The Sheet of Paper

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Even though Firey is a grade higher, Him and Leafy are both 18.
If you're new, you'll understand later.
And people who are re-reading this, don't spoil the fun for everyone who's new (:

Leafy's POV

"First day of Junior year, come at me with your best!" I thought. Finally, I was an Upperclassman! Well..sorta. I was, but I wasn't. I took time to put my Music folder in my bag, when I started thinking.
What if this is the year I found love?....
Psh. Nah. That would never happen.
I closed my bag up, and flung it on my back. Running out the door, I had realized I forgot my phone.
"I always forget it somehow..I should play music or something in the morning to remind me." I said out loud as I went back to my room.

Firey's POV

I groaned as my alarm went off. "Senior year...what do you have in store for me..?" I thought to myself. I turned the alarm off, trying to not fall back asleep.
Rolling off my bed, my Mom came in, startled to see I was on the floor.
"Oh..i was just about to wake you're late for school." My mom said. I could tell she was containing a laugh. I pushed myself up, and got dressed.
She worked as a nurse in the hospital, so it was nice to see her for once.

-Time skip to school-

As I walked into the school, I heard people talking about me. I was probably the most popular guy in school. Everyone loved me. And it was thanks to my loving girlfriend, Puffball..i Just had to find her. She was always all over the place. I noticed Coiny with a couple people in the distance. As I walked towards them, i thought of a plan to Piss off Coiny. Then I'd ask if they knew where Puffball is. A 2 in 1 deal if you ask me.

Leafy's POV

"Oh he comes.." Coiny said softly. I turned to see a tall guy..Firey? What was he doing here? His popularity angered me. He used to be the nicest person, but now he was so stuck up and mean.
I'll admit, he was once my childhood crush...and now my 'enemy'
"Hey Coinyyy~" Firey said, squeezing in between him and Pin.
Coiny groaned. "What do you want Firey? I'm not really in the mood."
"Wow, that's kinda harsh. I just wanted to know if you wanted to-"
I cut him off. "Firey, why can't you just leave him alone?" I said. He was annoying me, something that not a lot people can accomplish.
He shot a glare at me, and stood up. Walking to me, he placed his hand on my head, and started messing with my hair. He ruffled it up hard, and I flinched in pain.
Coiny got up, and shoved Firey away from me.
"Leave." He said flatly. "You're girlfriend is waiting over there." Firey seemed pleased, and left. I looked at Coiny, and smiled. "Thank you"

Firey's POV

Don't get me wrong, Leafy's good and all..hell, cute even, but something about her ticks me off.
She had a chance for popularity once, but declined it. The reason? She wanted to do band instead, and that wasn't something everyone really looked forward to.
I mean..i love the band here, don't get me wrong, but I never really liked the idea of joining it. I shoved these thoughts away and found Puffball, hanging out with Pencil and Pen. Pencil was an ex band member, and Pen was on the Football team. Him and Pencil were dating, but they both always seemed off about the whole thing. I ran to puffball and hugged her tightly.

-Time skip to Class-

I walked to my first period, Chem Honors, and sat to..none other than Leafy. The teacher walked in, and immediately said those were our seats for the year. I sighed, and heard her sigh softly. The teacher passed out schedules for the rest of our classes, and I read it to myself.
1st Chemistry Honors
2nd - [Free Period]
3rd - Senior English
4th - French 2
5th - A.P U.S History
6th - Marching Band
Wait...Does that say...Band??
I looked it over again, and it was there. I have to fix that quickly.

Leafy's POV

I looked at my schedule, and was pleased with myself.
1st - Chemistry Honors
2nd - Algebra 3 Honors
3rd - A.P Euro
4th - Junior English
5th - Art 2
6th - Marching Band
7th - Jazz Band
Finally! I've gotten into honors classes! (If only I could do that.) I glanced at Firey's, and seen he was in Band. Since when was he a musical guy?

The day went on, and it was Lunch. I sat at a table with my band friends. I played Euphonium, though lately it's been boring me. The table consisted of me, Coiny, who played Piano, Bubble, Needle, who both played Flute, and there was Pin, Who was on Alto Sax. We chatted a bit about our classes, when Firey and Puffball became the topic.
"She's a user Leafy." Coiny began, "When have you ever seen her single? She always dumps one guy and the same day goes to the next."
Everyone else nodded in agreement, but I sat confused. No one can be that bad...right? The bell rang, and i dashed off to 4th period.

-Woah what do you know, it's ANOTHER time skip-

I walked to The Band room with glee, it was my favorite class of the day. I looked over at my Section, and waved happily. I sat down, and the teacher, Mr. Note, began class. We played a bit, and he began a speech. However, it was interrupted by the door opening slowly. I looked over, and seen Firey standing there, arms crossed, looking nervous. He's never looked years. Last time he did was when he asked Puffball out in 8th grade. Mr. Note turned to him, and motioned him to come in. He did, and they walked into Mr. Notes office.

Firey's POV

I just..i don't know why I'm doing this, but it seems..right somehow. I was pulled into the band teachers office, where he asked me to introduce myself. I did so, and he asked what instrument I played. I began to panic, and looked around the room.
"U-uh..Eu..Euphonium?" I said, trying to stay calm. What the hell was that? He smiled though, and walked outside, motioning me to come out. He called someone out, and they came over.
"Autumn, set this kid up with an instrument." The teacher told him. The kid nodded, and pulled me into in instrument room.

"So, Euphonium huh? How long have you been playing?" Autumn asked, pulling a case out.
"I've never played before.."
"Figured. Here, you'll be sitting at the end of the row."

I sat down with the group of people who were on the instrument I claimed I played. They all waved, except was Leafy. She sat next to me. She stared off into a sheet of paper on a stand, and asked the one next to her, Diamond, about something. I just realized. I had no idea how to play this thing, and no clue how to read music.
"Senior year..." I thought "What have you placed me in?"

When you

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