The Journey + The Sorting

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They sat down so Harry, Ron, Ginny and Luna were opposite me.

''Hello'' I said cheerily

''Hi'' Ron said back looking at my hair slightly bewildered ''sorry to be rude but who are you?''he asked me

''This is Pandora, Ron, remember we told you about her'' Fred said and gave him a little kick in the shin.

''Ouch!'' Ron yelled at him, ''Oh yeah your the girl Fred keeps talking about to everyone'' he said smirking.

Fred blushed and gave Ron a harder kick on the shin again. ''Ouch''

''Well I think im going to get changed before the train leaves'' I said quickly and quietly.I grabbed my shoulder bag which contained my school robes and rushed out of the compartment and towards the end of the train which meant I had to go trough the slytherin's carriage. Once I got there a dark brown haired girl jumped out on me.

''Where do you think you're going?'' she sneered.

''Where does it look like im going?'' I said coldly '' im going to get changed, get out of my way'' I turned to look into the compartment she jumped out of and Draco, and two other plump boys were sitting in there.

''You're not meant to come this way'' she said sharply keeping her eyes on my hair as it slowly turned red.

''Well I was told to come this way so I came this was, now get out of my way'' I said gritting my teeth ''like hanging around with my total prat of a cousin do you?'' I asked her.

She lifted her hand and slapped me round the face ''you bitch, what the hell are you talking about?''

''Don't you dare slap me you little whore'' I said while slapping her back ''Draco he's my cousin that's what the hell im bloody talking about'' She looked confused and taken aback ''did your precious little boyfriend draco not tell you''

Draco jumped up out of his seat and came out of the compartment he lifted his wand and pointed it at me ''Don't touch Pansy, she isn't a whore'' he said.

''Hell yeah she is'' I reached for my wand but before I got there pansy slapped me around the face again this one stung worse than the last one it had more force and meaning. I grabbed her hair and yanked it she screamed and grabbed my hair and pulled at it hard causing me to scream. I punched her in the stomach and she went stumbling back coughing I must have winded her. ''That's what stupid little girls get for playing with fire'' I said. I brushed past draco and stepped over Pansy and walked to the changing room. On the way back Draco was standing outside the changing rooms

''what was that back there?'' he said franticly

''that was me fighting your little friend, you do have some horrible friends Draco, your mummy wouldn't be pleased'' I said patronisingly ''Now if you don't mind i wouldn't like to get back to my friends''

''what friends?'' he asked

''Fred, George, Luna, Ron, Hermione and Harry'' I said ''Get out of my way'' he grabbed my sleeve tightly ''Let go''

A door opened and Harry appeared ''Leave her alone Malfoy''

''What are you going to do about it Potter?'' he said cold heartedly

''This'' Harry said and punched Draco in the noes and Draco lost his grip on my sleeve and fell back. Blood started dripping from his noes '' C'mon lets go'' Harry said. Harry grabbed my sleeve and gently pulled me along the carriages until we reached the compartment where we had once been sitting in. I took a seat next to Fred and Hermione

''What happened to you two?'' Hermione asked worriedly ''whys your hair red Pandora?''

''Malfoy'' Harry said rolling his eyes.

''I got into a fight with a girl called Punsy I think it was'' I said

Ginny giggled '' Its Pansy, Pansy Parkinson, shes horrible always holding on to Malfoy, wouldn't she let you past?''

''No, shes a real bitch, she got a bit of a shock when she found out I was Malfoy's cousin though the best part was when I got to punch her though'' I said merrily. Hermione gasped

''You punched her!'' Hermione said shocked

''Yeah, but she slapped me first and I slapped back then she grabbed my hair and pulled so I grabbed her hair and punched her'' I said

''Luna, told us you used to go to Beauxbatons and Durmstrang Institute how come you left both of them?'' Harry asked curiously

''Oh I thought someone would ask at sometime, well I got kicked out of Beauxbatons for bullying some girls that were in my year, and I got kicked out of Durmstrang because I turned a teacher into a rabbit on purpose and didn't tell anyone for 3 mouths until I found the teacher who was a rabbit and turned him back '' I said telling the real truth ''But I've changed over the summer I've decided I want to become an Aurors'' There was a minute of silence.

''I want to become an auror too'' Harry said breaking the silence

''You would'' Hermione said laughing and everyone laughed along

''Can I tell you all something?'' I said walking over to the door and shut it ''It's about Voldemort'' There was shudders at the sound of his name.

''Go ahead'' Harry said

''Well he is back as you all know, I've seen him myself at home, he walks around treating the place like his own'' I paused '' anyway well there was a meeting the yesterday and Voldemorts building up his army again he's gone and got all his death eaters out of Azkaban but that hasn't been in the Daily Profit because the ministry are covering it up, Lucius Malfoy told me himself you see'' i told them.

''We know, we are building an army too, are you going to join us?'' Harry said

''Of coarse'' I said getting excited

''Good'' they all said at the same time.

The train started to slow down ''Are we there already?'' I asked

''Yes, welcome to Hogwarts Pandora'' said Fred.

After we got off the train and made our way to the castle, we walked into the great hall and I was told to go sit at the front with the first years. An old man with a long silver beard stood up in from his chair ''SILENCE'' he shouted above everyone's talking and the hall fell silent ''Thanks you and Welcome to a new year of Hogwarts and a first for some, we shall start with the sorting of new students and then the feast, as we have a new fifth year we shall start with her then move on to the first years''

''Pandora Lestrange'' a old looking witch said who was standing next to the stool, there was whispers coming from every table.

''I SAID SILENCE'' Dumbledore yelled, he looked over to me and nodded towards the stood

I stood us and walked over to the stool and sat on it. The witch placed the hat on my head and within that second the hat yelled ''Gryffindor''

There was cheers coming from the table which had Fred, George, Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron on it. People stared at me as I walked toward the table which Fred and Hermione made space for me to sit in between them.


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