Being Suspended

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There was several gasps of shock and some of the Gryffindor's cheered. Professor McGonagall pushed between us before we could get in any more trouble .  

'My. office. now' She said looking furious as Madam Hooch rushed over to Snape 'You two as well' she said to Romeo and Fred. Romeo Put his arm around me as we walked of the quidditch pitch, I felt a great urge to push him away but what would be the point. My dark mark was burning I knew my father was angry, but i was not sure if it was about this.  

'Shouldn't have done that' I mumbled to myself  

'Damn right you shouldn't have' Fred said gritting his teeth in anger but also looking heart broken .  

'I hope she gets kicked out, like she did at her last two schools' Ginny snarled exclaiming the ''two''.  

'I doubt i will be, if anyone will be getting kicked out its you, stunning a teacher' I said as we passed Hagrid's hut.  

'It's you're fault thought, shouldn't mess with my brother-'  

'Shut up Ginny, Im eighteen I can deal with my own problems' Fred snapped at her and rushed of ahead and Ginny walked faster trying to catch up with him.  

I finally let lose of Romeo's grip and walked rather quickly frowning at the ground as I felt my dark mark scorching on my arm. I rubbed my robes as I entered McGonagall's office where Fred and Ginny were already standing in standing awkwardly not meeting each others glances. Romeo followed a considerable distance behind me. Fred looked up from the ground and watched us walk in and go to different sides of the office. His face was filled with hope. I rubbed my arm then his hope dropped back to the ground.  

Five whole minutes of awkward silence later McGonagall stormed in looking furious her face was white with hot anger.  

'WHA- HOW- WHY?' she yelled at us 'a fight after a quidditch match is very uncalled for, I want to know you're pathetic excuses all of you. Now!'  

Her face was getting more viscous looking every second so i went first 'Fred just started having a go at Ro- Montague and then he punched him, and then Ginny started sending spells at me' I said in one breath.  

'Yes i saw but you missed out something Riddle... the part where you called Fred a blood-traitor and then you charmed Miss Weasley to be hoisted up into the air' she said sharply her eyes piercing into mine like daggers 'you are all very ... lucky that Professor Umbridge isn't here today'  

She paused and began '50 points from Gryffindor and 100 from Slyth-'  

'WHAT! But they only got 50 off why do we get 100 off?' I asked clenching my fists in outrage at my sides  

'Because you used uncalled and cowardly language and don't interrupt me unless you want me to deduct more points from Slytherin carry on, I can't say it wouldn't over joy me'  

I growled and walked out of her office and along down to the dungeons still in my quidditch robes. As i entered the Slytherin common room there was music booming and people singing and cheering. People came running over to me, but I barged past them and walked over to the corner and sat down with my arms crossed with a miserable expression on my face. Montague came in about a minute after me and people cheered at him but he stormed up to the boys dorm. I saw Pansy come in as the music and cheering had calmed down. She walked over to me looking confused.  

'What's up with you?' she asked smiling  

'Weasley's, McGonagall' I said bitterly  

'Tell me everything, I've only heard about what happened after the match I wan't to know everything' she said and sat down in the chair opposite me and I told her the whole story.  

'Whoa, the blood-traitor stunned Snape? I didn't think that part was actually true until I saw him being carried on a stretcher up to the hospital wing, I've heard he's broken ribs' she said looking amazed 'she's going to pay big time' Pansy said smiling at me.  

'So what are you so upset about?' she asked  

'I left out one detail... well I.. sort o' lost us 100 points-'  

'Blimey, McGonagall really dose hate you' she said laughing 'that means were on something like minus 200' still laughing  

We spent another hour talking about my argument with Potter then we went to dinner.  

Draco was no where to be seen at dinner too. I saw in the corner of my eye Dumbledore stood up as McGonagall was finished speaking to him.  

'SILENCE' he yelled and the hall fell instantly silent in puzzlement 'thank you, now I will start by congratulating the Slytherin quidditch team on winning against Gryffindor, but let us not forget Gryffindor I am sure tried very well. Well let me get to the point, many of you witnessed a fight after the quidditch match involving two Slytherins and two Gryffindors and I have to inform them that they shall be suspended for two weeks. Such violence shall not be tolerated at this school, I must also inform you that Professor Snape is getting on fine in St Mungos he was hit with force by a stunning spell causing him to break seven ribs he shall be here shortly to escort the students who have been suspended to the Hogwarts express.' He paused.  

Suspended for two weeks! Shit this will delay my plans. Dad is going to be annoyed but not angry-  

'That is all thank you' he said and sat down whispers filled the hall mixing into a buzz. People turned to stare at me from other tables.  

'Well, I better go pack... you coming? I asked Pansy. She nodded with her mouth full of ice cream.  

We walked down to the dungeons and into the common room which was deserted apart from a sobbing sound from the corner in a chair facing the wall. The person sobbing stood up and pointed their wand as me and Pansy. It was Draco he realised it was us and ran up to the boys dorm.  

'I'll handle this Pansy-'  

'I'll stay' she said stubbornly  

'No. Go' I said coldly. Pansy scowled at me and turned on her heal and walked out of the common room and out of sight. As she left i rushed up to the boys common room to find Draco lying on his bed with his head buried in his pillow. I took a deep breath expecting what was coming. I walked slowly and quietly over to his bed and sat on the side and placed my hand on his shoulder. He shacked my off.  

'Draco' I said softly feeling extremal terrible. He sat up his face was pale and his eyes were red, he looked sad and angry.  

'You kissed him' he spat  

'Technically he kissed me' I corrected him 'and i know what you're going to say, I am sorry but I couldn't reject him in front of everyone he would hate me and then the team wouldn't be able to play properly just because of one tiny kiss that didn't mean anything, totally meaningless' I told him placing my hand on his knee.  

He stayed silent and watched me watch him.  

'C'Mon Draco the only person I love is you' He stared at me in amazement 'Im in love with you and only you' I told him looking deep into his eyes  

'Riddle say what?' he said smirking  

'That's better' I said and pulled him into a hug 'I know it seams impossible for a Riddle to love but looks like im different' I smiled 'anyway, I'm going to tell Bellatrix to say im not hers when I get home tonight' I told him and he looked shocked and confused  

'Y-You what?' he asked as I realised he hadn't heard Dumbledore's speech at dinner.  

'I've been suspended' I told him as his eyes widened even more if possible.  

'Crap' he said.


Whaaay!, not much of a cliff hanger again but I'm afraid I have to stop now as my bum is very numb. Not much their either but you'll get some more tomorrow If you lucky :)  

Irish school is going well for me :) love my new friends :)

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