I Love You

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I felt my Dark Mark burn as my feet his the ground.

''Pandora'' I familiar voice say from behind me. I turned to see Draco, my eyes widened.

''Shit'' I yelled and grabbed his arm and appearated to a unfamiliar cliff, I'd never been here before. 

Our feet landed on the ground and I yelled at him ''what do you think you're doing?''

''I had to stop you, but now I see what's going on you're with that blood-traitor'' Draco snapped.

''Draco you've got it wrong'' I sighed.

''Well how is it then?'' he asked crossing his arms and turning pale.

''It's confusing but I'll explain'' I paused as he waited impatiently for me to tell him. ''When I found Safia she was walking to the Weasley's home, she said she didn't want to go back. So I came up with a fake plan, I told her I would be a spy on my father for them. Fred thought I wanted to get back together with him so I was stupid and went along with it. But the real plan is to get Potters side to trust me so I could feed information to my father. I just haven't told anyone but you that last part yet. I love you''.

Draco stared at me in suspision for a moment ''don't lie to me please, do you really love me? Is it the truth or a lie?'' he asked.

A lump in my throat appeared, I forced it down and with confidence said ''Truth, Draco Malfoy. It'salways been you''. 

''Then why were you acting weird earlier?'' he asked.

''Because to get Weasley to trust me I had to give him a mood ring, I shows when I'm deceiving him. And I was then or so I thought I was'' I answered ''I made the rings so I can change get rid of that mood or doing from showing up on the ring''.

''Ok'' Draco said after a moment of staring at me and pulled me into his arms, he kissed my forehead. 

''I love you Draco'' I whispered.

''I love you more, Pandora'' he whispered back. Draco sat down and pulled me onto his lap, we watched the sun set past the see. It was beautiful and safe. I felt protected with Draco's arms around me, like no one could hurt us. It was just me and Draco.

I felt my Dark Mark burn furiously, father was calling me. Draco hissed in pain ''he want's you doesn't he?''.

I nodded ''we better go I have some explaining to do''

''Promise me you will stay with me tonight?'' Draco asked.

''I have to get the rings but I will come as soon as I've done that, I promise'' I said as we stood up. I held his hand and apperated us into Malfoy Manor.

My father was sitting down on the sofa with his head in his hands. Lucius, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Scabior, Barty and to my surprise Severus was there too, they all sat opposite him. 

They all looked towards me and Draco, my father looked angry.

''What do you think you're playing at?'' he asked angrily. He stood up.

''I just wasn't in a good mood'' I said.

''Of what I've heard that's the understatement of the year!'' he yelled at me.

''I clearly get my anger problems from you'' I muttered. ''Well if it helps I've got a Weasley wrapped around my little finger'' I said smiling.

My father's tensed shoulders suddenly lightened ''what do you mean?'' he asked.

I explained everything I explained to Draco earlier to them all.

''Very good, now go'' my father said.

Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now