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Kylie POV

My mother left us when I was 5. She told us she loved us equally and that she couldn't stay with us. I didn't know what she meant because I was young and stupid. I finally understood what she meant on the night she ran away.



"Kylie? Are you sleeping?" Kyle asks.

"Yes. Now stop bothering me." I say. Kyle rolls his eyes.

1 Hour Later...


"What was that? Kyle?" I ask. No response. He's passed out sleeping.

I get off my bed a put on my furry night slippers and get out the room.

"Mommy?" I ask. I see my mom holding a bag and trying to climb out the window.

"Kylie. Baby. Go back to sleep." My mom whispered.

"Mommy. What are you doing?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing. Baby go back to sleep. Daddy's going to be mad at you. Very mad. Go back to sleep." My mom whispered.

"Ok." I say. She kisses me on the cheek and I go back to the room and fall asleep.

The Next Day...

"Children! Do you know where your mother is?" My dad exclaimed while my brothers and I ate our cereals.  

I ate Lucky Charms.

Kyle ate Fruit Loops (eyeroll)

Austin ate Honey Nut Cheerios. (Ew.)

Kyle ate Frosted Flakes.

We each ate different cereals, but we all share one food thing in common.

Our love for mangoes.  We all love mangoes! 

"No." Zack says.

"I didn't see her." Austin said.

"I think she sleeping." Kyle says.

"I saw her last night." I admit.

My dad turns to me. I squeeze my teddy bear that I named Teddy.

"What was she doing?" My dad asks with a calm face, but anger behind it.

"I don't really know what she was trying to do. She was trying to climb out the window." I say.

"What did she tell you?" My dad asks. His hold on his spoon tighten and his knuckles turn white.

"To go back to sleep because you will be super mad if I didn't." I say.

"THE BITCH!" My dad yells. He goes to the kitchen and takes a knife out and walks over to me.

"Where was she going?" He asks.

I shrug. "I don't know."

"TELL ME!" My dad yells. He points the knife to my neck and I start crying.

"I don't know." I say.

"I KNOW YOU'RE LYING!" My dad yells.

"I'm not lying." I hiccup.

"DAD! She's only 5!" Zack, my 11 year old brother exclaims.

"LET ME TELL YOU HIDEOUS CHILDREN SOMETHING! YOUR MOTHER IS A BITCH!" My dad yells. He puts the knife near my heart.

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