad asks.

"Kylie." I say.

"Hmm. I remember her. She's been through a lot." My dad says. I've got it.

"Can you tell me?" I ask.

My dad shakes his head. "I cannot give away my client's pasts." He says. I roll my eyes and then it hits me again. 

His records. His notes. If I can get those notes from his records I can see what she's been through.

I am so happy my dad is a therapist.

"Well son, I have a client in a couple minutes." My dad says. I nod my head and leave the room. I look at the desk where they keep all the records. Maria, the desk lady, is gone. I smile. I quietly open the door and go to the bin of last names.

"P." I whisper. I look through the P files until my eyes land on Parker Roy Kylie. I pick the file out and hide it under my shirt. The door opens and I quickly hide behind the bin.

"Yes. I will get on it." Maria says talking to someone through the phone. She hangs up the phone and walks to the P bins.

Oh shit.

"Kylie Roy Parker. Kylie Roy Parker." Maria repeats. What the hell is she doing?

She looks through the P files. She shakes her head and takes out her phone.

"Boss. Its not here." She says.

Holy crap! She's working for Hunter.

"I'm sure."

"I'm sorry."

"Ok boss."

Maria hangs up the phone and leaves.

Why the fuck would he want Kylie's personal file?

Who knows.

I get out my hiding and leave the office and drive to the warehouse. 


At the warehouse...

"You got the files boss?" Chase asks.

"Yeah." I say. I take the file out of my shirt and open it revealing notes my dad wrote and a piece of paper with an address to a ballet building. I take the notes out and read them.

Kylie Roy Parker 

16 and a half years old.

Green eyes.

Long brown hair.

Has a little British accent.

Nightmares of raping and ex.

Ballet is calming.

From England, moved here recently.

Twin brother claims to her that she has anger issues. (She kind of does.)

"Wow." Chase says.

"That makes me laugh. Anger issues." Noah chuckles.

"Guys the weirdest thing happened. You know Maria right? The lady behind the desk." I say. Chase and Noah nod.

"She was looking for these files. Kylie's files and she was on the phone with someone calling them boss. I think she's working for Hunter."

"I think she is too. We should probably tap her phone." Noah says. I nod.

"I'm on it." Chase says and he leaves the warehouse. 

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