She's Stupid Pretty

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First time listening to the song in its entirety.
Probably should've listened to it while I was sad because I think that's the trend, but I'm in a happy mood and the whole time I was like :D

Whole chapter is Firey's POV, nice

Firey's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, shaking.
Another bad dream. How wonderful.
I couldn't remember what it was about, but it seemed to have messed me up bad if I woke up.
I turned to see Leafy was gone, and Coiny was asleep, along with Pin.
I stood up, and stretched, before quietly walking up the stairs.
Leafy's light was on in her room, and the door was slightly cracked open.
I could hear her humming to herself, and I decided to go in.
"Hey Leafy?" I whispered.
She jumped, and she turned quickly to face me.
"F-Firey?? Stop scaring me! Do you know what time it is?"
"I don't.." I laughed. "What time is it?"
"It's 3am.."
"Well then, what are you doing awake?"
"Oh..I was actually going to go back to bed right now, I just got up to get some water."
Leafy sat on her bed, and smiled.
"Why are you awake?"
"I couldn't sleep." I partially lied.
"You can sleep here again if you'd like. I was gonna sleep here but I can go back downstairs."
I thought for a minute, before walking to her bed and sitting next to her.
"Can you sleep with me again?"
Her face flushed red, and she began stuttering.
"W-well..i can..I-if that's what you want."
I laughed, and laid down, my legs still dangling off the side of the bed.
"Only if you're comfortable with it. I'd never force you to."
She laid down, and faced me.
"I don't mind."
I smiled, and held my arms out. She hugged me, and I was happy.
I can't wait to confess to her and be able to call her my own.
I heard her take a breath of relief, and she snuggled closer to me.
"How are you so warm Firey?" She whispered to me. She was falling back asleep.
"Your guess is as good as mine."
"You know..I can't wait to spend today with you and everyone else. I'm going to go back to sleep.."
"Alright. Goodnight Leafy."
"Goodnight Firey.."
As I heard her snoring, I held her closer to me.
"You're asleep..but I love you. Sleep well." I closed my eyes, smiling.

As I opened my eyes to the sunlight entering the room, I looked at leafy, who was still sleeping.
"I wonder what time it is.."
I carefully got out of the bed, without waking her, and made my way downstairs.
Pin was still sleeping, but Coiny was wide awake.
He was all dressed, and ready to go.
"Oh you're awake. Nice. I was getting bored." He said, walking to the kitchen.
"Haha..yea. What time is it?"
"Mmmmm it's about 7am. You had a rough night?"
"Eh.. kinda. I woke up from a bad dream, and went up to sleep with Leafy again."
"Ohh getting friendly with her I see." Coiny smirked, getting some cereal out.
"Shut up. We didn't do anything."
"So you guys really just sleep? No cuddling? Nothing like that?"
I sighed. "Well I did 'cuddle' with her, only because she likes how warm I am."
"Well hey, at least she's getting closer with you. You want some?"
I nodded, and Coiny handed me the box of cereal and milk.
"Ga..huh? Where am I?" We heard pin mumble.
"I'll be back. Pin's up." Coiny walked over to her, and I watched as he was loving towards her, and how she was back.
I felt jealous. I wanted what they had.
The way they loved each other...
I wanted that with Leafy.
"Soon myself. Soon." I whispered to myself.
I smiled as Coiny looked back at me, and I continued to eat.

