Play a Song for Me

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Piss your pants

Leafy's POV

I pretended to be studying the music in front of me, but really.. I was trying to ignore Firey. I noticed from the corner of my eye that he was watching me. "What does he want? What's so interesting about me?!" I thought to myself.
No one ever just stared at me..I could hear him saying something, but I tried hard to block him out. I was successful up until I heard him say, "I understand you don't like me, I don't like you, but you could at least acknowledge me.
"He went silent. I couldn't help but feel bad, so I turned to him.
"Firey...I'm...sorry.." I said, but he didn't reply. He genuinely looked upset..That's what I get. I sighed, and The class began for real. I snuck a few glances at him as he tried to figure out what he was looking at. He looked so confused. It was...Kinda cute to say the truth..I leaned closer to him, his body warmth barely hitting me.
" you know how to play?" I whispered. He shook his head no, blushing. I laughed, and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry. I'll teach you...if you're up for it." He smiled, and gave me a thumbs up.

Shortly after the class ended, and as I was grabbing my Jazz folder for 7th, he walked up to me, clearly embarrassed.
"Can..can we start today?" He asked. I was confused.
"...Start what?"
"You teaching me how to play."
"Oh. Um...yea! Just wait outside a bit. I have 7th."
He smiled, and walked outside.

Firey's POV

I sat on a bench a few ways from the band room, and waited. I wanted to keep my distance, as if anyone saw me nearby, they'd probably suspect i was in Band now and easily tell Puffball.
For some reason..I couldn't get that smile she gave me out of my head. It seemed so..loving..though that's how she smiled at everyone.
I was on my phone, when I felt two hands on my shoulders. I turned, and was greeted by Puffball.
"I've waited for you all day!" She exclaimed. "Soo what classes did you Get?"
I grew nervous. " know.. the usual."
She stared off in front of me, then smiled. "Hmm...thats nice..." I turned to look, to see leafy standing in the distance. Holding 2 large cases. "I think she's waiting for someone." I said, I could feel the nervousness rise up inside me. "Or she's trying to check you out. You are the talk by a lot of the girls." Puffball scoffed. I had to think of something quick, but I had nothing. Just as I thought I'd have to tell her the truth, I was lucky to see Pencil in the distance. "Hey Pencil!" I yelled out. She ran over, and her and Puffball began talking. This was my chance to leave. I said goodbye to Puffball and Pencil, and walked to leafy.
"Let's go." I said sternly. "..Before someone sees me.."

She nodded, and walked a bit ahead of me.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure no one knows."
I felt a bit of comfort as she said that, she was the first willing to save my reputation for free. Everyone else always wanted money.

We finally reached her house, and she let me in.
"Are your parents at work or something?" I asked. She went silent. "No..i..i live alone." She dropped her smile, but it quickly went back up. "But hey, we have all the time in the world to practice!" She..lives alone? I Wonder what happened.  Maybe they passed? Maybe they abandoned her?
My thoughts were interrupted as she handed me one of the cases. "This is yours." I opened it to see a shiny, bronze euphonium. I couldn't help but gasp. " me?" She smiled. "Yeah! You're officially apart of the section now!" I smiled, and grabbed it. The one i had used earlier was an old one, which im now guessing was used for people that would come in and leave shortly after. She then opened her case to reveal a shiny silver one. I was astonished, and she tossed me a mouthpiece. "You need this to play. Also..i would greatly appreciate it if you turned off your phone. It'll keep you free from distractions." I turned my phone off as she picked her instrument up, and we began the lesson.

Leafy's POV

We practiced for a couple hours, multiple breaks in between, and while he still didn't sound great, I did hear a slight improvement. He put the euphonium down, and sighed. "How do you play so well?" He asked. "It's a LOT of practice. I've been playing for about 6 years already. You'll be good soon, just practice everyday." I turned my attention to the clock, and noticed it was already 8pm. " should get going Firey. It's already 8." He looked at the clock, and began to place his euphonium in the case.
"I can't stay here? You are my neighbor after all."
"Firey.." my cheeks went a bit warm.
"I'm just messing around with you. I'll get going."
I watched him as he picked up the case, and headed for the door.
"So...I'll be seeing you." I began. "Do you wanna come to practice again tomorrow?"
He stopped, and faced me. He was thinking for a second, before smiling.
"...I'd like that." He opened the door, and walked out, closing it carefully. I stood up from my chair, and went off to my room, looking out the window. I watched him as he walked next door, and went inside. I..I wanted to make sure he made it home safe. That's all.
I couldn't help but smile big, he seemed so happy today.
I sat on my bed, and began to reflect on my day while humming to myself. "Maybe...just Maybe...i could help Firey revert to who he once was."

Yea sure Leafy I bet you were checking him out weren't you.

1027 Words

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