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Kylie POV

The next Day was Wednesday. Today Kyle and I will go to our new school.

I go downstairs and go to the kitchen. Kyle was already there eating Fruit Loops. I grab Lucky Charms from the counter and pour into a bowl.
"Fruit Loops is better." Kyle says with a mouthful of his cereal.
"No. Lucky Charms is better." I argue.
"No Fruit Loops! It's much more colorful. Lucky Charms is just plain boring." Kyle argues back.
"No! Fruit Loops has artificial colors and Lucky Charms had colorful and fun shaped marshmallows." I argue.
Kyle opens his mouth to protest but my dad beats him.
"Shut up you two. Here." Dad says. He throws me a pair of shorts, plaid shirt, suspenders, fake big black glasses, a black bob wig, and a retainer with fake braces. Kyle get the same thing but he has long pants and a short black wig.
"What's this for?" We ask.
"You two are gonna stay hidden and become nobodies. Make teachers like you." Dad says while texting on his phone.
"Why?" We ask.
"So you won't become popular. Don't get in trouble. Give me a break then you can fuck things up." Dad replies. There was a silence.
"Kyle your fake name is Connor Ellis and Kylie yours is Riley Ellis. The principal knows who you two really are but everyone else no." There was another silence.
I walk to my room and change. I put the glasses on, the retainer, and wig.
We arrive to school with dad driving us for only today. He immediately drives away. I look at Kyle.
"Kyle I'm scared." I admit.
"Don't worry Kylie. I'm right here. If anything bad happens I'm here for you." Kyle says. I smile and we walk into the school.
We got disgusted glares from some people. Kyle and I make our way to our first period. We have 3 classes together. We got there early and pick a seat in the middle of the class sitting right next to each other.
The bell then rang and more people started filling up the seats. The teacher than came in.
"Hello students!" She said excitedly. "Today we have 2 new students who are twins!" She must be that happy to have us. If she only knew. If only she knew.
People in the class turned our eyes on us and I look at the desk with my head down.
"What are your names dears?" The teacher asked us.
"Ky- I mean Connor and Riley." Kyle answers.
"Well I'm Miss Rose. Where did you two come from?" The teacher asked.
I look up to stare at her.
"England." I say.
"Oh! How wonderful." She exclaims. I secretly roll my eyes.
She starts talking about the lesson which I don't listen to. I turn to my right to see 2 boys talking about me. I roll my eyes.
The bell rings finally and Lyle and I leave to finish the rest of the day.
At lunch...
"How are we going to eat with this thing in our mouth." I say. This retainer is starting to seriously bother me.
"We take it off." Kyle says. We were walking through the hallways to the cafeteria. I was looking at the floor not paying attention to where I was going. I bumped into a wall. At least I think it was a wall.
"Watch where your going ugly geek." I hear someone say. I look up to see a blonde boy with hazel eyes. With guys behind him. About 15 of them.
"Sorry." I say. I try to get around him but he stops me.
"Your not going anywhere." He says. I look over at Kyle.
"Yes. Yes she is. Excuse us." Kyle says. He grabs my wrist and pulls me around the group. We were then stopped again, but by an other guy.
"Are you her boyfriend or something?" He says.
"No her brother. Now move." Kyle argues. I can see him getting mad. This isn't going to end pretty.
The boys laugh.
The first guy I was talking to comes and punches Kyle.
I punch that guy and then the guy who punched Kyle kicks me and then Kyle kicks the guy who kicked me.
This is just great just great!
The guy and I keep fighting and Kyle fights the other guy.
"Hey! What's going on here?!" A voice said. I turn around to see this boy. He has beautiful blue eyes, dark brown hair, and light skin. He's wearing a black leather jacket and black ripped jeans. He is so hot!
"What happened here?" He says.
"The nerds started it!" One guy exclaimed. I turn around.
"No you did!" I exclaim. "You punched my brother!"
The bell rings. This is just great. I didn't get to eat and I'm starving. And when I'm hungry I get super mean.
"Whatever. You ugly people get it of my face." The boy says.
"Gladly." I say with attitude. Right when I was going to walk away, the boy grabs my wrist.
"What did you say?" He asks. He glared dead at my green eyes. I glare back.
"I said gladly. G-L-A-D-L-Y." I say. His grip on my wrist gets tighter.
"Don't you dare disrespect me." He says angrily.
"Happy to. Just next time tell your boys not to mess with me or my brother." I say. I then snatch my hand away from his grip and give him my deadly glare. I turn around to look at Kyle.
"C'mon idiot." I say to him.
He rolls his eyes. He knows I'm hungry.
Kyle and I walk away from the boys and out of school even though it didn't end.
"Hungry?" Kyle asks.
"Duh." I say. We start walking home with little bruises on our faces but the bruises we left those fuckers are priceless.
At home...
"Why are you guys back early?" My dad asks. We found him making out with this woman.
"We decided to ditch. Don't worry. Well get dress and leave." I say.
"Hurry up then." Dad says and he continues kissing the woman. Kyle and I go to our rooms and change.
I take off the retainer, wig, and glasses. I take a quick shower and decide to wear some of my flirty clothes. Just in case I meet some cute boy. Even though I'm taking a break of relationships, I might as well start flirting. My last relationship had me in tears and a I didn't even bother staring  at a cute guy.
I wear a red crop top, light blue skinny jeans, and black converses.
When I get out the my room I find Kyle waiting in front of his room on his phone.
"Ready?" I ask. He looks up and puts his phone away.
"Yeah. Let's go." Kyle says. We make our way out of house and go outside ready to explore our new home. California.

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