A Plan Set In Motion

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Firey's POV
Leafy refused to sit with me on the bus ride home.
She wouldn't speak to me, or face me.
I sat alone in the back of the bus, listening to everyone. 
People were sleeping, talking, laughing...and I felt calm.
I was gonna give Leafy the space she needed, and I didn't mind. Whatever it was that was bothering her, it wasn't my place to butt in and force her to tell me.
I just hoped she was alright.
I slouched down in my seat, and looked out the window.
The stars were nice tonight.
My heart felt warm. Puffball and I spoke after the competition, and she congratulated me on doing something I loved. She quickly left after.
I pulled my phone out, and started playing music.

Leafy's POV
I couldn't face him.
I don't know why, but I didn't have it in me to talk to him. I was bothered.
Why would he get so close to me if he liked someone else?
Why would we sleep together if he liked someone else?
I hugged myself, and I started crying quietly.
I couldn't let Pin and Coiny hear me.
I was sitting next to them, we all squished together in one seat.
Pin was listening to music on her phone, and was sleeping, and Coiny was on his phone, probably playing games.
A couple of my tears hit my arms, and it made me cry harder.
I felt pin being moved away from me, and looked to see Coiny moving her to the side to sit next to me.
"Alright leafy. What's wrong?"
"It's...it's nothing.."
He raised an eyebrow, and rubbed my shoulder.
"Come on Leafy. I know somethings wrong, what's up?"
"It's Firey...He doesn't like me back. And normally i wouldn't mind, but I really felt we had something."
Coiny looked confused.
"You confessed?"
"Of course I didn't. But he told me he liked someone else."
"Now why would he tell you that?" Coiny crossed his arms.
"....well we did see Puffball earlier, and he wanted to hide from her. So when we were alone he told me he wasn't interested in her, but somebody else."
"You know what I think leafy?"
I tilted my head, and wiped more tears away.
"What do you think?"
"I think he likes you. A lot. But he's just too nervous to tell you. That's why he made up this 'other crush'. My guess is that other crush of his is you."
"Do you really think so?"
Coiny smiled, and grabbed my hands.
"I know so. You need to tell him. Before he actually does lose feelings for you."

Coiny's POV
I watched as Leafy's eyes sparkled, and she was smiling big.
"You're right! I'll tell him soon..but not now."
"Are you feeling better now though at least?"
She nodded. "I am..thank you Coiny..again." She laughed, and wiped the rest of her tears away.
I laid back on the seat, and thought for a moment. Then I remembered.
"You know leafy.."
"We are gonna be going to that one amusement park in Yoyleland soon. Maybe you can tell him there?"
Leafy thought for a minute.
"Didn't you confess to Pin there?"
I laughed. "Sure did." I turned to look at Pin, who was snoring softly. "And I don't regret it."
"...but how would I even go about it?"
"Why don't you take him on the Ferris wheel? You can tell him there!"
"The Ferris wheel huh? It's worth a shot."
I smiled. "And if you can't do it, don't worry about it. You can always tell him when you guys get off and go on another ride together."
She sat silent, and I figured our conversation was over until I heard her mumble.
"What was that?"
"Im going to tell him on the Ferris wheel."
I smiled, and laughed to myself.
My plan was working. Now to get Firey on board.

Shortly after we got back to the school, I noticed Firey was waiting for leafy to come out. Now was my chance.
"Hey Firey, what's up?"
"Oh nothing. I'm just waiting for leafy to come out from putting her instrument away. Pin was telling me she was feeling better."
"Well. I wanted to ask you something regarding her."
"Hm?" He turned to look at me. "What is it?"
"I was wondering when you were going to..you know..confess to her."
His face flushed red, and he rubbed his arm.
"O-oh that..I honestly don't know when I'll tell her. I might not at all."
"Well I think she may like you back."
"What makes you think that?"
"Well think about it this way. As soon as you came with us, she was all over you. You're all she wanted to hang out with. She definitely has feelings for you."
He smiled, and laughed nervously.
"Well...I guess it's worth a shot..but when should I tell her?"
I smirked. "Well we are going to the amusement park in Yoyleland in a couple weeks, you can do it there."
"The Yoyleland amusement park you say...that sounds like a good idea. But where though?"
"How about the Ferris Wheel? Once you guys hit the top you can confess to her there."
"I like the way you think. I'll consider it."
"Let me know!! I'm so willing to help you out!"
Firey laughed, and hit my shoulder.
"Alright alright! I'll let you know. You driving us home?"
"Yep! Pin's waiting in the car already. She's asleep."
"If you guys want you can stay another night at my place. We don't have school tomorrow." Leafy said, walking out, slinging her bag on her back.
"Sounds like a plan. Well, let's get going!" I replied, walking to my car.
I heard Leafy and Firey whispering to one another as I drove us to Leafy's house.
She was apologizing to him for ignoring him.
"I was just a bit nervous today, and I wasn't in the mood to really mess around. Sorry about that." She lied.
"Oh don't even worry about it Leafy! I'm not mad at all!"
I looked up at my mirror, and watched as he put his arm around her, and hugged her.
I smiled, and pulled into Leafy's Driveway.
It was nice to hear them speaking.
Now that I knew they were both on board with confessing to each other at the same time, of course not knowing, my plan was set in motion completely.
Now to just help them figure out how to tell the other.

As I laid Pin on the Couch, I watched as Leafy and Firey continued to talk to one another. She was telling him about how she was so excited to go to the Amusement park, and Firey was agreeing.
"It really will be something alright." I said, throwing some blankets on Pin.
"What should we go on first?" Leafy asked Firey, throwing her pillows on the ground.
"How about the Ferris Wheel?" He replied. I smiled.
"M-maybe we should do that last. To tie off the day." Leafy stuttered.
"I can work with that!! Let's go on the boat ride first then!"
"Ok! We'll do that!"
I smiled, as we rested ourselves, getting ready to hang out again tomorrow.
This plan better work, or else I'm breaking Firey's legs.
Leafy is a lovely girl to be with, and she really does Love Firey.
And Firey loves her too, but the only thing that worried me was that he messes things up easily when flustered.
Well..we'll find out when the time comes.

I'm so proud of myself for staying on top of my work for my classes so far, none of my work is late. Also got put in Apex to retake English and I'm planning on finishing the class by next week.
The other story's first chapter is so close to being finished, so epic.
Have a good day/night everyone, see you in the next chapter
1341 Words

Brought together by Music : Fireafy (REWRITTEN)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu