Some Time Alone

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I won't be posting the CoinLeaf fic until this book, and another book is completed. I'm sorry, but it's gonna be a while until you get a CoinLeaf fic from me. But I will do it. Pinky Promise.

Firey's POV

I sat there, drinking my Hot Chocolate. Leafy continued to lay on me, not talking. I assumed she was asleep until she sneezed.
"Bless you." I said, looking out the window.
"Thanks.." she adjusted herself, and sighed.
"Still tired?"
I started ruffling her hair with one of my hands, and she started laughing.
"'re messing up my hair.." she said, and grabbed onto my hand.
Our fingers intertwined, and I looked off to the side.
I quickly let go, I couldn't let my actions take over just yet.
She stretched, and pulled herself up.
"Alright..I'm much longer?"
I shivered, her being off of me brought a sudden breeze.
"We're almost back at your place. I'll drop you and Firey off, and Pin and I are gonna be going." Coiny replied,
"Alright. That's fine." I said, turning to leafy. "I'll just stay at my place."
She nodded, and looked out the window.
As we pulled into Leafy's driveway, I felt the urge to stay with her again. We got off the car, and said our goodbyes to Coiny and Pin.
I knew I couldn't stay with her again, I couldn't give it all away.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow Leafy!" I unlocked my door, and she opened hers too.
"Alright Firey! Oh!! I almost forgot!"
She opened a bag she had with her, and handed me a candy bar.
"For you. I know how much you like them!"
I looked at it, and back at her.
"Wow..thanks leafy! I'll..ill be seeing you...tomorrow?"
"No..I'm gonna be doing a couple things by myself tomorrow. So I'll see you Monday morning."
I nodded, and walked inside my home.
I seen my mom sitting at the kitchen table, working on her laptop.
"Hey mom." I greeted, starting to walk up the stairs.
"Oh Firey! Come here! I've got something for you!"
I walked over, and she handed me a package.
"Your cap and gown came in..I figured you'd want to try it on!"
I quickly ran upstairs, and tried it on.
"Fits great." I said aloud, examining the outfit.
I was graduating in a couple months..which meant..I wouldn't see Leafy for a while..
I felt myself slightly tearing up, and quickly wiped them away as I went downstairs to show my mom.
"Oh it looks amazing on you! I can't believe you're a senior!"
"Yea...I can't believe it either.."
"Is something wrong? Aren't you excited?"
I took the cap off, and the gown.
"It's just... there's this girl I like..but.. shes a junior..I won't see her after this.."
"Is it the nice girl from next door?"
"How did you..."
She laughed, and closed her computer.
"I'm not stupid Firey. I seen how much time you spend with her. You haven't been home in a while either."
"Oh..yea you're right."
"Firey, if your father was here right now, he would relate to you. He was so afraid we would never see each other again after he graduated, but it turned to be the exact opposite. We ended up getting closer. I can't guarantee it will happen with you and the girl, but I bet if you guys try your hardest, you'll make it work."
I smiled, and pulled the jewelry box out of my pocket.
"I actually... got this for her.. do you think she will like it?"
"Oh of course! She'll love it!" My mom held the box in her hand, and I noticed a couple tears stream down her face.
"Mom? What's.."
"Oh it's nothing." She closed the box, and handed it back to me. "This just reminded me of your father before he.."
I hugged her, and stepped back.
"Even though I never got to really meet him, he sounds pretty cool."
After talking with my mom a bit more, she let me go to my room.
I took a deep breath, and looked out my window, to see Leafy's room.
I shouldn't look in..but what's she doing?
She was pacing back and forth, before sitting on her bed.
I closed my curtain, and laughed to myself.
"It's not like me to spy on her..if I wanted to know what she was doing, I would text her."
I laid down on my bed, and took my phone out.
I gave someone a call.
"Hey. can I tell her?"
"You're..asking me?"
"Well..I mean you make it look so easy.."
"Hmm..well you got her a gift right?"
I looked at the jewelry box in my hands, and smiled.
"Well, I'd suggest just..telling her. In your own words. Just say how much you love her and how you hope she feels the same. I can't really guide you on this like you think..I haven't spoken to her in years."
"'re right. When do I give her the gift?"
"After you tell her."
"Got it. Well..that takes care of that, how are you doing?"
I talked to her the rest of the night, for the first time as friends.

Leafy's POV

I fell back onto my bed, feeling the loneliness settle in.
There wasn't laughter coming from downstairs anymore.
Firey wasn't in here anymore, sleeping.
All that joy that's been here..seemed to be gone.
I wanted to give Firey a call, but it would make me seem clingy, so I decided against it.
I wrapped myself in my blanket, I was freezing already. Sure, I had a heater, but it wasn't even that cold. And besides..I only had a little bit more money to be able to pay the bills here.
My parents both died, the cause?
Someone hit them while driving.
They had signed previously for me to inherit the home, since I was an only child, and..When they died..I was left with hundreds upon hundreds of dollars.
My dad owned a business, while my mom had owned a couple bakeries.
I couldn't take over either of their jobs until I was 21. Which was only...3 years or so away.
But..I didn't have enough money left to keep paying for these bills..unless I somehow came up with more money..
"Hmm..that one grocery store is hiring..I'll apply tomorrow." I said aloud, getting up.
I shut off the lights in my room, and laid down, thinking of them.
My mom was stern, but had a sweet personality. She always knew how to make me feel better.
My dad was stern as well, but was more on the goofy side. He had always said..laughter is gonna help you get through it all.
I sniffled, and let myself cry.
I missed them horribly, i never expected in my whole life they would go so soon.
And even though it's been..4 years or so, I can never get over them.
I used to cry every night over them..until Firey and I got back in contact, and made amends.
He's the reason I'm so much more happier now.
He literally lights up my whole life, he came when I needed him most.
I wiped my tears away, and thought more about Firey, and the main gift I got for him.
He always slept with his light on, that auto shut off when the sun rose.
I smiled, and looked over at it.
"I hope he really does like it."
My phone started ringing, and it was Coiny. He was video calling me.
"Hey Coiny!" I said, jumping up to turn my lights on.
"Leafy!! Just real quick! I just dropped pin off, and she was telling me about the gift you got Firey. Let's see it!" He was getting off his car, swinging his keys around.
I grabbed the box, and showed him it.
"Hey!! That's pretty cool! What colors does it change to?"
I looked at the box, reading it.
"All colors, plus custom colors!"
"You really got him the good kind too. How much did you pay for it?"
"40 bucks. Why?"
He gasped. "Dude seriously? Those go for like 70 everywhere else!"
I laughed, putting the box down. "I guess I'm just lucky."
"Well, I'm positive he will like it. Just wanted to see how you were doing. But I'm gonna go ahead and go to bed. Goodnight Leafy!"
"Goodnight Coiny! Nice talking to you as always!"
I fell on my bed, and sighed.
Even though he was with Pin..I could feel he was jealous somehow..
It was probably nothing. Maybe I'm overreacting.

So Firey has no dad, and Leafy has no parents at all. 😃
Hi again, it's been a week but it felt like forever since I've posted a chapter so here.
1496 Words

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