Slytherin Vs Gryffindor

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I walked onto the Quidditch pitch in my Slytherin quidditch robes. The Slytherin stand were all singing the song we made up earlier this morning.  

Weasley cannot save a thing,  

He cannot block a single ring,  

That's why Slytherins all sing:  

Weasley is our King.  

I laughed at them singing. Romeo came and walked next to me.  

'Nervous?' he asked  

I searched my emotions but nothing was there 'Hell no' I said enthusiastically  

'Good, when you're up there don't bother with Potter he'll probably end up getting hit by a bludger im sure Crabbe or Goyle will make sure of that' he sneered  

I hummed the ''Weasley cannot save a thing'' chorus. As i got to the middle of the pitch i mounted my broom.  

'Right, I want a nice clean game' The greyish brown hair woman said.  

I almost laughed. She blew the whistle and we were off. I soared towards the Slytherin stand and hovered above them all.  

'Where is it' I shouted at draco  

But before her could answer a silver blur passed me. I followed it flying fast slowly growing closer to it. Suddenly I was sent flying to the side and Potter was next to me.  

'Watch it Potter, you might just end up in the hospital wing like I've heard you have been allot after a quidditch match' I shouted at him as we flew higher and passed the high stand Dumbledore and other teachers were in 'wait till you see what I've got up my sleeve for you' I shouted smirking but keeping my eye on the snitch. Potter suddenly stopped.  

'Would that be a dark mark by any chance?' he asked bitterly  

I stopped at turned on my broom to face him I saw a strand of my hair go bright red 'funny, very funny Potter, so funny I almost fell of my broom' I said snidely  

I glanced down and heard Ernie McMillan the commentator say 'what are they both doing? Go chase the snitch! don't just sit there go! Potter!' we were almost directly in the middle of the pitch about 50ft up in the air.  

'I bet im right though aren't I?' He asked grimacing at me. I blinked and pulled my left sleeve up and showed him my bare arm. Disappointment spread across his face.  

'I've even had this conversation with Dumbledore, Potter so If you doubt he this is my real skin, go take it up with him not me, ok'  

'What are the talking about? why did she show him her arm?' Ernie shouted expecting an answer.  

'Like the song Potter? Made it up this morning, pretty good isn't it, shows people what Ron is really like' I smirked  

We both pulled our wands out at the same time and pointed them at each other.  

I laughed 'You're so predictable Potter, sticking up for your little sidekick suck up, always playing the hero-'  

'Shut up!' He yelled at me 'I know you're a death eater, I know what I heard when you were with Malfoy down by the lake'  

'What are you talking about? I burnt myself Potter' I laughed 'You really are as stupid as you look'  

He looked angered he flicked his wand and a silver jet of light flew out of it but i flicked my wand creating a invisible shield in front of me. The silver jet of light bounce back at him but he dodged it.  

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