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When you get noticed by jacknjellify on Twitter for throwing your leafy plush at the wall with full force
I just want to apologize first of all for the 2 chapters previous, they were uncalled for, and even though the "event" didn't happen, I should have not even written it in the first place. I take accountability for it, and I hope you will still read this story. I will not make that same mistake in the future.

Leafys POV

I slipped some leggings on and a T-shirt, and grabbed my stuff to leave.
My head was killing me, I couldn't shake these thoughts about Firey out.
Here I was, a simple nobody, and he was the hottest boy in school (haha funny joke) and out of everyone he could hang out with, he chose me.
I smiled big as I walked out of my house, and could see he was walking out too.
"Hey Firey! Wait up!" I called out, running to him.
"Huh? Oh! Hi Leafy!!" He greeted brightly.
"I can't wait till after school, I've been wanting to hang out with you for the longest time now, you have no idea!" I replied,
"Y-you have? Gee..thanks leafy!" He smiled, and turned his head away, as me and him walked together to school.

Firey's POV

I was trying not to blush, but she was just so cute sometimes..she doesn't even like me in that way though. I glanced down at her hand, as it swayed with her walking.
Without thinking, I reached, and held her hand.
"F-Firey?? What are you doing?" She stuttered, confused.
I realized what I had done, and my thoughts raced.
"O-oh! Sorry, it's just my hands are cold.."
"They are can hold my hand if you want. It just caught me by surprise, that's all."
Leafy held my hand tighter, and I blushed harder. I looked at her, and could see her cheeks a soft pink.
I smiled, and cherished this moment we had..I knew we wouldn't have one like this for a while. Unless I just used that excuse every time.
"You're hand is warm now...did you want me to hold the other?" She asked.
"What's with you and wanting to hold my hand?" I joked, and watched as she blushed hard.
"Who's the one that held my hand with no warning?" She joked back. "You said your hands were cold, I just want to warn them up for you."
I stopped walking, as did she.
"Firey? Why'd we stop?"
I grabbed her other hand, and stared into her eyes.
"Just let me cherish this moment we have together." I whispered.
"What'd you say?"
"T-this is easier to warm my other hand, so we're not switching places." I said quickly.
"Oh..well that's true..but how will we walk now?"
I let go of her second hand, and continued to hold the other.
Now that the school day was over, I haven't spoken to puffball all day, though she's just been glaring at me, I don't care.
I hopped in Coiny's Car with Pin and Leafy, and we were off.
"You know Firey, Leafy's been talking a lot about you lately. Is it true you want to change?" Coiny asked, glancing at me from his mirror. 
"I do..I realize now that you guys were just trying to help me." I replied, as leafy smiled.
"So you realize now that Puffball is-"
"Yes. Whatever you were going to say negatively about her, yes. I broke up with her."
"YOU BROKE UP WITH HER?" Pin yelled, startling me.
"Y-yea...I did. Why?"
"How are you even alive?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Firey. No one has ever broken up with Puffball. It's always been her breaking up with whoever she was with." Coiny chimed in.
I snickered quietly, and looked at leafy.
"Well, I guess I'm the first."
Leafy smiled at me, and put her hand out, to which I held it softly.
As coiny turned into the mall, I let go of Leafy's hand, and we got out.

Leafy and I had lost Coiny and Pin, and we were waiting outside to leave.
"Well..I had a great time today Firey. I hope I cheered you up." Leafy said, sitting down.
"I had a wonderful time Leafy. I love spending time with you."
I sat down next to her, and felt my heart flutter.
"Hey Leafy."
"I've always had one question I've been dying to ask you."
"T-that being?"
I turned to her, and we locked eyes.
"Do you want to-" I was cut off by Pin and Coiny.
"We're here!! Let's get going!" Coiny said gleefully, and we stood up.
"You were saying Firey?"
"Do you want to uh..practice again sometime?"
"Sure! We need to get you playing better anyways for the next competition that's coming up soon!"
Leafy held her hand out for me to grab onto, to which I accepted.
As Coiny drove home, I swapped spots with Pin, and she sat in the Back with leafy. The 2 had fallen asleep, so it was just Coiny and I.
"You know Firey.. I noticed you really have taken a liking to Leafy."
"Have you now?"
"Yea. I just want to warn you. If you hurt her, I will break every bone in your body."
"How do you even notice these things though?"
"Firey I'm not stupid. I've seen you hold her hand, hug her tighter then you hug your mom, and you're always wanting to spend time with her."
"Well at least we know now you're not stupid."
"Firey pay attention. She's a real loving girl. Treat her that way. Treat her better then Puffball treated you."
"I will Coiny. I can promise you that much."
"Thank you Firey. Go ahead and tell her when your ready, i bet she'd love to be with you."
"You really think so?"
"I'm pretty sure she would. She's seemed to have taken a recent liking to you."

Coiny pulled into Leafy's driveway, and I stepped out, opening the door and lifting her out. She gripped onto me, and buried her face into my chest.
"Bye Firey, nice to spend time with you again." Coiny said, and left.
I walked to Leafy's door, when I came to the realization I didn't have her key.
I didn't want to wake her up, so I went to my house.
I placed her on my bed, and looked at her.
My mom opened the door, and looked at her.
"She seems nice. A friend?"
"Yea mom, she lives next door. I didn't want to wake her up by asking for her key so I just brought her here if that's ok."
"It's alright, as long as you make sure she feels welcome."
My mom closed the door, and I pulled my sleeping bag out.

Leafy's POV

I woke up to the moonlight shining through the window, and I heard faint snoring.
Startled, I pulled out my phone and turned the flashlight on low, and looked around the room.
"This is...this is Firey's room" I thought to myself, scanning everything.
If I'm on his bed though..where's he at?
As I looked down, there he laid.
I felt bad for him, he didn't seem comfortable.
I nudged him awake, and he looked at me.
"H-huh..? What's wrong leafy? Do you need something?" He asked, half awake.
"Yea..come here." I smiled softly.
I looked as Firey stood up, and stretched, before sitting on the bed with me.
"What's up?" He asked.
I pulled him in for a hug, to which he quickly accepted, and pulled me down with him.
"You know Leafy?"
"You've always made me happier than anyone else ever has."
"I have?"
"Leafy...?" He was falling back asleep.
"Yes Firey?"
"I love you, you know that right?"
"Of course I know that."
He started to snore quietly again, and I continued to hold him.
"I love you too."

But it was all a dream-
1344 Words

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