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Yoongi was late to school the next day, he really didn't care though, he pulled on the sleeves of his baby blue hoodie as he gave his teacher the yellow slip, excusing his absence.

He tried his best to get to his seat without running, he hated interrupting classes. "Glad you could finally make it," Jimin said, writing down the last note on the board. "Yeah well, I'm not." Yoongi said, pulling out his materials for his math class.

"How'd it go with Hosuck and Suckjin?" Jimin asked, putting his pencil down and turning his complete attention to Yoongi. "Terrible, Jin called me a slut and Hoseok just sat there doing nothing, Taehyung told them to get out."

"Those assholes, I'm going to give them a piece of my goddamn mind!" Jimin said, he started writing everything he was going to tell the two in the back of his notebook. He wouldn't admit it but he was scared, extremely scared, he's only three fourths of Jin's height.

"There's no fucking need, if Taehyung can't get to them, neither can you," Yoongi said, rolling his eyes. Jimin made a face as he continued writing.


Once they were in the hallway, Jimin was running to find Taehyung, "Taehyung! Tae! Tae!"

Taehyung smiles, "Aww did you miss me?" Yoongi groaned, he already knew Jimin would call Tae for back up, he's too scared to do it himself. "No, not one bit, but I do need help."

After they went over their plan, they ran to find the two dickheads, only to collide with Jungkook. "Ow! What the fuck?" Yoongi said, bumping right into Jungkooks chest. "Same to you, ever heard of no running in the halls?"

"Ever heard of get the fuck out of my face?" Yoongi spat, Taehyung and Jimin stood to the side, looking between the two.

"Ya know, Jin told me about you, and can I say, I'm impressed, a small thing like you can spread your legs that much? You're gonna break one day."

Yoongi bit his bottom lip, "Tell Jin, That I'm capable of sitting on the dick, but I can also cut his off," Jungkooks eyes widened as he watched Yoongi walk away with his group of friends. "Damn, he's a feisty one." 

"Kim fucking Seokjin!" Jimin yelled, a few people turned to see where the yelling came from.  "What is this I hear about you calling my bestie a slut?" He said, putting a hand on his hip, and in all honesty, Jimin wasn't helping the situation.

"Snitch." Hoseok said, he was standing beside Namjoon at his locker, "And You," Jimin said, turning to Hoseok, "You're an asshole too, can't you see your friend here is hurting my friend? Do something about it dick, I don't care how long ago you guys were best friends, at least have some sympathy for him!"

And goddamn Jimin snapped. "Listen Shorty," Jin started, pointing a finger in Jimins direction, "Hoseok cut that bitch off for a reason, leave it alone and go play on the playground or some shit."

Yoongi held his head low, and only looked up when he heard Hosoek tell Jin that they should go to class, he looked upset. "Oh, now class is important but when they get high on the rooftop it doesn't matter," Jimin muttered as they made their way to their next class.

"I'm serious Tae, I'm fine." Yoongi said, paying for today's selection of brownies for both himself and his friends, "I don't care what Jin says, he's not important," Taehyung huffed as they made their way to their table.

"I can't believe you still think Hoseok is someone you can be friends with, he's negative and just fucking wrong for everything he does." Yoongi rolled his eyes, and sat down at their table.

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