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Omg I've been soo excited to write this Finally! :)  

Oh by the way my Cruciartis curse is different to the on in the harry potter books mine leaves 4 big cuts on you back that look like knives made them, I like a twist :)  

Enjoy guys.....  


There was a thud and the blinding white of the hospital walls appeared. George looked down at me making sure I was still conscious. There was a faint pop and Fred appeared next to George who was carrying me. George ran towards the reception desk. Sitting at it was a Fairly young looking with long curly mud brown hair. She smiled at George.

'' How can I help you'' she said in a mellow voice

''C-cruciartis curse'' He stuttered

''Name?'' she asked

''Pandora, Pandora Lestrange, please just get me to a doctor or someone who isn't a dumb bimbo'' I shouted at her

Her eyes widened ''D-d-down the corridor first door to the right ask for Doctor Read''

George ran down the corridor after 40 seconds with came to a door reading 'Cruciartis curse treatment room' George kicked the door open. A middle aged wizard wearing a white coat holding a clip board with brown combed hair rushed towards us.

The room was filled with 5 patients and 4 Doctors all wearing a long white coat with stethoscopes around their necks and a clipboard in their hand.

''Pandora L-lestrange?'' he asked gingerly

''That's me'' I said. My back was stinging and wet from the blood, my vision was getting blurred and my brain was spinning. The room was getting darker and darker and then black.

I heard people talking around me their voices were familiar. I didn't open my eyes because I wanted to hear what they were talking about. My whole body was aching.

''Great family you all are, you must really care for her'' Fred said in a sarcastic voice.

''It's not our fault she's here like this'' Lucius said

''Well your here family you should care for her, so in a way, yes it is your fault shes here actually'' Fred said angrily

''She was stupid enough to go and get herself in to this mess'' Draco spat.

''She didn't get herself in to this mess she was born into this mess, and this mess is the side effect of having a dreadful family as you'' George shouted

''Fred, George that's enough'' said a new unfamiliar voice.

''We have brought her up like our own'' Narcissa said.

''She's been here 4 days and you only came here this morning'' The new voice said

''We have been looking for her, Draco didn't know where she went-'' he said

''Why would she tell him, she hates him, she told us herself'' Fred shouted

I opened my eyes. The unfamiliar voice was a red headed lady who must be Fred and George's mum. I sat up taking the brightness of the white walls.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked Draco, Lucius and Narcissa.

''Mr Weasley told me you were here, he told us you were hurt'' Lucius said

''What would you care?'' I said coldly ''Like you've ever treated me nicely, all you've ever done is treated me like the way you treat muggles, only you don't dare to kill me, anyway shouldn't my mother be here?, oh yeah I forgot she wouldn't care because she's the reason I'm here''

Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now