Safia 1 - Pandora 0

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Safia POV

Dumbledore stared at me looking confused 'I beg your pardon, Safia'

'I was greeting Uncle Severus' I said casually.

'Professor this is my niece, Safia. She belongs to my sister who ran away, leaving Safia abandoned at a orphanage' Uncle Severus said with no emotion in his voice.

I never knew my Uncle lived here. And how could his hair get so greasy it made me want to gag.

'You never said you had a sister' Dumbledore said.

'You never asked sir' Uncle Severus replied.

'Severus will you please take care of you niece until the school term begins and take her to get her school uniform and the things needed for a 5th year student?' Dumbledore asked.

'Yes, of course' Uncle Severus replied with a small smile, if there was one thing I had learnt in the basement of Malfoy Manor it's how to tell if people are lying. I'm not calling my Uncle a liar but I could tell he didn't want me here, but all the same I don't want to spend a minute of my time with him, especially as he is related to my mother. How could I love let alone like someone who abandoned me as a baby, leaving me to rot with filthy muggles and face a future having to put up with my enemy, Pandora Riddle.

'Safia has had several encounters with Pandora, Severus' Dumbledore said raising a eyebrow at him.

'Yeah' I nodded 'where she tried to kill me'

Snape frowned 'but you took similar actions, Safia' Dumbledore said.

'Yes but now we're older we'll be more... particular of what we do' I said with a smirk.

'You won't go causing any trouble, I can tell you that much. If I find you do then.. then you'll get detentions' Uncle Severus said sharly.

'Ohh, my knees are trembling please don't Uncle Sev' I said in a mocking petrified girlish voice.

Uncle Severus rolled his eyes as thought that is what he thought my usual comeback would be. I felt disgusted by this man who called himself my Uncle. He didn't know me, he never will, unless.. I show him. Show him how mean and cruel I can really be. I guess I should be the dark lord's daughter and not Pandora Riddle, she disgraces the Riddle name.

'Well I better be going, I will see you again soon Safia. Merry Christmas' Dumbledore said and departed.

'Where do I sleep?' I asked coldly.

'Upstairs, first room on the left' Uncle Severus replied just as cold.

Pandora POV

I opened my eyes as a smell of warm food surrounded me. I stretched and found that I was in Fred and George's room, but it was empty. I frowned and stood up and went down stairs. The dining room had everyone in it; Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley and Tonks.

'Pandora, are you hungry dear?' Mrs Weasley asked.

I smiled gratefully and nodded 'yes please, that's if it's not too much trouble'

Harry, Ron and Hermione all went wide eyed and exchanged glances of surprise. Mrs Weasley let out a little chuckle and said 'of course it isn't dear' 

I sat down in a seat at the table between Fred and Hermione as Mrs Weasley gave me a plate of food. We ate in silence.


The rest of the Christmas holidays went slowly because there was barley anything interesting to do. I couldn't drink at the new years party the Weasley's held or on Christmas day.

I walked hand in hand with Fred towards the Hogwarts Express.

Draco walked at a fast pace past us. I felt a big lump in my through and my chest constricted in a strange way. I felt a big amount of guilt pass through me, until Safia came into my sight.

She was stopping Draco and greeting him. The guilt dropped along with every other type of painful and sad emotion I had in me and was replaced by hate and anger.

Safia POV

I saw a ash blond haired boy hurry past Pandora as she turned a hideous pale colour. I smiled at the boy and as he was about to walk past me I grabbed his arm and smiled politely at him.

'Um, excuse me' he said in a bitter tone.

'Um hi, I was wondering if you could help me my trunk is really heavy and I'm not sure I will be able to lift it myself' I asked in the nicest tone I could do.

The boy who I thought to be Draco Malfoy sighed and single handedly lifted my trunk onto the train.

'So.. you new here?' he asked.

'Yeah, I just started' I said smiling 'is it me or is something bothering you?' I asked tilting my head curiously.

He sighed heavyer 'it's nothing, honestly. It's not like anyone cares' he muttered.

I frowned and placed my hand on his right shoulder as Pandora and Fred walked in to put their trunks in 'hey tell me what's up, I care' I said in a soft tone. 

I saw Pandora's shoulders tense out of the corner of my eye. 

'Some where else' he said and grabbed my wrist pulling me out of the luggage compartment. I looked over my shoulder and sent a smirk to Pandora. She took one step forwards and took out her wand but Fred stopped her.

Draco told me all about how he broke up with a girl who he knew almost his whole life. He described her as special, clever and beautiful. The whole story made me want to vomit, but if I wanted to ruin Pandora's life I had to do it this way.

'Don't worry Draco, I'm sure you'll find someone else just as special, probably more special because someone would have to be crazy to ditch someone a nice as you' I said looking into his grey eyes which made him look rather good.

'Thanks, Safia' he said smiling at me.

I leaned over to him and pecked him on the cheek 'any time'. He blushed slightly and lowered his gaze to the floor. 

'Safia 1 - Pandora 0' I uttered to myself, then covering it up with a cough.

Pandora POV

Draco was pulling Safia out of the compartment by her hand. I felt like I could do terrible unforgivable things to that girl

'Fred' I whispered to him.

'Yes?' he whispered back.

 I whispered in a fierce tone 'I'm going to murder her'.


Sorry It's short and I didn't proof read but it's all I have the time for. I will probably update on the 26th or 28th maybe the 29th but more likely to be the 26th or 28th

I hope you all like the new character, Safia. She's pretty damn evil :D


Merry Christmas to you all!  (Unless you don't celebrate Christmas!) 

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