Bonus Chapter

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Dead! xD   ↑↑  I know, I sound so mean!

It's been 7 years since Jake and Kylie had been married and had twins Ethan and Ella. Not only did they have twins, but 2 years after Ella and Ethan were born, they had a little boy. His name was Caleb. 2 years after Caleb was born, they had a little girl. Her name was Kacee.

4 kids is a handful.

The twins are 6.

Caleb is 4.

Kacee is 2.

Caleb had Jake's eyes. Blue. Considering Jake's eyes were a recessive gene. The rest of the kids had Kylie's eyes. Green.

"Daddy!" Kacee ran down the stairs running to her dad. Halfway through the stairs, she trips and falls. She cries as Kylie gets up the couch and picking her up.

"It's ok baby. Daddy's home." Kylie smiles at Kacee trying to make her feel better. Kylie turns to Jake and hands Kacee over to him.

"I'll get the band-aid her her knee." Kylie says. Jake kisses Kylie's forehead.

"Ok." He smiled. She smiled back.

Kylie goes over to the bathroom.

"Mommy, why is Kacee crying?" Ethan asks, popping out on no where.

"Kaycee feel honey. Wanna try and comfort her." Kylie replied. He nods and walks away.

As Kylie's get the band-aids, she hears a scream.

"NO! I want mac and cheese!"

Kylie sighs. Kaycee was quite the handful. She was always falling considering she was clumsy, but she was super energetic and she cared for her siblings.

"What's going on?" Kylie asks she applies the band-aid on Kacee's knee.

"Mommy! I want the pink one!" Kacee whines.

"If I take the band-aid off and put the new one, it will hurt." Kylie says. She really doesn't want to waste band-aids.

"I don't care! I want the pink one mommy!" Kacee says crossing her arms. Jake sighs and goes into a kitchen drawer and pulling out a pink Sharpie. He starts cloring over the blue band-aid.

Kylie chuckles. "Kacee, you said you wanted mac and chesse?"  Kacee nods.

"Do you guys want mac and cheese too?" Kylie asks turning to the rest of the children who were all in the kitchen.

They nod. "Jake, you make it." Kylie says.

"Why?" Jake asks smirking, already knowing the answer.

Kylie rolls her eyes. "Just...just do it." Jake chuckles. He knows he a better cook than her and Kylie knows it too. She doesn't want him to know that she knows that. His ego will get bigger than it already is.

Yes, Jake still is cocky. 


Jake and Kylie woke up to a sound of crying in the middle of the night.

They got up and ran to the noise. Caleb's room.

"Mommy. Daddy. I'm hungry." The 4 year old whines. Kylie looks at Jake and he sighs.

Sometimes she's happy he's the one that's the good cook.

Jake goes over to Caleb and picks him up, going down the stairs and preparing something for Caleb to eat. As Kylie was about to go back to bed, she hears a thump sound.

"Mommy? What was that?" Ella asks as she comes out her room rubbing her eyes. 

"I don't know honey, it came from Ethan's room." Kylie said. Ella grabbed her mother's hand as they walked over to Ethan's room.

"Ethan? What are you doing up dear?" Kylie asked.

"Mommy. How come Caleb can eat and I can't? I'm hungry too!" Ethan whined.

"Hungry! How are you hungry Ethan. We ate before we went to be bed!" Ella excalimed. Kylie chuckled. Ella was smart for her age.

"Fine. But next time this happens neither you or Caleb are going to wake us up in the middle of the night to eat. Got it?" Kylie warned. She needs her beauty sleep.

Ella goes back to her room to sleep while Kylie picks up Ethan.

"Jake, Eathan is hungry too." Kylie said. Jake chuckled. 

Their sons loved food. They had big appetites. Kylie and Jake sometimes wonder how they;re both not fat.


Having 4 kids isn't easy. While Jake went to the warehouse to handle some business, Kylie stays home. You might think it isn't fair, but Kylie enjoys being around the children. No matter how annoying they get, Jake and Kylie loved all 4 of their kids equally. 

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