A/n :(

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To be completely honest, I'm kinda upset with how my last two chapters went, they were all over the place and i really wish my clumsy ass hadn't accidentally deleted the original because they were the best of the best, so I'm sorry if the next chapter is literal shit, I'm not feeling confident about it.

It may be because I'm rushing? Idk, I have another book in mind, I'm working on the first chapter and I already have the title/cover done and over with, I may release it when I'm finished with the third chapter to give me time to think about if I really wanna release it.

I'm just scared to post all of these at once because I've done that before and I lost my whole motivation for finishing any of them, so that's why my friend gave me this account, so that I could start new I guess, I'm actually surprised I made it past 10 for this book.

So if the next mini chapters are completely shit, don't be afraid to tell me what exactly is completely shit about it, because im 100% ready to just rewrite that whole chapter.

My main goal is to actually have a good plot, but that shit went away chapters ago, I usually make up dialogues in my head and then weeks later try to remember every detail, lemme just tell you.

It doesn't work.

But yeah, that's all, I just wanted to let you guys know what the hell happened with my last two chapters considering they were shit, I get stressed to easily and a whole lot of you guys will probably say "No it fine, I love it,"

But like

Do you really love it?

Cuz I don't.

But that's just me I guess, okay, imma work on that next chapter now I guess, love you guys, and thanks for 9k and 400+ votes, it means a lot.

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