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I know. Cringey picture

Kylie POV

2 years! It's been 2 years being with Jake. My hot, sexy, funny, sexy, and "fun" boyfriend.

Him and my brothers all got along. I was happy about it. Not only that, I had my best friend, Anna, back. So, I would always gossip with her. Also, Chase and Noah met my brothers and they got along well too. Noah and Austin always talked about coding and games since they were computer freak. Zach just watched and stared every time something funny came up. He was the shyest out of all of us. He had to get use to you first, but after a few weeks he came along. Not only that between Anna and Jake they were cool. It was never awkward which I was thanked for. Not only that Anna and Austin were getting quite close. I didn't know what was going on between those two, but I was going to find out. Alice and Hunter already got married and I got close to Alice. She was super funny. Also, yeah, there's more...anyways, I made friends with some members of Jake's gang. In fact, all of them. They're so nice and loving.

High school was intense. The drama. Oh God! Tiffany! She made the biggest tantrum when she found out Jake and I were dating. I just smiled cause I had a man that was all mine and she would NEVET get.

Now I'm being driven to somewhere by Kyle. He kept smiling like the idiot he was and didn't tell me shit when I asked him where he was taking me.

"Kyle! Where are you taking me?!" I screamed.

"It's a surprise." His smiled widened.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I said putting my hand on my chin leaning onto the door.

The car stopped and I got out the car and looked around.

The house that Jake and I first had sex together. I blushed at the memory.

I looked at Kyle who was leaning on the car.

"Why are we here?" I ask.

"Just go in cause there's brownies." Kyle says that stupid smile coming back. I smiled and went inside the house. I gasped at the scene. There were rose pedals leading to somewhere. I followed knowing that the brownies were probably where the rose pedals will lead me.

I stoped in front a door. I shrugged and opened the door to reveal Jake with clothes I never saw him in.

A tuxedo!

You might be thinking? Prom? Yeah...we my skipped it and you know what instead.

Jake walked over to me and took my hands and held them smiling.

"Kylie. When I first saw you I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. Screw that. The hottest."

I blushed and he continued.

"That night when you got shocked I thought I was going to lose you. Cause I liked you from the very beginning. Your kisses make me happy. You Moab's calm me. Everything about you is beautiful. Your laugh, hair, lips, nose, hips, body...vagina." He muttered the last part and I laughed.

"Anyways, we have been though a lot together. Every time a guy stares at you the way I should, I get jealous and angry. I love you being by my side and I would be the happiest man on Earth if I could spent everyday of my life with you by my side..." Jake gets down on one knee and my eyes widen in shock. Taking out a little box and opening it revealing a ring with a shiny diamond.

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