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This chapter is all happening while Pandora and Safia are missing.


Draco POV

I awoke to shouting from the floor below. I rubbed my eyes and sat up looking over at the clock; 2:40.

Why hadn't Pandora woken me up? I pulled on some trousers and a top to make my self look a bit respectable before going downstairs to see what the commotion was all about. 

Once I reached the door I heard a door slam with a great force. I winced at the sound and rushed downstairs.

'She'll never learn' a cold voice said as I reached the bottom step.

'What's happened?' I asked my mother as she approached me.

'Draco come through to somewhere quite with me' she instructed me and I obeyed following her through to the dinning room. 

'Mother what has happened?' I asked.

'Sit Draco' mother said and once again I obeyed and she sat facing me clasping my hand in her own.

'Draco I... I don't want to tell you this but as I am your mother I'd rather you hear it from me first' mother said. 

'What's going on mother?' I asked feeling worried as she gazed into my eyes.

'It's Pandora, her and Barty had an argument because he drove Safia away and now Pandora has gone too but I'm not one hundred percent certain whether she'll be coming back'.

Not again. No she can't do this again.

I shot up and ran out of the door only to run into Barty Jr.

'Draco don't go' Barty said gripping onto my arm to stop me leaving. 

'No' I growled 'get off me she can't do this again'. 

'Draco, stop' Barty ordered me as I pushed with all my force against him.

'Your the reason she's gone so get off me' I yelled at him. 

'Draco!' my mother screamed at me. 'Get to your room, I tried to tell you nicely but you just-'

'Leave me alone' I said yanking my arm out of Barty's grip and pushing past my mother.

When I was up in my room there was only one thing I could do which was to write to my cousin, Nymphadora Tonks.

Severus Snape POV 

'Headmaster, I have some news' I said announcing myself in the office of Albus Dumbledore's.

'What is the news you bring me Severus?' he asked looking curiouse while twirling his long silvery beard.

'It's Pandora and Safia, they have both had heated arguments with a certain Death Eater today and now they have both run away. Pandora has been gone almost half a hour but and Safia just over that', I informed him.

'And do you have any idea where they could have gone?' Dumbledore asked.

I shook my head 'they could be anywhere'.

'You should be searching, Severus they are your nieces and partly your responsibility now that Clarissa is gone' he said placing a hand on my shoulder.

'I should be on my way then' I said.

'Severus' Dumbledore called as I made my way for the door, I turned to see him 'I suspect they'll be in a bad state if you find them, try comfort them'. 

I nodded and left.

Fred POV

'Fred dear, there's a letter come for you' mum called from the kitchen. 

'We'll discuss the new products later' I told George and headed down stairs in a merry mood.

'Hey Fred, can I show you something please?' Ginny asked, poking her head out of her bedroom door.

'Yeah sure Ginny' I said and entered her room to find at least 20 screwed up pieces of parchment surrounding on intact piece with what looks like a product idea on it. 

'Wow, Gin' that looks awesome... what is it?' I asked.

It was a pink round fluff covered drawing.

'It would be called a Pygmy Puff, they're miniature Puffskeins. If you sold these in the shop I guarantee they will rake in galleons' she said.

'Wow they look cute I bet they'd be a hit. I'll speak to Fred about it later Gin' mum said I've got a letter so better go check it out' I said and headed down stairs after ruffling her hair.

'Here you go dear' mum said smiling sweetly at me as she handed me the letter. I couldn't recognise the writing. 'Do you know who it's from?' she asked.

I shook my head and broke the seal on the envelope. I pulled out the parchment and began to read.


Pandora and Safia have both left after having an argument with a Death Eater this morning. They've both been gone about 2 hours and I don't know where they've gone and I'm not allowed of the house If you hear from either of them let me know as soon as you do. And if you harm or touch Pandora I'll crucio you into next year and that's a promise. 


Draco Malfoy.

I shifted as a sickish worry twisted in my stomach.

'Who's it from dear?' mum asked. 

I handed her the letter as I could not speak due to the rush of questions rattling in my mind.

'Oh' mum said. Is that all she could say? 'oh'? I know Pandora hasn't been the most respectable person to her but I'm still one hundred percent, incontrovertibly in love with Pandora.

'I'm going to find them' I said and left before mum could protest.

Draco POV

Three hours gone and it's really starting to get under my skin. I need to find Pandora. 

I opened my window and began to slide down a pipe attached to the building with ease. I'd done this several times before when I wanted to get away into the garden when there had been a meeting downstairs which I was forbidden to disturb. 

Tonks POV

'Molly calm down please. I'm sure Fred will be fine' I reassured Molly as she panicked in front of me.

'What if the death eaters or you-know-who gets to him first' she said during hyperventilating. 

'Molly for Christs sake calm down' I urged her as I gripped her shoulders.

'I'm sorry Tonks, I'm just so scared' Molly cried. 

'It's fine don't worry, I wish I could understand properly' I said gazing down at my once again flat stomach. I was pregnant, but I tripped over the umbrella stand in Grimmauld Place and the fetus didn't make it. 

'You'll have another chance, Tonks I'm sure' Molly told me and calmed down. 

I let go of her and sent a patronus to Kingsley to tell him about Fred. 


Just thought I'd leave you all hanging a bit longer :D Mwhahahahahaha!

What do you all think will happen?! :) 


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