Now that everyone had eaten and gotten ready, Coiny and Pin were sitting in the car, waiting for Leafy and I.
I stood by the doorway, waiting for her.
"Leafy come on! Coiny and Pin are waiting on us!"
"Just a minute! I'm grabbing my backpack!"
We were going back to the mall again, but the Yoyle City one. It was bigger, better, and..
Well it was just better then the Goiky mall.
"Leafy let's go!!" I jokingly yelled.
"I'm coming!!" Leafy replied, running down the stairway, skipping a couple steps.
"Leafy! Be careful!" I began running towards her. "You're going to-"
She tripped, and fell on me, my back hitting the floor.
I gasped for air, as did she.
"S-sorry Firey!!" She said, quickly getting off of me.
"D-don't worry about it..are you ok at least?"
"That's all that matters. Let's go." I said, getting myself up.
Both of us walked to the car, her shaking a bit.
"You alright?" I asked, opening the door.
"I'm good, I'm just a bit shaken up because that scared me."
I laughed, and we got in.
"Alright! Yoyle City Mall here we come!" Coiny said enthusiastically.
"I wonder what they've got there!" Pin said, turning back to leafy.
"I wonder what kind of sweets they have there." I said, smiling.
"Of course that's all you think about!" Leafy said jokingly.
"Oh ha ha. And what do you want to see there?"
"I want to see if they have any Yoyle berries. I heard they're really good."
"Well we are heading to Yoyle City. If they don't have any ill be shocked." Coiny replied. "I want to check out their Yoyle Berry infused foods."
"Ok. So 3 out of the 4 of us are going mainly for food." Pin rolled her eyes, and we laughed.

As we reached the mall, We walked around the many stores, checking out what all of them had.
I somehow got lost in the crowd, and I couldn't find them.
"Great." I said out loud.
I pulled my phone out, and texted Leafy.
She said she'd wait in the food court for me, that wasn't long off.
As I walked over, I noticed a store catch my eye.
A jewelry store.
I remembered how Leafy told me one night she loved lockets, and wanted to get one of her own some day.
I walked into the store, and looked around. The jeweler...was Diamond?
"Oh hey Fire Boy! I didn't know you lived around here!" She said, hopping off her stool.
"I don't. I live in Goiky. You live here?"
She laughed.
"A little nearby, yes. But closer to Goiky. I work here though. What can I help you find?"
"Hmm..I'm looking for a locket."
"Gold or silver?"
"What's cheaper?"
"It really just depends on what it is exactly you're looking for. We are having a sale on our 14 Karat Gold right now."
"Alright! Let's see it!"
She showed me the many different lockets, all unique in their own way.
There was a simple gold locket, and some with designs on them. And some had words.
"Do you like any of these?"
"I'm really liking the simple one. Can I get that heart shaped one?"
"Of course!"
I smiled, and pulled my wallet out.
"How much is this going to cost me?"
"Well with our sale going on, it's going to come out to...$60."
"Why so low?" I said as I handed her the money.
"We're moving locations, so everything here has to go." She gave me my receipt, and handed me the locket, which she placed in a box.
"So..tell me. What's the occasion?"
"I'm sorry?" I tilted my head in confusion.
"The locket. Who's it for?"
I smiled. "It's for Leafy. I'm planning on confessing to her when we go to that amusement park in a couple weeks."
"I knew you had feelings for her!!! I knew it!!" Diamond was jumping up and down, before running around the counter and squeezed me.
"She'll love this!! I know she will!! She totally likes you! I hope it all turns out well for you guys!" She let go of me, and smiled big.
"Thanks Diamond! I'll be seeing you!" I said, making my way out.
"So long Fire Boy! See you soon!"
I made my way to the food court, putting the box in my pocket.
"There you are! You took forever!" Leafy joked.
"Sorry, I got a bit distracted."
She rolled her eyes, and we continued to walk together throughout the mall, looking for Coiny and Pin.
As we passed another Jewelry store, I noticed Leafy looked in.
"What're you looking for?"
"Ah..a locket still. But these ones are too expensive. I'm in no rush though. I'll find one when I find one."
I smiled.
This would be the perfect gift.

Haha Fire Boy.
Ok but no joke I looked up how much a gold locket was and on this one website literally all their jewelry was half off.
Just look at this

He got her that real gold Anyways, have a good day/night! I'll try and see if I can finish the next chapter quickly like I did with this one

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He got her that real gold
Anyways, have a good day/night!
I'll try and see if I can finish the next chapter quickly like I did with this one.
1542 Words

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