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Kylie POV

I'm seriously confused because Jake kissed me.

Does he like me?

Are we a couple now?


I found out that I like Jake, Jake, Chase, and Noah are in a gang, and that Zack and Austin are in England with Kyle.

I need to get my mind off things.

But how?

I actually want to see Jake right now. No, that makes me sound clingy.


I go to my room and change into a  pair of Nike spandex shorts and my Nike sports bra after I took a shower. I decide to chill around the house and I look at the clock. 5:00. I might as well TV. Pretty Little Liars come on. I might as well watch it. 



7 p.m

I hear a knock on the door. I wan't expecting anyone at this time. I grab the nearest thing next to me. 

The remote. If it's a burglar I would just throw at his face. 

I slowly walk over the door. It knocks again and I jump in fright.

Dear God, 

Protect at this moment please.

I unlock the door and turn the door knob slowly making the door creak slowly open. I see 3 familiar guys. I open the door complete.  

"Jake, Chase. and Noah? What are you doing here?" I ask confused.

Noah was holding a big bag. He looked like he was struggling. I hold back my laughter. 

They stare at me and am like- oh.

I stomp my foot like a 5 year old. "What are you guys doing here?" I really don't like repeating myself.

Jake clears his throat. "We know you don't like being in big houses alone...so we figured we were going to keep you company." He says.

Aww. So sweet. NOT!

"Why?" I ask.

"Your scared of ghosts." Noah says still trying to hold the bag that's bigger than him.

"Noah, you can put that bag down. Your obviously fighting with it." I chuckle to myself. 

Noah rolls his eyes putting the bag on the floor and sighing in relief.

"Your holding a remote. Why?" Chase asks. I look down at the remote and look at the floor sighing before they all start laughing at me for my poor choice of a weapon.

"That's your weapon?" Jake says beating me to speaking first. I roll my eyes. The boys start laughing uncontrollably holding on to each other for support.

"A r-remote!"

"Oh l-lord."

"K-Kylie-thats t-t-oo f-funny!"

I roll my eyes again. I need to stop doing it by the way.

"Whatever. Stop laughing at me." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away. They continued laughing and stopped 5 minutes later.

"Come in." I open the door and lead them inside.

"Pretty Little Liars huh?" Chase asks me.

"Yeah, it's been awhile." I say with a shrug.

"Can you put on Family Guy?" Noah asks. I nod and give him the remote.

"So..." Chase says.

"Umm..." I say.

There was a silence. I look at the floor. Should I put on a shirt or not?


"I'm coming back." I say. I leave the living room and run up the stairs to my room. I put on a T-shirt that says 'LEAVE ME ALONE!". 

I go back downstairs to see the boys fighting. Not physically, but verbally.

"Whoa, what's going on?" I ask.

"Chase thinks Elsa is prettier than Anna and Noah thinks Anna is prettier than Elsa." Jake says. I bite my tongue to hold back my laughter. 

"At least Anna doesn't have old lady hair." Noah argues.

Chase gasps. "At least Elsa isn't a hoe. Anna is so stupid. Who marries a guy the day you just met them?" Chase crosses his arms on his chest.  Noah gasps and there was a silence until the 2 idiots aimed for each other.

Jake held Noah back and I held Chase back.

"Anna's a hoe!" Chase yells.

"And Elsa is white just like Casper!"

Before Chase can argue back, Jake beats him.

"You 2 are dumb wits." He says. 

"Yeah, you too are Juniors in high school. Look at what your doing?" I say. I let go Chase.

"Your right." He says.

Jake lets go of Noah.

"Yeah. You are. And am not a dumb wit." Noah whines.

"Whatever. Hey Kylie, have any movies?" Jake asks me.

"Yeah." I say. I walk over to the drawer under the T.V stand. The drawer opens with a bunch of movie CDs. 

"Pick." I walk over to the couch.


"Mean Girls."

"Mean Girls 2?"

"Do you have any male movies?" Noah asks. I roll my eyes.

"I have a porn movie." I say sarcastically. 

"Haha. Very funny." Chase asks.

"Mad Max!" Jake exclaims. He pits a smile on his face and takes out the CD. That smile makes him look so cute. With straight, white, shining teeth showing.

"Yay!" Noah exclaims like a 10 year old boy. Jake rolls his eyes and hands me the CD and I put in the DVD player.

I sit on the couch with Jake and Chase beside me (me in the middle) and Noah on the floor in front of me. 

The movie starts and we sit back and watch.

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