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Jimin sighed as he sat on the couch with a frown on his face. He ran his fingers through his hair and tugged hard. "We didn't mess up," he said, turning to Namjoon, who took a seat beside the younger. "We-we didn't. We did the right thing. Of- of course we did the right thing. We-" Jimin's voice started to waver and tears began to fill his eyes.

"We did the right thing." He kept saying, his body starting to tremble, everyone fell silent when they noticed Jimin's current state. "Hey, why are you beating yourself up about this?" Taehyung asked, kneeling in front of the smaller and grabbing his hands.

"Because...Yoongi knows all of you were in on this and so does Hoseok and now the both of them have no one because they don't trust us anymore...they don't have anyone to run to anymore." Jimin whimpered, Taehyung sighed as he pulled him into a hug.

"Should we...ya know.. listen to the recording?" Jungkook asked, looking at the small device the Jimin left in the room. Jin shrugged as he turned to Namjoon for directions. "Sure. Why not. The sooner we find out about this shit the better," He said, everyone nodded as they gathered around the table to listen to the recording of the argument Hoseok and Yoongi had in the room.

The tape ended with Yoongi yelling at Jimin and door slamming, it cut off at the same time Taehyung had gone into the room to get the recorder.

"Jin." Taehyung growled as he turned to the older, Jin slightly flinched at his tone but still waited for him to continue. "Why didn't you tell me- us about the fact that Hoseok told you about all of that shit with Yoongi?"

"I didn't know he loved the guy then! I just thought he was being a jerk like when I first met him!" Jin said in a defensive tone, Namjoon frowned as he turned to his boyfriend. "So you kept all of this from me too? I thought you were going to fix everything, remember?"

"What? No- Joon. I didn't know this shit would resurface! I thought we were over the slut shit when we all became friends! I didn't know this would happen!" Jin said, nearly yelling, he then turned to back to Taehyung.

"And if you wanna blame me all the goddamn time what about when you made Yoongi cry less than what? About a week ago? You called him a slut and a whore and so many other things. So who's one to talk now?" Jin said, Jimin's eyes widened as all eyes were on Taehyung.

"You did what?!" Jimin yelled, Taehyung bit his lip as he turned to Jimin. "I was upset! I didn't mean it!" He yelled, Jin rolled his eyes. "Hm. You need to be an actor then cuz it sure as hell sounded like you meant it."

Taehyung growled as he glared at Jin, who glared right back at him. "Maybe if you weren't such a fucking bitch we wouldnt be in the situation we're in now," he said, Namjoon frowned as he sat up. "Okay that's-"

"Maybe is Hoseok wasn't such a fucking pussy with his feelings all of us wouldn't be in this situation," Taehyung continued, this time, Jungkook frowned as he grabbed Taehyungs arm as a warning. "Hey-"

He had started to speak but the look Taehyung gave him made him drop his grip and shut his mouth. "Well maybe if Yoongi hadn't fucked all of those people Hoseok wouldn't've been jealous and he wouldn't have to tell me about him fucking everyone."

"Alright-" Jimin started, But Taehyung cut him off, "But you're the one who wanted to call him a slut right? I bet Hoseok didn't call him that!" He yelled, Jin's eye twitched as he sat up. "Oh don't act like you wouldn't call him one after all the people Hoseok had named."

"Okay-" Jungkook had also started, but the two continued to argue. "I wouldn't because I don't judge people like that!" Taehyung said, Jin scoffed as he waved his hand around to dismiss what he said. "But you judged Hoseok and I just because of what you heard from Yoongi, is that not the same thing?"

"Don't try to switch this shit around, fucker,"

"The switch has already been switched, bitch," Jin snapped, Jungkook growled, "Alrig-"

"You keep running that mouth if yours and you'll have to switch you teeth too," Taehyung threatened. "Oh what're you gunna do? Punch me like you did Hoseok? Let's be honest, you're not the best fighter here,"

Jungkook scoffed, "and you are?"  Jin snapped his head towards him. "Shut the fuck up."

"Alright you know what!" Jimin yelled, suddenly standing, "All of your hit the fuck yo before I make you! You're missing the most important piece of the puzzle here and thats the fact that Hoseok loves Yoongi and Yoongi won't take his apology until actions speak louder than words or some shit! So stop arguing like twelve year olds and help me figure this shit out!" Jimin yelled, everyone fell silent.

Jimin sat down with a huff as he tapped his foot on the ground to help him think things through.

Taehyung and Jin still continued to share mean glares but both Namjoon and Jungkook sat between them they couldn't even see eachother.

"We're going to figure this out," Jimin mumbled after awhile. "They're like the last puzzle piece that's missing but it's somewhere in the house. If we can find that puzzle piece and put it with the rest. We'll have a beautiful canvas and they be Bestfriends again." He explained, he then sighed as he closed his eyes.

"Hell, Maybe even more,"

Oof this is short but I just wanted to get my thoughts down and out there, there's only going to be two or three more flashbacks before we get back to the actual story so be ready for that. I like adding flashbacks because they're soft and fluffy and it takes you away from the angst but uh...

For the very last flashback (still two three away) it's gunna be sad 😢 but it's worth it

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