The Seventh Floor...

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I heard voices around me I couldn't make out who it was. I opened my eyes and there was Dumbledore and Professor Trelawney. 

''She's waking up'' Dumbledore stated. 

''Where am I?'' I asked looking round in confusion then i remembered what happened ''why am I alive? he killed me'' I said frowning 

''It is impossible to kill someone if you are inside their head, but you have been in a coma for 41 days-'' 

''41 DAYS, 6 WEEKS?'' I interrupted him in shock trying to take it all in. 

''Yes 41 days, how are you feeling?'' he asked  

''Im'' I paused checking to see if I was in any pain that I had not yet registered ''Im fine'' I said smiling at him but my smile was weak  

''Fred! I need to see Fred'' I said suddenly. 

I jumped out of the bed. 

''Go on, he's rarely left your side for the past six weeks he only leaves to wash, eat and for lessons, he sleeps here every night just in case you wake up'' He said 

I looked up at the clock it was 9:30 which mean's Fred will be in charms. I sprinted all the way to the twin's charms class. I stopped and took a breath then knocked on the door and entered. 

Professor Flitwick stumbled backwards at my appearance ''Good lord, when did you wake up''  

I looked around the classroom franticly for Fred and his fiery red hair. The I spotted him looking out of the window with a depressed look on his face. He didn't stir at my entrance. 

''Could I borrow Fred for 5 minutes please Professor?'' I asked politely 

Fred's head shot round and found me, I was standing there in my muggle clothes with my messy mousy brown hair dangling down just above my waist. He jumped up and ran across the classroom towards me and I ran towards him and jumped into his arms. 

''Feel free, have him for the rest of the lesson you two need to catch up'' Flitwick said. I frowned at him in confusion. 'Catch up?' what has happened while I've been gone?' I thought. 

We walked out of the charms classroom hand in hand. Once we shut the door the corridor was silent and deserted. He pushed me up against a wall. 

''I almost lost you'' he whispered tears filling his eyes 

''But you didn't so...'' there was a moment of silence ''What did Flitwick mean by catch up?'' I asked breaking the silence.  

''let's go get Ron, Harry, Hermione they have been dying for you to wake up'' he said changing the subject  

He kissed me softly on the lips and pulled me along the corridors and down stairs until we reached the potions room in which I had almost been murdered in. 

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