It's No Dream

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This chapter really hurt me to write in a couple parts, it reminded me of an ex of mine. I know it was best for us to split..but I still think of him sometimes. I don't like him anymore, but yea.

I woke up, and...Firey was gone. He wrapped me up in a sweet of him..
I was about to text him, when I seen something on my dresser.
It was a small note, for me.
I picked it up, and opened it to read its contents.

Hey Leafy, had to run out with my mom to the store. I'll be back later. Take care of yourself, will you? I love you a lot, remember that. I'm bringing you back something sweet. I know you have a sweet tooth. Again, I love you very much, my adorable girlfriend. Let's make it far together. I love you to the moon and back. - Firey

I smiled big, and hugged the blanket.
Tomorrow was our first month together, and even though I didn't get him anything, he didn't mind..but I felt bad though. For whatever reason, he insisted I don't get him anything, or else he wouldn't give me my gift that he apparently got for me.
I got out of bed, stretching. It was about 12pm.
I walked over to the fan, shutting it off.
Ever since Firey and I got together, I've been sleeping really good, sleeping in really late instead of waking up at weird, crazy times.
Even though Firey and I spent literally as much time as possible together..
I really missed him when he was gone.
I never forced him to come back though when he'd leave, he has a life too, as do I. We need time apart sometimes. We need space.
I decided to pick up my phone and see what was going on with everyone, I had a lot of texts from Pin..
All of the texts from her..'Call Me' over and over.
Oh no..what if something was wrong? What if..
I jumped as it started ringing. I nervously picked it up, sitting back down on my bed.
She was sniffling on the other end. Oh no..
"'d tell me anything...right?"
"Of course Pin! Anything! What do you want to know?"
She went quiet, before speaking again.
"He..he kissed you twice?"
"W-who did?"
"Coiny..he kissed you. Right?"
I went quiet. Do I tell her?
"Leafy..answer me. I knew about the first time. Please..just tell me. Did he kiss you twice?" I could tell she was holding back on sobbing. "Are you there? I..I just want to know the truth."
"I..I'm here..and..he..he did.."
She hung up, and I sat there, in silence, shaking a bit.
I wonder how she found out?
And.. she knew about the first time? Did she help Coiny plan it or something?
I looked up at the door opening, Firey walked in with a small bag.
"Hey." He gave me a loving smile.
"H-hi.." I tossed my phone on the bed, and ran to hug him.
" missed me a lot..didn't you?" He carefully put the bag down, and picked me up, spinning me around.
"A lot..I'm so happy you're back.."
We shared a kiss, and he put me down, handing me the bag.
"I got you a couple pastries from the bakery. I hope you like them."
"Oh..thank you Firey!"
I pulled one out, and took a bite, immediately smiling.
"Is it good?"
"Very! Thank you Firey!!" I said, quickly taking another bite.
He laughed, and walked over to my bed, sitting down.
He practically lived here at this point, it was kind of his second home.
"So, anything new?" He asked, connecting his phone to my speaker.
"Hmm..oh! Pin called me!"
"Did she? What happened?"
I savored the last bit of the pastry, and laid down next to Firey, who started playing music.
"Well, I guess she found out about Coiny kissing me."
"Did she? What makes you say that?"
I told him what happened, and how she screamed at him before hanging up.
"Huh. I wonder how she found out." Firey responded, playing with my hair.
My phone started ringing again, and I looked. It was pin. I answered it, putting it on speaker so Firey could listen in.
"Hello? Pin? Is everything alright?"
"Why didn't you guys tell me about this?"
"We know he still likes you Pin. We wanted to give him a chance to redeem himself." Firey said, staring at the ceiling.
"You guys..don't know how much this hurts.."
"Pin, he didn't know what he was doing. Give him time, and he'll come back to you. He'll apologize, and be a better boyfriend to you."
"Are..are you sure?" She sounded like she calmed down a bit.
"Oh I know so. He cares about you a lot. Get some rest, calm down, and just forget about it for now."
"I..ok..I'll do that. Take care of yourselves. I'm..gonna go."
She hung up before we could say bye, and I looked at Firey.
"How did you know what to say?"
"I just said what came first my mind. was your morning? Or did you wake up in the afternoon?"
"It's..been pretty good. I just woke up a bit ago. How long have you been gone?"
"Mmmm maybe like 2 hours."
"Oh..where did you go?"
"Hm? Oh. Grocery store. Had to get some groceries for the week for my mom."
"Speaking of that..Um.."
"Yes leafy?"
" know you don't have to be here everyday..right?"
"Oh. I know, but let's be real. We live next door to one another. Why wouldn't I make the effort to be here as much as possible?"
"...that's true.."
"Unless you don't want me to be here everyday! I-I can always go if you ever need a break!"
"Don't worry about it Firey! I just...felt like you thought you needed to be here."
"Oh leafy..I'm here everyday and night because I love you. If I ever don't wanna come by, then I'll tell you. But I love being here with you. If you ever want me to leave, then you tell me, and I'll be out. Ok?"
"I will..but for now..."
"Can we..Just cuddle?"
"Sure. Come here."

Firey's POV

As leafy fell back asleep, I started thinking.
How did i get so lucky with her?
She perfect, gentle, there was so much that was good about her.
I put my hand in my pocket, and pulled the box out. The one with the locket.
She was asleep, so she wouldn't see it.
I opened it up, and smiled as it reflected leafy.
She was gonna love this.
Since tomorrow would mark our first month together, I was gonna give it to her.
Hopefully..nothing went wrong..
The thought that something would happen before I give it to her wouldn't leave my mind.
I looked at her, I knew even though right now she was all sunshine and roses, she could easily change. And yea, that's how people are..but..she was different.
She was..not like other people I've dated.
More on the clingy side, which was alright, I'm a clingy guy myself. Even more now that I finally have her in my life. But...she was...kind of obsessive..
A-and I didn't mind!
I just..hope she'll tone it down a bit if we continue to stay together. I don't expect anything now, Im still nervous about having her with me after so long.
I closed up the box and put it in my pocket as she adjusted herself, cuddling closer to my chest.
She was shivering.
"Psst,.leafy..are you cold?" I whispered, placing my hand on her cold face.
"M...mhmm...I' get warm..."
"Well..come closer! I won't bite!"
She giggled quietly, and did just that.
I played some slow music to help her sleep, and kissed her gently.
"I love everything.."
I whispered, she was already snoring.
I knew at this point..

Even though this all felt like a dream..

It was all real.

I really had her in my life. I really had her with me.

I'm crushing so hard on If it seems there's a lot of lovey stuff going on, just know it's just me spilling my feelings about her in here. God..I love her so much.

1474 Words

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