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|||Unedited||| Please comment if you like or not because I'm insecure about half the shit I write||| Enjoy |||


Why is a question Yoongi asks himself everytime he would see Hoseok in the hallway, a week with a new girl, a girl he would break up with just to fuck a new one, because he's tired of her, he doesn't, 'feel the love' anymore, he would make stupid excuses, saying he's going through something and he needs a break.

The Sad part is, the girls believe it, they feel sorry, and say that they understand, today, Hoseok has Jennie holding onto his arm like it's the last piece of flesh she'll ever see and feel. Yoongi felt bad for her, knowing that by the end of this week, Hoseok would be pulling bullshit out of his ass to have a good reason to break up with her. He felt bad.

"Ya! Are you listening to me!" Jimin yelled, hitting Yoongis shoulder, the older turned to him with a scowl set on his face. "Hit me again and you'll be more than six feet under." Jimin huffed as he turned away from Yoongi, and then yelped when a loud bang was sounded from beside him. "Tae-fucking-Hyung! I'm going to Kill you!" Jimin said, punching Taehyungs arm.

"Yah! Can you shut up? You're causing a scene!" Yoongi said, pushing up his glasses as Taehyung slid beside him.

"So, What's up today?" Taehyung asked, twirling a pencil between his fingers. "Hmm, lemme check," Yoongi said, pulling out his planner, "Nothing, nothing, and- oh! Would you look at that!"

"What!" Taehyung smiles. "Nothing." Taehyung groaned as they made their way to their Math class. "I hate math, it makes my brain hurt," Jimin frowned. "You say that everyday, stop whining." Yoongi said, taking a seat in his seat, in the back, he can't hear very well, but his teacher writes everything on the board, thankfully, he has his glasses.

Two goofballs, Vernon and Jun were playing around in the back, they had some kind of object in their hand. Yoongi made the big mistake of accidentally bumping into Vernon, causing him to let go of his grip on the object, allowing Jun to take and keep it.

Vernon turned around in disgust. "Watch it nerd," He said, and made his way to his seat. Yoongi visibly pouted, Taehyung noticed and pulled Yoongi into a tight hug. "It's okay Yoonie, you're not a nerd, at least you're smarter than he'll ever be." Yoongi smiled as he pulled out his notebook.

"Please tell me we're going to eat in the cafeteria today, I can't handle another squirrel jumping on my sandwich." Jimin said, Yoongi only nodded. Jimin add a sound of excitement as he followed his two friends to the cafeteria.

"Namjoon, I will hurt you, stop!" Jin's voice rung through the cafeteria, some people turned heads while others ignored it, like it was normal for you to yell your friends name out loud while others are in the middle of a conversation. Yeah, totally normal.

Yoongi wanted to hang his head low, to make sure he won't have to come face to face with Kim Seokjin. Sadly, Hoseoks table is right beside the food, so it's impossible to avoid him. As Yoongi got his food, he could feel Jin's burning gaze on his back. Yoongi tried to get Taehyungs attention, he's the only one who could keep Jin from laying a finger on Yoongi, sadly, he was looking at the strawberry jello cups. "Taehyung!" Jimin yelled from his seat, "You have no money! Get your ass over here!" Yoongi sighed, apparently it is normal to yell your friends name out loud. "Here Tae, Get two." Yoongi said, giving Taehyung a dollar, since the cups were only fifty cent.

When they got settled in their seat, Yoongi wasn't hungry, and didn't eat half their lunch time, instead, he was starring at Hoseok, his ex-best friend, the one he used to tell all of his secrects to, and now, he has Jimin and Taehyung.

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