Ferris Wheel Part 2

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Shrimps are pretty rich

Leafy's POV

"God...these waffles they have are SOOO GOOD!" Coiny said happily. We all sat in the restaurant, Just got our food. Based on Coiny's reaction, we knew the breakfast we got would be good. We all got around the same thing, waffles, eggs, that sort of thing.

Firey was leaning on my shoulder as he ate, he was still super tired. Pin and Coiny were talking away about the food, and I just listened in, jumping in every now and then.

As Firey woke up fully, he became more talkative, asking me about which ride we were gonna go on first. I simply said "you'll see." And that was it. I hoped he would be ok with it.

Right after breakfast, Pin and Coiny split away from us. They wanted to spend time alone, as did Firey and I, so it wasn't a big deal. Hand in hand, we walked to the first ride...the Underwater Boat Ride, submarine if you will. The line wasn't that long, we had about a 5 minute wait time. I noticed Firey was shaking a little bit. He seemed...scared almost. I tapped on his shoulder, to which he jumped, his attention immediately on me.

"Firey, honey, are you ok?" I stood on my tippy toes, and ruffled his hair a bit. He shrugged, letting out a sigh.

"I'm just a bit scared. We're going underwater. What if something happens? I can't swim.." I gave him a long hug, I noticed some people were staring at us. It didn't bother me though. I reassured him everything would be ok, and if anything happens, I'd do my best to save him. He smiled back at me, and just like that, it was our turn to get on. He held my hand in both confidence and fear, and we stepped in. It was a bit chilly inside the boat, so naturally, he cuddled close to me.

In front of us were windows, that brought sunlight in. There were bars to the sides of the windows, that we'd hold to not lose our balance when standing to look out the windows. Firey somehow let off a soft glow around us, and as everyone else got in, he gripped my hand tighter. Poor guy was afraid. As the door above us shut, the ride begun. We lowered fully into the water, and I turned to Firey. His worried look turned into an excited one. I knew he'd like this one.

We looked out the windows together, and watched as the deep sea animatronics did their thing, and we could hear faint music. His grip on my hand loosened a bit, he was gettting comfortable. But as soon as the ride ended, he looked sad. As we walked to the next ride, the swings, he explained how as soon as he started to have fun, it was over.

"We can always go back on it! I don't mind!" We stopped, and looked back at the line. It was twice as long as it was before. He shrugged, and we kept moving to the swing ride. Though...I was a bit nervous for him..he didn't know about this ride.

Firey looked at me in confusion as we got strapped in. "Wait..why are the chains so long? Don't we just swing normally?" He asked, barely putting a grip on the chains. I laughed nervously. I had to tell him.

"W-well...this actually swings us in the air.." his eyes widened. I forgot he had a huge fear of heights. "I-oh...y-you can get off of you want."
He thought for a moment, before sighing.

"No. I'm gonna spend all day with you. Just the 2 of us. I'm not gonna be missing out on any of these rides with you....I-I just hold on right?" I nodded, and his grip on the chains tightened. He was so scared it was kinda cute..haha. The ride slowly started up, and Firey opened his eyes. "Hey..this isn't so baAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"

The way the wind hit my face, I looked around at the view. You could see so much from here so quickly, the boat ride, the Ferris wheel.. the laser tag game, so much at once! Firey meanwhile...was screaming and holding onto the chains like his life depended on it. As soon as we got off, he rushed to the bench to sit down.

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