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Jake POV

I tackle him back and get up.
"So who's the hottie Jake?" Chase asks while looking at Kylie and licking his lips. She just stands there and is enjoying her ice cream not knowing what's going on.
There was a silence.
Kylie walks away and into the ice cream truck.
"What is she doing?" Noah asks.
"Dude. You should have seen what she did a couple minutes ago." I say. I tell them the quick story and Kylie comes back chewing gum. She sit on a nearby bench and take out her IPhone 6s rose gold.
Chase walks up to her and sits next to her.
"So, wanna Netflix and Chill later on?" Chase asks. He puts his hand on her thigh and start making his way to her pussy. Kylie still is scrolling through her phone. She has no idea what's going on until Chase's hand touches her area. Her eyes glare at Chase and her hand goes around his arm and she twists it.
"No. I don't wanna Netflix and Chill with you." She says.
"Ow!" Chase whines in pain. Everyone laughs including me. Kylie continues on her phone.
Chase looks at his red arm. He walks towards us and sits on another bench mad. This was his first time getting rejected.
We start skating and doing tricks. Kylie just stays sitting on the bench.
"Dude! You know what we should do?!" Noah exclaims.
"What?" I ask.
"Spin the bottle dirty version." Noah says with an evil smirk. He looks over to Kylie.
"Sounds fun." I say. It sounds interesting. I'll get to know Kylie's dirty life.
At this moment we are in a huge circle and Kylie agreed to this. There was a beer bottle in the middle.
"So is this questions or dares?" Kylie asks.
"Questions." Noah says with his signature smirk. I roll my eyes. He spins the bottle and it points at me.
"So...Jake Miller...when was the last time you got laid and with who?" Noah asks.
"Last night with Tessa." I reply. The guys started getting up and slapping my back. They then sat back down. Noah spins the bottle and it point at Kylie. Kylie was currently on her phone and she puts it away and looks at Noah.
"Alright. Kylie. Are you a virgin and if your not when did you lose and where?" Noah asks.
"No. And I lost it last year at a party." She says.
It was now around 5 in the afternoon. I learned quite a lot about Kylie.
1. She's not virgin (which is good cause she'll be more fun(
2. She's been drunk before
3. She skinny dipped before
4. She did a lap dance for a guy for 1,000 dollars (that guy is lucky)
5. Her first kiss was in 6th grade
6. Her first make out session was in 8th grade
7. She never played 7 Minutes in Heaven (I haven't either)
Who knew she did all those things. Skinny dippy with Kylie sounds fun. Seeing her naked sounds more fun though. She's cute I'm not gonna lie.
"So what do you want to do now?" Kylie asked interrupting my thoughts.
"How bout we go to a party?" I ask.
What are you doing Jake?!
"Uh...sure." She smiles and I smile back.
We walk back to my place and find my mom pacing around.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Kylie. Your brother ran away." My mom replied. Kylie stops smiling.
"Your joking right?" She asks.
"No. I'm sorry. At the police station the officer told us he couldn't arrest your dad cause there's no evidence." My mom says. Kylie takes a deep breath and pulls out her phone.
"I'll locate him. Easy." Kylie says. "This isn't the first time." She mumbles.
"How?" My mom asked.
"Kyle just does that. He runs away from his problems. He's stupid I know. So being the smart sister I am, I put a GPS on his phone." Kylie answers. "So if he decided to run away I'll find him. But sometimes it takes a while. I'm still trying to improve it. Surprisingly Kyle never found it." She looks up from her phone. "Just don't tell him." She looks at me and my mom. We nod. There was a silence.
"Found him." Kylie broke the silence. "He's 45 minutes away." Kylie says.
"Let's take my car." I say. My mom shrugs cause she knows my car is way faster. We go outside and go in the car. Kylie was going to open the back door, but my mom stopped her.
"Take the front. You have the directions." My mom insisted.
"If you say so." Kylie replies. We start driving.
"Turn left."
"Go straight."
"Turn right."
I do as she told me to do.
We get to the destination in 36 minutes.
"I like your car." Kylie compliments me.
"Thanks." I say with a smile. I smile back.
We were at the beach house for guest at the beach.
We get off the car and follow Kylie. She's deep in thought probably planning on what to do with her brother.

Kylie POV
I am beyond pissed right now! I can't believe Kyle. He promised he will stop running away. I see a tall figure in the distance. I walk closer to it to see Kyle.
"Kyle." I say calmly. He backs up away from me.
"I'm sorry." He says. I hug him and then I slap his back super hard.
"What in the world is wrong with you?! You promised me you'll stop and this is what you do?!...break the promise." I exclaim.
"I'm going to make you a deal Kyle and your gonna say yes to it no matter what." I say calmly.
"W-what is it!" He stutters.
"You have to do whatever I say for 2 weeks." I smile.
"No." He says.
"Ok. If you want to be that way. I'll just get a belt later on." I say with a smirk.
"Fine." He gives in.
"Good. You have to buy me 2 new outfits tomorrow and a large cheese pizza." I say. I just LOVE pizza. To be honest... I like it better than ice cream.
Kyle walks up to Linda.
"I'm sorry Linda for making you worry. This a bad habit of mine." Kyle apologizes.
Linda hugs him.
"It's ok dear." Linda says. We walk to Jake's car and Kyle and I sit in the back.
The car ride back to Linda's place was an awkward silence.
We get to the house and while as I was going to walk in someone grabs me by the wrist.
"So how bout that party?" Jake asks.
"I'm actually tired." I say and I run my eyes.
"Ok. Next time?" He asks.
"I guess." I answer.
We get inside the house and Kyle and I say goodnight to Linda and Jake. We walk to our rooms.
"Should we leave tomorrow?" Kyle asks.
"I don't know. Do you want to go back home with dad?" I ask.
"No. Of course not...how about Zack's house?" Kyle suggests.
I think this is a good time to explain:
Zack is the oldest out of 4 children my mother gave birth to. He's 22 years old and then there's Austin who's 20. Zack and Austin know about dad's abusive behavior so when they turned 18 they moved out.
"He's in England remember?" I say.
"No. Zack and Austin moved here. Apparently Zack found a good paying job here." Kyle says.
"Ok..." I say slowly. "How do you know anyways?" I ask.
"I called Austin cause I was bored." Kyle says.
"We'll talk about tomorrow. I'm tired." I yawn. Kyle nods.
We get ready to go to bed and then we sleep.

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