Ferris Wheel Part 1

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By now, it's their uhhh
2nd month.
Sorta long chapter, more words than dialogue.

January 29th

Firey's POV

It was finally time. The day finally arrived. Leafy was up extra early from excitement. Pin and Coiny were sleeping downstairs, they spent all night talking. Thank god they had sorted things out completely. There were no hard feelings. I laid on the bed, whilst leafy ran all over the room, packing for the trip.

"What should we do First? What rides should we go on? What food should we get? What-"

"Leafy sheesh, we're not even there yet. We haven't even left. Calm down!" I laughed, yawning.

She bounced around happily, eyes sparkling.
"I can't help it!! This is gonna be such a fun trip! Especially with you!" Her cheeks were dusted pink.

I opened my arms, and she quickly dove in, laying down with me.
"Come on, you're up 2 hours early. Rest a little." I rubbed her shoulders, she was freezing. I reached over, turning the lamp off. We laid there in the dark, she hugged me tight.

"B-but Firey...I have to pack.." she yawned, snuggling up close to me. One thing I noticed about her was she loved to snuggle. She would get tired really quickly too, thanks to my warm body. "I...I want this to be special..."

"It will be special Leafy..I promise. But you need to rest. I'll wake you up in 2 hours..ok?"She groaned, but complied. I had trouble falling back asleep, but at least she was knocked out. About an hour went by, she had moved away from me. Figured, I couldn't control my body warmth, and sometimes it got too much for her. Her skin would literally be red sometimes, as if I burned her. That was one thing her and I always found weird. I wasn't..made of fire...r-right?

My thoughts were interrupted by her moving around. Her hands were hitting the bed. She was looking for me. I laughed quietly. She was such a child. I grabbed her hand, holding it gently. She immediately calmed down, and continued her slumber. I decided to go on my phone for a bit, just to pass the time. That didn't last long.

"Mm..Firey..?" Thats right. Any small amount of light would wake her up immediately. Super light sleeper. She moved closer to me, begging for cuddle time. I put my phone down, and grabbed her, snuggling with her.

"You're supposed to be asleep still." I half-joked. In all seriousness though, she still has another half hour before I would wake her up.

"How long more do I have?" She yawned, looking up at me. Even when she was sleepy, she was so adorable...If not even more then if she was fully awake. I lied and told her another hour. If she knew she only had half an hour more, she wouldn't go back to bed, she would get up and start doing things. I learned this the last time we made plans for something.

I was sleepy myself, but again, I couldn't sleep. We had to be at the school and on the bus at 6am. It was 4:00am. Leafy insisted on getting up at 4:30, so she could have more then enough time to pack. Ah..I'd be able to sleep on the bus a little. As the alarm started to go off finally, she woke up, and immediately smothered me in kisses. It's something she did every day. And I wasn't going to complain, I loved it.

"Wake up sleepyhead!" She started, jumping up to turn the lights on. "We've got a long day ahead of us!" She dashed out of the room, probably to go wake Pin and Coiny up. I stretched, getting out of bed to go shower. As I walked through the hallway to the bathroom, I could hear Leafy's excited footsteps running back and forth. Pin and Coiny were yelling at Leafy to calm down, but all of us knew she wouldn't.

Leafy's POV

I didn't mean to, but I kinda rushed everyone to hurry up and get ready so we could leave. We weren't going to preform there at the park, thank god, it was going to be a warm day. And I was not prepared to wear a uniform in the heat.
(As an ex band member I can say wearing a uniform in the heat sucked)
This was just a big "congrats" for doing really good this season. But still, I wanted to get a good seat on the bus. Aka, the very back of the bus. And no, it wasn't so I could cuddle with Firey the whole time, I'll do that anywhere. I've just always loved sitting in the back. As we threw our backpacks in Coinys car, I noticed Firey seemed really...exhausted.

"Hey honey?" I walked towards him, ready to catch him. When he was really tired, sometimes he'd knock out, and collapse. He's collapsed on me like..3..no 4 times already.

"Yes my love..? What's up?" He stumbled in between his words..he got no sleep again. We've been trying different sleep medications for a while now, and so far none of them have worked. We didn't know why, but he has a lot of trouble falling asleep. The only time he'll fall asleep for a bit is when we're cuddling together for a really long time. I mean...there's other things that tire him out and put him go sleep...

"You look really tired, did you not sleep?" He shook his head no. "Firey!! You need to sleep! You'll sleep on the bus. No if's ands or buts." He laughed, and sat in the car, waiting for us to get in. I sat in next to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He always called me a child, but he was the real child here. He was more needy then me. Sure I begged for cuddles a lot, but he begged for kisses a lot. Coiny and Pin hopped in the car, pin looking back at us.

"You guys ready to go?" She asked. I nodded happily, while Firey gave a thumbs up, before putting his head down on my lap. I played with his hair for a bit while we made our way to the school. Once we got there..we'd have to jump off the car as quick as possible and run to the bus. As long as I got there first before Firey, I'd be able to secure a spot for the both of us.

Firey was knocked out finally. We were on our way to the park in Yoyleland, it would be a while. Thankfully, I was able to get the seat in the back of the bus, and Pin and Coiny sat in the seat across from us. They were talking about a lot of things, such as the different kinds of food they needed to try. Meanwhile, Needle and Teardrop sat in the seat in front of us, playing some video games. Firey was snuggled up close to me, snoring.

I looked out the window, watching as the snow disappeared, and we hit the desert. A little more after that and we'd hit the canal. A bridge was finally built around last 2 years ago, so instead of taking a long train..or plane to Yoyleland, we were now able to drive to it, cutting through the long canal.

Looking back at Firey, he was slowly coming out of his sleep. I wanted him to sleep a little longer, he's only been out for like..an hour. I placed my hand on his head, ruffling up his hair a little. He was exhausted. Thankfully, he knocked back out completely. We wouldn't be in Yoyleland for another hour. As long as he got his 2 hours he missed in, then..he'd be alright.

About an hour and a half later, he woke up, smiling at me. He always looked at me first when he woke up. I let him finish waking up as I continued to look out the window. We were finally in Yoyleland. The purple grass, the Yoyleberry bushes..this was it. I used to live here for a while growing up, before we moved. Firey scooted closer to me, looking out.

"Huh. We're here already? I couldn't have been asleep that long" I told him he was out for a while, and we pulled into the park. It didn't open till 10am, which was about another half hour. We had time to go to the restaurant across the street and grab some breakfast.

However, Coiny insisted on waiting until we got into the park. Apparently..he made all four of us reservations to one of the restaurants in there. That didn't sound too bad. We all got our wristbands put on by a worker who passed them out, and quietly waited. Finally after what seemed like forever..the gates opened. And we were let in. Firey and I held hands as we walked through to the restaurant Coiny was raving about, when we seen it in the distance.

There it was, standing tall in all its glory...

The Ferris Wheel.


Writing this chapter really lifted my spirits big time, I'm all happy now and aaaaaa

1569 Words

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