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Dawon was studying for an end of the year exam that she had coming up, she was just about to open her next book when she heard a loud thump upstairs, her heart raced as she quickly threw her book and ran upstairs.

The only person other than her in the house was Hoseok.

God, please be okay, Hoseok.

"Hoseok? HOSEOK?!" Dawon yelled, pounding on the door, every second she wasted felt like every second Hosoek could be dying. Thank god she took karate as a child. She swiftly kicked the door open and dropped to her knees at the sight.

"HOSOEK!" She yelled, her beloved brother on the ground, out cold with a little bit of blood surrounding his head, an empty pill bottle next to his bed. She quickly called 911, telling them her address and begging them to come as quickly as possible as she held her brothers hand and prayed to every god that he was okay.

It seemed like he was on a step ladder trying to get something when he just...fell, she didn't know how, Hoseok had amazing balance and it's not like he wouldn't fall unless he just suddenly pass out because he always knows how to catch himself before he falls, so even if he did fall, he would find a good way to land before even hitting the ground. It was kinda like his dancing instincts.

But then she looked at the empty pill bottle just a foot away from his hand. "Hoseok, you didn't." She sobbed, holding the empty bottle with even more tears in her eyes. "Please, please, please don't tell me you overdosed, please!" She begged, hugging him even if she got blood on her hands.

Once the paramedics and emergency services came, they quickly rushed Hoseok to the hospital while Dawon drove behind it, on the phone with Chaerin.

"Chae, I-I can't breathe right now, I can't believe this is happening,"

"What? What is it?"

"It's Hoseok. I-I think he overdosed on his antidepressants while he was reaching to get something on a ladder, he fell and hit his head the minute he passed out. I have fucking blood on me and I just. Please get here,"

"Okay, Okay, Love. I'm on my way," Chae said, quickly hanging up. She grabbed Yoongi and the younger complained about her grabbing him.

"We have to go to the hospital."

"What? Why?" Yoongi asked, genuinely concerned because now, tears are filling her eyes.

"Hoseok's in the hospital,"

I swear to you I'm going to make this better by the end of this but there's less than ten chapters left and I really wish this wasn't ending but it is and I love you guys so much I'm so sorry for putting you through this pain

I'm sad this is so close to ending :(

But on a happier note, I'll be doing a Q and A when this is over, I found a post on twitter that I'll do one on and then I'll let you guys ask question if you have any like what made me want to write the story and stuff okay I'm done


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