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Sorry to blow up your notifs, I'm just changing up stuff haha

Puffballs POV

"The nerve of her!" I told Pencil as we walked to First period.
"I know! How rude of her!" She replied.
"Don't call me- I mean...Yea?"
I looked ahead as we walked.
"Was what leafy said..true?"
"W-which part?"
"The part when she said you"
"What?! Of course not Puffy!"
I slapped Pencil.
"Don't call me Puffy. Only Firey calls me that."
"R-right. Sorry. I forgot."
"Anyways, good to know we've cleared this up."
"You know, if I was caught being friends with someone who's gay, that would look really bad on me. I don't have a problem with people like that, I just-"
Pencil went quiet.
"You listening? Does it make sense to you?" I asked.
"Yea. It makes sense. Your whole popularity would collapse."
"Precisely. Well, this is my class. See you Pencil! We'll talk later ok?"
"Yea. See you!"

Leafy's POV

"Hey Firey." I said. We were doing a group project for Chem. And of course we got partnered to work together.
"What's up?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"What do you mean?" He asked, looking up.
"After what I said to Puffball and Pencil."
He thought for a moment.
"Well, what you said to Puffy was uncalled for."
I hung my head low.
"However...what you said to Pencil.."
"Is that true?"
I looked at him.
"Her being gay?"
He nodded.
"That. That's true."
He froze.
"She's...I knew it!" He shouted. Everyone in the class turned to him.
"Is there something you want to share Firey?" The teacher asked, looking up from the computer.
I giggled.
"N-no. Sorry." Firey put his hands on his face to contain his embarrassment.
The class laughed, and went back to work.
"I knew it..." he whispered.
"For how long?" I asked curiously.
"Ever since her and Pen got together."
"Her and Pen are dating??" I asked.
"How the way..I never got to thank you for helping me out."
"Ah it was nothing. Even though you were saying that stuff to puffball, I didn't wanna see you get your face bashed in." He shot me a smile.
We worked on the project some more, until the bell rang.
"Well..I'll talk to you later Leafy. I gotta share this with Puff-"
"NO!" I yelled, grabbing his arm.
"H-huh? Leafy? What're you doing?"
"Don't tell her yet!" I said.
"O...ok?" He pulled his arm away, and started to make his way down the hall. He put his hand up in the air, this was his way of waving goodbye.
I smiled, and turned, walking to my next class.
Maybe..maybe he wasn't that bad.

•t i m e s k i p•

I had my music folder under my arm, I was walking to band.
"Hey. Leafy." A voice called out. I turned.
"Oh...heyyyyy Pencil..." I said. I stepped back.
"Why'd you say that stuff to Puffball?! Do you know what she would do to me if she knew?!" She walked closer to me, gripping my shoulder. Hard.
" were butting in and I wanted you to shut up!" I said.
"You know, you didn't have to say that I was gay! You could've said anything else!" She growled.
"Pencil?" A voice asked. We both looked back.
"M-match?" Pencil said, letting go of me.
"What are you like, doing here?"
Pencil stepped back.
"What's it to you?"
Match kept her glare, and sighed.
"Leafy, just...go inside. I'll like, talk to Pencil." Match said, pulling my arm.

I walked in, and the last thing I seen before the door closed was pencil screaming at match.
They were fighting again.

"Hey leafy!" Firey said as I sat down.
"Hi Firey. Ready for practice today?"
"Wait. That's today?!" He asked.
"Yes!! I told you last night!"
He sighed.
"I'm supposed to hang with Puffball today! It's to make up for hanging with you!"
"Well, you gotta cancel." Autumn said.
"Or what?" Firey asked.
"You get kicked. Note is VERY strict with this." I said.
"Leafy's right. We used to have another person in the section, Strawberry. She missed one day of summer school and was kicked." Autumn said, and sat.
"Yeesh. Ok. Well, I'll see what I can do.." Firey said.
Today's class included us not playing, but Mr Note lecturing us about how we need to pay our fees, or else he would cut competitions.
Nothing new. We got this a lot.
The class ended, and before getting ready for Jazz Band, I talked to Firey.
"Don't forget! Practice in an Hour!" I said, and heard him groan.
He better show up. Or else...I'll yell at him. Not really, I couldn't bring myself to yell at people.

Firey's POV

How on earth am I going to tell Puffball about this? I was gonna have to think quickly. She was coming closer.
"Hey Puffball."
"Oh! Firey! Ready to go?"
"Actually...I have to stay for Tutoring."
"What? For how long?"
"A-an hour or Two."
"You Don't HAVE to go. Come on! Let's go!"
She grabbed my arm.
"Let's go."
I pulled it away, and walked backwards.
"I'm gonna go. I need to graduate."
"You better show up later then!!" She yelled angrily.
"I'll be there when I be there." I said, and turned around, walking away.

(Guess who deleted the art because I hate it (: )

She may have control on most of my life, but not this.
I want to give this a try.
See if I like it.
Besides...she's the one who told me how bad it was.
I never really...had an actual opinion on this. far..I like it.

-time skip again last one this chapter I swear- killed me.
My legs were in pain, my arms hurt.
But was kinda fun!
"Here Firey." Leafy said, tossing me a water.
"Tired huh?"
"Yea...this is..." I took a breath. "This is what you guys do every other day?"
"Yep. Don't worry. You'll get used to it!" Autumn said, as he passed by.
I walked Leafy home, then made my way to puffballs house.
Knocking, I sighed.
The door opened, and i expected to see Puffball, but instead it was Pencil.
"Hey. She's been expecting you." Pencil said.
"Greatttt.." I replied, walking in.
"Firey? You were supposed to be here-" Puffball began.
"You said later. It's later." I cut her off.
"Whatever. Anyways...did you hear what happened to Pencil?"
I tilted my head in curiosity.
"No? What happened Pencil?" I asked, turning to her.
"Match beat the hell out of me." Pencil said softly.
"Oh..why?" I asked.
"We got in a fight." She said.
I sighed.
"What did you and Match fight about?" I asked Pencil.
She went silent.
"I....i don't wanna talk about it." She said.

It's raining right now oohh
1177 Words

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