
18 3 1

Kylie POV

Great. Just great. You invite me to a party and leave me alone.

I walk to the bar.

"Would you like a drink?" A guy around my age asks me.

"Uh. Sure. Just a beer though." I answer.

"Sure thing." He winks at me and I smile. He bends down to grab the beer and opens it. He then gives it to me 

"Thanks." I smile. He winks and then leaves. I drink the beer. I look at the people around and near me. My eyes stop when it lands on Jake making out with a girl. I roll my eyes.

"Hey." A voice behind me says. I turn around. A boy.

"Oh. Hi." I say.

"You lonely?" The guy asks.

"I wouldn't have been if I knew these people." I say. It's true. Every time I go to parties I know the people so I was never bored. That's why I love parties. I could be myself around people who do and do not know me.

The boy laughs. "Me too." He says.

There was a silence.

"My name is Hunter by the way." The boy says.

"Kylie." I smile.

Finally...I have some one to talk to.

"So..." Hunter says slowly.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh nothing." Hunter smirks. I nod my head and leave the bar. He was acting a bit creepy.

"Oh sorry." I mumble. I've seemed to have bumped into someone.

"I wasn't done talking to you." The person says. I look up.

Hunter? But he was- I'm so confused.

"Uh, finish your sentence." I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the wall behind me.

"You know Jake right? Jake Lee?" Hunter says.

"Uh. Never heard of Jake Lee." I say. Is he talking about the Jake I'm thinking about?

"Really?" Hunter says. He comes closer to me.

"Yeah..." I say slowly. I'm getting quite uncomfortable right now.

"Jake Lee. That Jake." Hunter points over to Jake talking to 2 girls.

"Uh no." I lie. I don't even know why I lied. Wait! I do. 2 reasons.

1. This guy is asking me questions about Jake.

2. He came out of no where (which is creepy)

"Really?" Hunter asks. He comes closer to me closing the gap between us.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I stutter.

"Oh nothing." Hunter says innocently. He puts his hand on my neck and makes his hand's way down my bottle touching every part of me.

"Get off me!" I exclaim.

"But why?" He asks with an innocent look.

"Because...because...I'm uncomfortable." I say.

"Hmmm." Hunter says.

I roll my eyes. Do I have to do everything myself?

I put my knee up and hit his penis.

"UGH!" Hunter yells in pain. I chuckle and leave the hallway. I pass Noah who stopped me.

"Kylie? You alright?" He asks.

"Y-yeah." I stutter. He gives me I-know-your-lying look.

"Really." I assure him. He nods and I continue walking out the house before that Hunter guy follows me.

"You thought you can out run me didn't you?" A guy's voice says. I look up.

"Dylan?  What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm here for you." He says. I feel someone behind me so I turn around to see who it is.

Hunter? Really?

"Hey." He says. I look back at Dylan.

Then something hard hits my head and the world turns black.

Dibs ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang