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Hi this chapter absolutely sucks balls but whatever 🤠

Jin sighed as he finally got to Taehyungs door, he and Hoseok made a plan to talk to Taehyung and Jungkook before they went to everyone else, he knocked and waited for the Younger to come out.


"Why, hello to you too," Jin smiles, pushing Taehyung out of the way to sit on his couch, Taehyung rolled his eyes as he slammed his door shut. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to fix everything," Jin said, before Taehyung could open his mouth, he continued. "Because I for one knows damn well that your little fight with Kook, is a petty one, Jungkook spilled the beans just a few minutes ago," Jin said, Taehyung huffed as he sat on the couch beside Jin.

"I know it's petty," Taehyung started, "But I can't help it, I'm a big man with a bigger heart, I get jealous easily but I can forgive just as quick," Jin raised his eyebrows and clicked his tounge.

"Then why haven't you forgiven Gguk?"

"Because...I don't know..." Taehyung whispered, "I really don't fucking know," he looked down at the carpet and blinked a couple times, he tried to think of some kind of reason as to why he hasn't forgiven the younger yet, but he came up short.

"It's because you love em," Jin finally answered, "You can forgive a friend easily because their your friends, but when you love someone, your emotions can get all jacked up and confused, so if you're mad at someone you love, you may be madder than you really are," Jin explained, a smile slowly finding its way to his face.

"Since when were you a fucking therapist?" Taehyung asked, Jin rolled his eyes as he sat up and turned a little bit more to face Taehyung. "Since now, see, I'll let you know exactly why I'm here, it's to fix everything-"

"You already said that,"

"Then let me finish, dickhead," Jin huffed, "I'm here to fix everything because not only are you having problems but this whole group is having problems, and the longer we stay away from eachother, the more problems we'll have. Not to make everything about me, but Namjoons mad at me, and I can't do shit about it until Hoseok and I have fixed this, so what you need to do is find out whatever little boy feelings you have for Jungkook and fix this shit, I'm not playing Tae, I will lock you two in a room and make you guys solve this if I have to,"

Taehyung nodded as he picked at the rips in his jeans, he wasn't actually mad at Jungkook, maybe he just mad at the idea of Jungkook being an asshole, even when the younger wasn't trying to be one.

Jin watched as Taehyung thought through everything, the older then got up and went to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and got himself something to drink as he came back to sit in his original spot. "I'm thirsty...for drama," Jin smiles when Taehyung gave him a look.

"Alright," Taehyung finally said, running a hand through his hair and looked back at Jin, "Okay, I'll...talk to Kook in a few and fix this...I'll...do something, I promise, anything to get you and Joon back together,"

Jin nearly spat out his drink, "Who the fuck told you!" Taehyung shrugged as he grabbed the remote to his Tv and sat back. "I just guessed, now that I think about it, you two are a cute couple."

"I'll stab you," Jin mumbled, turning to the TV and waited for Taehyung to choose something.


"Jungkook! My bunny boy!" Hoseok yelled, knocking loudly on Jungkooks bedroom door, the Younger sighed as he got up to open it for Hoseok. "What?"

"We need to have a talk," Hoseok smiled as Jungkook rolled his eyes. "About?"

"About you and Taehyung, see, this little childish ass fight you two have going needs to stop," Hoseok said, Jungkook rolled his eyes as he watched the stupid grin spread on Hoseok's face. "I know you can't be talking, mr-"

"We're not talking about me...motherfucker," Hoseok started, he let in a deep breath before he continued, "Listen, if you haven't gotten the memo yet, my man Jin is having a few problems with Joon, and the only way that Joon will forgive him is if Jin and I fix this whole issue that's going on in the group, so I'm gunna need you to stop being an asshole and talk to Taehyung,"

"Don't you think I've tried? He's the one who slammed the door in my face! He's the one who needs to stop being an asshole," Jungkook huffed, laying back on his bed and crossing his arms.

Hoseok rolled his eyes as he plucked the younger, "Stop being childish, both of you are assholes who needs to fix this! I'm not playing Kook! This group is falling apart, and without your cooperation, we'll be going our separate ways by the end of highschool!"

"Haven't ever thought about if I give a fuck!" Jungkook yelled back at his half brother, Hoseok bit his lip as he suddenly stood. "You fucking idiot! You should give a fuck! Since when did you care so much about making one of your boyfriends happy? Never! Every time they were mad at you, you took it as a way to break up, but where's the break up text now? You haven't broken up with tae because you give a fuck about him, so what I need you to do is get the fuck up, go to Tae's house, and make up with him or I swear to god I'm going to beat your motherfucking ass!" Hoseok finally got out, his breaths uneven from talking without a single breath, Jungkook sighed as he also got up.

"Sad." He started, shaking his head with a smile, "You must really love him huh? Yoongi is that important to you? That's the whole reason as to why you're in my room anyways, because in order for everything to be okay again, you have to apologize to Yoongi and get him to like you again, which is why you need Tae and I to be on the same page so that we can help you and Yoongi get back together without any extra unnecessary drama. Just say you're gay for him and go,"

Hoseok blinked at the Younger as he moved around the room and to his door, "Alright," Jungkook finally said, "I'll go by his house and talk to him right now,"

"Thank you?"

Tbh I really don't like this and my last few chapters, everything is everywhere and it makes me cringe because it's s u c h a terrible plot n shit, but yeah

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