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The lesson was passing quickly; we had to write an essay on the function of a Bezoar. I had no idea what to write so I left my parchment black after the bell for the first lesson Snape came wondering round to see how everyone was doing when he passed me he stopped in his tracks and turned on his heals picked up my blank parchment and said ''Miss Lestrange would you please explain to me why you haven't even touched the parchment?'' the whole class turned to face me.

''Well for a start I don't know what a Bezoar is and secondly I did put my hand up to ask but you ignored me, you see?'' I said smiling sweetly up at him.

''Well if you were here for the first ten minutes of the lesson you would have found out but as you weren't you will undoubtedly be getting zero on this won't you, Lestrange'' he said snidely.

''To be honest I don't really care what marks I get on this pathetic little essay thing'' I said.

''Well you should because you just got a weeks' worth of detentions'' he said heatedly.

''Ok'' I said still smiling and turned my head up to the ceiling, he walked away in defeat. People started muttering.

''Pandora that was stupid of you, first you turn up late and then you don't do anything'' Hermione said in a low whisper.

''It takes more than a few boring detentions to get me down Hermione'' I said with a grin on my face ''he doesn't know what he's dealing with any more'' a sudden spring of excitement lunched my grin into a beam. As the bell went for the end of the lesson everyone started leaving and Snape grabbed my shoulder making it sore ''Ouch'' I said.

''Not so fast'' he waited until the classroom was empty and with a flick of his wand the door slammed shut. ''What are you playing at?'' he said furiously.

''Im not playing at anything'' I said cheerily ''what exactly do you think I am as you say ''playing'' at?

''You attacked Pansy Parkinson on the-''

''She hit me first-''

''Do not interrupt me- I am now your teacher and you are the pupil we are no longer friends- especially because of the way the sorting chucked you into Gryffindor as soon as it touched you'' he said quickly

''Well maybe that's because I don't want to be-'' there was a knock on the door and the old silver bearded man Dumbledore walked in.

''Oh- sorry Severus I was wondering if I could borrow Miss Lestrange for a little chat?'' he said

''Oh course headmaster, she will come along to you office in a minute, I haven't finished telling her what her punishment is quite yet'' Snape said blissfully.

''Very well, the password to my office is 'wisdom' Miss Lestrange'' he smiled and left closing the classroom door, there was silence for a minute.

''As I was saying, It might just be that I don't want to be daddy's little girl any more, maybe becoming a auror appeals to me more'' I said looking Snape directly in the eye, he was silent for a moment.

''Well if becoming an auror is what you want to do, so be it but you will have to start arriving on time for my lessons and listening carefully because Durmstrang sent you report card and it shows you have very little ability in potion making, may I suggest extra lessons with me every Monday and Wednesday evening?'' I didn't say anything ''yes? that's settled then they start in 3 weeks time so I can view you lack in ability and in those 3 weeks every evening at 6'o'clock I expect to see you in my office for detention for violence, turning up late and rudeness to you superiors'' he said. he gave a lazy flick of his wand and led me towards the door. I walked towards the door anger boiling within me, I looked at my hair and realized it was a bright violent red. Once I got to Dumbledore's office I knocked and a faint voice muffled enter so I did.

Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now