The First Confrontation

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Let's watch bee movie

Leafy's POV

Firey and I walked into the school, and immediately I heard whispers coming from everywhere.
"Why would she do that?" One girl said.
"I don't know, but Puffball sure is pissed." Another chimed in.
"Poor Firey, he doesn't know what's coming.." a guy said.
"Firey...are...are they talking about us?" I asked quietly.
"Seems like it. Just ignore them." He whispered back.
We split ways, and I walked to my friends.
"Hey guys!" I greeted.
Pin looked at me, and looked away.
"Hi Leafy." Coiny said, looking down.
"Uh..what's wrong?" I asked, sitting down.
"Leafy..haven't you heard?" Needle asked.
"No...? Heard what..?"
"Puffball spread to everyone that You're trying to steal Firey from her.." Bubble said.
"She what?" I yelled out.
"SHHHH!!" Everyone except Teardrop said.
"She wants to fight you in Front of the school later today. " Pin said.
"I..I can't fight!" I said.
"Well..then you need to make things right with her!" Coiny said.
"Coiny's right! Try talking to her right now!" Pin said.
"I don't even know where she is!" I said, I could feel myself shaking already.
"She's over there.." Bubble said, pointing me in her direction.

I stood up from the table, and made my way over to her.
What would I say?
What would I do?
"Ah...look who decided to finally show up." Puffball said. Her friends giggled. Firey sat there, nervously.
"Yea. Uh huh. Look, I don't want to fight you." I said, keeping my hands down.
"Aww why not? Afraid I'll kick your ass?" Puffball said as she stood up.
That's it. The anger inside me needed to come out.
"No. I'm afraid I'll break one of your fragile nails and you'll run off screaming and crying since you're such a sensitive bitch. You think you're sooo big and bad, yet here you are. At the end of the day, you're just a nobody like me."
Did I..
Did I just say that?
"What did you say?!" Puffball had one of her hands in a fist.
"Wow. Seems like you can't hear either. You'd think a little perfectionist like yourself wouldn't have problems with her hearing."
'Great.' I thought. 'Why'd I say that? She's pissed.'
"Oh you did it now. How dare you think you can talk like that to me and get away with it."
She was about to hit me in the face, when Firey grabbed her arm.
" Let's settle this differently."
"Oooooo" Pencil said.
"Oh why don't you shut your mouth Pencil?" I said. "You're the one who's lying to everyone."
Why am I saying this?? I-I don't want to end up dead in a ditch..
"What do you mean?" Puffball said, trying to break free from Firey. "Pencil would never lie!"
"You didn't know?" I said, looking at Pencil.
"Leafy.." She growled.
"What? You don't want everyone here to know that you're gay and you're only dating Pen just because you couldn't bring yourself to ask out-"
"SHUT UP!!" She screamed. She was blushing hard.
"Leafy." Firey said. I looked towards him.
He signaled me to go with his free arm, and I nodded.
"Get back here!! We're not done!!" Puffball yelled out as I walked away.
"You better be at the front after school!!"
"'d it go?" Pin said.
"Not good." I said.
"We could tell from Pencil screaming."
"So...are you going to meet her at the front after school?" Bubble asked.
"Hell no." I began. "I'm not gonna risk hurting myself."
'Or breaking one of her nails.' I thought.
Suddenly, the bell rang.
"Well, I guess it's time for class. I'll see you all in 6th!" Coiny said, and began to walk to class.
"Bye!" I said.

I couldn't help but think of Firey's action there.
Sure, all he did was grab her arm to keep her from escalating the situation...but..
He did it to protect me.
And..I needed to thank him for that.

There was no way I could make this any longer.

680 Words

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