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Part two of mini chapters

Yoonmin+Namjoon- extremely (like 500 words) short


Yoongi sat in his room, watching as Jimin nearly threw the TV out of the window from how angry he was at the video game he was playing.

"Please calm down," Namjoon sighed, he was also in the room, he didn't want to hang out with anyone else since the others are dealing with their own problems. "You calm down!" Jimin yelled, Yoongi rolled his eyes as he bit his granola bar.

"Can you Please shut the fuck up?" Yoongi mumbled, snatching the controller from Jimin, who groaned as he took Namjoons chips.

"So about you and Jin," Jimin started, Yoongi nodded, Namjoon shook his head as he picked at the string on his pants. "Nothing happened,"

"Well something happened, he was crying in reading class," Yoongi mumbled, Namjoon nodded, "He probably was, he seems as strong as armor, but on the inside, he's as fragile as a butterfly wing...he can break so easily,"

Jimin nodded, still on the floor, "Deep-" he was interrupted by Yoongi hitting his shoulder, "Shut up, look, Namjoon, so much has happened in the past few weeks and what I really need right now is for one person in this group to be honest," Yoongi said, Namjoon pressed his lips into a thin line as he shifted so that he was facing Yoongi completely.

"Okay, I'm not going to tell you everything, but let's just say, my situation right now is kinda like what Yours and Hoseok's has been, I kinda cut my Bestfriend off," Namjoon said, Jimin gasped as he hit Yoongi's leg repeatedly.

"Can you stop?" Yoongi asked, pushing Jimin so that he would slowly fall on he floor. "So you mean, you kinda ended your relationship with Jin?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that, I dont know what happened, I just kinda snapped at him when I realized he was still talking to Hoseok, maybe I shouldn'tve, but at the same time, I feel better about myself, fuck, I don't know, I'm so confused and I'm usually the one who helps the people who are confused," Namjoon explained.

"It's okay Joonie, I bet when all of this passes, you'll be Bestfriends again," Yoongi said, Namjoon sighed as he sat back in the bed, "Jin used to call me that,"

"Geez dude, you sound like you went through a break up," Jimin said, Namjoon Bit his lip as he sat up and grabbed a second controller. "Wanna play and then lose miserably, Jimin?"

Jimin groaned as he snatched the controller from Yoongi's hands, who gave him a mean look before he mumbled something about 'throwing Jimin out of his room'


Oof this one was short but whatever, the next chapter will 100% be longer and full of angst because whats that point of a chapter I wrote if it doesn't have angst? But yeah..

I changed the cover...again I like it a lot :)

[✔️] Best friends | Y.G ~ H.STahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon