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Kylie POV

Dear God,

I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all my sins I did through out my life. If you save me in this moment I promise to be a good little girl. I promise. Please. Either save me yourself or let some cute guy be my night and shining armor and come to rescue me. Can it be Jake?

Wait, WHAT?!

No. I do NOT need a man to come and save me like I'm a little helpless princess. I can save myself.

I push Josh's hand away from my mouth and turn around to face him. I kick him on his little cocky dick. He yells in pain and I start running away, but I'm pulled back by very strong arms.

Wait...these arms look fami-


I start screaming for help, but he quickly puts his hand in front of my mouth. I start screaming again for help only to be heard a muffled little low voice. Neither Jake, Chase, or Noah can hear me cause I'm almost a mile away from them. I see them still fighting Jake's friends. I try to push Dylan's hand away from my mouth, but I can't. He's too strong and he's holding my hands behind my back. I try to scream louder, but I fail. Again.

Now I'm scared because I don't know what Dylan is planning. But I do know it will either hurt or scar me for life.

I see as Jake finishes fighting the guy and he falls to the ground. Then Noah then Chase.

They start turning their heads looking around for me. I scream for help and then stop when my back starts hurting. 

"Shut the hell up!" Dylan whisper yells.

Then I see Chase looking at me and I scream and the pain comes back.

"How you like the feel of my taser?" Dylan growls.

Jake, Chase, Noah start running towards us and Dylan tasers me again making me arch my back. I'm silently screaming in pain. Dylan does it again then again and then again. The boys look closer than they were, but I can't tell. My vision was getting blurry and I felt dizzy. My eyelids were struggling to keep open, but they fail and the whole world around me turns into pitch darkness.  

Jake POV

"Boss! It's Dylan and he's got Kylie!" I hear Chase exclaim. "Look!" I turn around to see Dylan dragging Kylie away from the park and her struggling to get away from her grip. Chase, Noah, and I start running their way. I see that Dylan pulls out a taser and tasering Kylie on her back making her scream in pain. I see he also pulls out a shot needle to make her fall asleep. I start running faster passing Chase and Noah.

Then her eyes close shut. 

"LET HER GO!" I yell at him.

Dylan stops and then chuckles. "Why should I?" Dylan asks with an evil smile.

"She has nothing to do with all of this." I say.

"You think not, but she is." Dylan laughs.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Hunter wants her. We'll make millions off her body." Dylan smiles. "Just look at her. This is pure richness. So was her virginity." Dylan mischievously laughs. I furrow my brows in anger and aim at him making Kylie fall to the ground, but Chase catches her just in time. Picking her up bridal style away from the fight.

I punch Dylan in his nose and he starts bleeding. He punches me back, but he fails because I dodged his punch. I bend down and grab his legs making him fall to the ground. I pull him closer to me and I eye Noah. He takes out the special pill that will make you die in seconds when you take them. 

I hold Dylan's arms and Noah tries putting the pill in Dylan's mouth, but Dylan keeps his mouth close. Eventually, Noah gets super mad and pulls his bottom lip to open his mouth and puts the pill inside his mouth. Dylan doesn't swallow the pill making Noah get angrier (he has anger issues). Noah holds Dylan's nose pinching them together so Dylan can't breath. His face gets pale and eventually I see his Adam's apple go down. Noah lets go of his nose and checks Dylan's pulse by his wrist.

"Dead." Noah smiles and I chuckle. I turn to Chase who's holding Kylie in his arms. He gives me Kylie and I hold her in my arms bridal style. Chase and Noah pick up Dylan's dead body and we go to our car.

Chase and Noah put Dylan in the trunk and they get inside. I give them Kylie and they sit her in the middle. It will take her a day or two to wake up from the shot. 

I drive to the warehouse to take Kylie to our doctor.

Dr. Knight.

 She places Kylie in the bed and plugs some things making us hear her heart rate and letting us read her blood pressure.

And for me. I stayed by her side because I think I like her.

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