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A/N:  I don't remember mentioning that Kylie knows that Hunter is Jake's brother. So, she finds out in this chapter. 

Kylie POV

I look at myself in the mirror. My outfit was ok looking, causal. A black off the shoulder crop top, blue jeans ripped on the knees, and my white huaraches. I grab my phone and put it on my back pocket; I make my way out the door and to the park.

When I got there no one was there, but me. I sat on a nearby bench and waited for Jake, Chase. Noah. 

"We're here." I hear a very similar voice say. I jump a little and turn around. 




And a guy that looks like Jake who looks very familiar.

"Stop scaring me." I say. Jake chuckles. They come from behind me and Jake sits next to me. Chase, Noah, and the other guy sit on the floor in front of us.

"So, we have something very important to tell you." Jake starts.

"Ok." I say motioning him to go on. 

"Well as you know we're in a gang and that guy..." Jake points to the guy staring at the ground. "is my brother Hunter. He looks so familiar cause he was Dylan's boss-"

"-The guy from the party?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes. Now let me finish. He's also in a gang. The Reddins. I used to hate him and used to hate me, but now we're ok. He used to be a Golden Wolf until he started working with your...father." 

"My f-father?" I ask clearly confused.

"Kylie, your dad's a human trafficker. He gets girls and women to sleep with him and then he sells them for money."

Right there I froze. Is that why my mom left? Cause my dad was a human trafficker? It explains why he's barely home. I feel sick. I don't think that guy is my father anymore. He doesn't deserve the title dad or father. Why couldn't my mom take her children with her? I guess my f- I mean what's his name again?...Kurt! I guess Kurt was right. Our mother never loved us and probably never will.

"Are you sure?" I ask almost a whisper. I don't want to believe, but I am believing it.

"Yes and he wants to sell you." Jake continues.

WHAT?! Sell me? This isn't was I expecting.

"Why?" I ask.

"He wants money and not only that he wants to sleep with you."

"Is that it?" I ask.

"No. Hunter has a story and we think you might fix all of this." Jake says. "Hunter, you can talk now."

He took a deep breath. "I had a girlfriend named Alice and..." Hunter told me his story. I felt bad. He must've really loved her.

"So, how does this involve me?" I ask.

"Since Kurt wants you we need you to go undercover and pretend you want him too." Chase explains.

"Ew! I am NOT doing that!" I exclaim in disgust. My father was a good looking man and he knew it. His ego was as big as the sun.

"But you need to. You might be the only one to save other girls and women. Also, your father will finally be behind bars." Noah points out. 

I smile at the thought of my dad suffering in jail. Wearing the ugly orange jumpsuits. "Ok. I'll do it." I say.

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